EWEB C ontinuod from Paur I !k ii iK \ m the engineermg rle pnrtment .1 nd for tightening loose management in sc' oral (it In *i departments li .in Inn! no pistil table hm son tin this ,ii lion. I lendfk k son s.iul 'We li.ive enormous |ititili( conlideru i' in this ulili t\ Tlie u.n this is being hail illi'il tonight is sit k ft is ,i pel son.ilitv i imflii t between tun ho.nil members I think this is extremely shortsighted I iceman supported I Icn ill ii kson s ohjei I n ms and ah stained in a i ote to install Kan 11\ Hergren as ai ting interim general manager Solin and I lendrii kson e\ i hanged heated lemarks betme Willis who \ oleil in lavan of tiling Reeder. internipted and said rliis is an extremeU dll In nil dei ision. lint I think it is in the best interest o! the ntill t\ Solin did not allow Keedei to make .m\ (umments .it the hearing saving tli.it she was no I*>iivi«-1 general m.magei then? lore shi’ whs not entilleil to 111.ike .1 sl.ileinent lie ,ittenipt eil In move on to tile next item on tin i \ euing's agenda However I lendr u kson stooil up .mil i'\( l.nmeit II \ mi'll e\l use me l lll hiding r.ltllel snk She .mil Keeiler walked out ot I lie ii >i mi .is the mul tent i' gave them both l ( npitnl df \elopnlenl These rash reserves have been used in the |i1 I lannlton « aide ria to im|>n>vi• sen h e Halit ot k said Miitlemi/eil produt lion tat ilities v\ ill permit lntitl st'i \ it t- to offt-i a witlt’i menu se let titm. \\ e will t (instrilt t a st alter ha\ s\ stem. withIt will ci 1 low .in expanded menu lor si 11 denis instead of the current (.atoterin line system H.iIk ;oi k s.nd I lie ijualiH ,ind speed ol ser\ K e \\ ill be greath mi proved The dining area of the i afele n.i \\ ill also lie improved to ol fer .1 more pleasing environ ment to diners. It.ibi oi k said *6.99 Any Two Toppinq Large ( I 4") Pizza (hum) J 2 2 2H .mil S I onI\ I«i Ki Out \\.i i I,»I>It Wo Nave Keejs and Party Kails to Go!! 344.447 | 14th & Alder 7**0 1 I Uhl O K I ♦ H P ( s | { 344-447 1 Open i I I D.iik .VIII Week, nils WINTER TAN SPECIAL $5.00 Off Current Trices SunShower Tanning Center ON CAMPUS 874 E 13th Ave • Upstairs by Kinko s • 485 2323 ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER SPECIALS Good Thru March 13. 1990 1 SunShower Tanning Center VW arc Iht sun salon most tomementlv hunted for students faculty and staff 1 line h study break between ( hisses whenever you ha\e .1 little e\tra tirm you t ,111 tuk» a minub 1 .nation and relax in our dee()l> soothiiuj sunln .Is t njoy tin vs.irmth and void t hoice <*f musn as vou icqain that lust ions summer t olor 874 E 13th Ave • Upstairs by Kinko s • 485 2323 WOlFh A ■ ;a, med M WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS « 15% off all N€*US products! I xpirt's Man li I", PrECIS/M Uu AND TANNING 'sm I MISTS I \ CUTTING H\IR n\ S 1 (th MiKard • 4H1 i 14 i In thr s,u ((*(1 lirart Marking strut lure ( )\ (. \MIT S $9 20% OFF Any Dinner Item f liberie Store Onl> Valid 1:00-8:00 p.m. Sot ^imh! with ,nn <»th**t tii-.* ount o» promotion i ,i «uJ !h'» uii*h M.ift h 1\ INTERNATIONAL HOUSE *'»***«. RESTAURANT *45-9976 555 E. Broadway INTERNATIONAL BOUSE rtkKAMs. RESTAURANT 345-9976 Good things cookin'. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. OPEN 24 HOURS To orders available 355 E. Broadway 344-6634 I " * M » l • s '*» '* «■* 1 Us i tu • • N ill •» I * i ,v S.|I 146 K. 11 111 Ll/NCHEON SPECIALS • Copaeola Provolone Burner • Grilled Tarragon Chicken Sandwich Bring a friend and get 25% Off the price of your lunches! I k pi res * * I *#> IOrr off dinner specials Tues and Wed 344-6634 146 K. 11th