Sports. McMenomy ( ontinued from P.igt1 idle ihf players nn pr.u Ik <• (lass In set up lie tilings till' bulls vv.itfM bnltb's and (links up In the i null .111(1 helps tllf pi,nets with any eiplipnienl problems lliev in.i\ hast' 1 luring I lie pi .it fit e Mi Mennim inns the t ltn ks Ini the ( imi lies .mil i mis ,in\ nei essarx eirands Mtei prat in e lie waits iiulil everybnih has left and then puts everything ,m ay During Inune games. Mi Mennim is in i harge nl las dig uni the players' iinifntins and organizing (lie moppets I he moppets are the young ( hildren ss llu help s\\ eep and \\ ipe up the i mill al home games Mi Mennms is also responsi hie tor helping In lake i are nl learns that are visiting M.n 1 null It i learn has a prat In e nl shun around scheduled al M a Mi Mennmv said. I m retpiired In he arniind during It to gel thrill whatever the\ net'll or it I I no t lie there to make sure somrbods is there toi them Most jobs have a good Mile ami a hail side to them, and \h Meiionn s is no dillerenl Ms favorite part of the job is when we win bet ause it puls esersbods in a stood mood and that makes ms juli easier Mi Menotnv said "Oil the oili er hand the worst part of the job is prohahlv i arrvmg all the hags of the load Ills |oh not seem like mm h. bill he k nows that it lie does a good job it is one less thing that the plasers and i iiai lies will base to worn ala ml Mi Menoim ‘s hours im the |ob .ire long but he isn’t i oil) plaining Ile rei eises a 1 nil si holarship (ot Ins efforts out of (oath Munson’s basketball budget 1’liis i ombineil ss ith the i ham e to travel makes the pat kage too good to turn dovs it ( 'o,<( h Munson lias I wen great In me Mi Meitnim salt! I've met ,t Int grade point aveiage Intramural Results February 23 & 24 Men's basketball We Heart Monev 42, I he farm loam 2b ( onme s Kids 4b. Sigma Chi Alpha III 44 The Sand People 48. CWA 46 Bombers 54. Kappa Sig III 42 Kappa Sigma I 61, Fiji I 56 Kunnin' Rebels tlt»f. SAt I (forfeit) fantasy Warehouse 62, Black Panthers 44 Phi Kappa Psi 8), Posse 47 Theta Chi 45, Ruthless 42 Co-ed Basketball Mims! Mans! del. ATO/Tri Delt (torfeit) Pope l u< ifer 47, No Parking Strur tore 44 Men's Raequetball Kappa Sigma II det. Phi Delt II 4-0 CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS FREE CONNECTIONS YES. IT'S TRUE FREE Conrtec lion* ad as long as it is 15 word* or less Send * note to that special tomtom you would like to get to know better or meet lace to lace to* the tirst time or even it you want to hnd someone with the same interests a*, you* own PROMOTION EXTENDED THRU END OF WINTER TERM 100 CONNECTIONS Recycle this paper. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA I! % lime tor you to meet Admiiei Tuesday * 30 in AM Museum See y«* then' your secret front of the 100 CONNECTIONS a-',h W WJ'.uT <• -..I , , The T*-»t Gamma »>!.< *■ ATC **-a? fMfeou ut*s j-arS-f*! i.H vH patties .*0 ; .i»Hes f ii’« ' A • •• a P* • ATTENTION •. B Ma Mu h ••• «.!«• , .. ► The h-..; K.i’m f’.i M ’MAN! ’A a . • - ' > .’ ’ f * • < ’ !■• Thd'-E1 . u If Hu- !*•<•' 'Jive me A 1 7 ( N T ‘;N A,; vVMfN *'a' .\h- g A.Ih la-* «‘ -7 • . W' . Phmm ; , s M.c t-v B.,. '■>*' lot M. A • a' - Aha! Pif ha|'{»r <•..*;} ,-u 100 CONNECTIONS 100 CONNECTIONS f MAN’. If AND THf i l.'ARP P- • p s lonigM Yuor > RapMe* TMrKsltv M.»!'’!> a»’-. • tJandy At- A.11 ••: it' ily' Pii*aV* Tj 1 l*.J I-:. * r i . . t .*• < * • • r Cld> ' . \ I .VANlEt IBM . »■.; ■■ " .* . M;,*' t'c a t!h ' . . ; 1 ,i • , ' ■ i • M/VM i ' S*f- F>,tt- We ‘ Kf'HMlf Tnf mA Htyj ; , ' ,ou - * you ft* -J.: «o« ijornt-f .i! OFS 100 CONNECTIONS iCE 1 Champion high tops and a beau t.fu; jump shot Let % be best friends' Go "l tu ► ne*t game 1 H t>o there B S 0 Wh#"-« S the last lime you sat a? me beach on a ; n-j‘ night with sumn • •in- >a' and watched the stars i,o , together RW (ROM I* f jm-s ,i b-g mar. to .iijm-l Alien he •• A- ,, 1 a*h ho! a tag i’ a M on t n »\y 4 \b hggi Miiili'm-1 hi-si-tu-1 IWdi'r, (>fjfu'< ofSttuL-ni AIkvuo f n iin. ;>l*irtuiuin s fin siu»it-ms (i imvi u u/i the [veudent in Jih'mis i"Uo >'f mnin.ili9 I lours 8:00 In '• ill M I 9:00 In 1:00 Free Luggage Tags wilh piifi h.iM- «>1 am .i• •' n» !m * ( )ft* » I vpirrs M.m h 11 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU t'-' ri\ tv HASTh ,.-A > MfSSY c*J0i K FtuP* TH YOUR a -i HAH06P YOUR FU< _ V65 £U/4«? HtR' wr AT all I *AnA S A ORE A! jiAl A P UVEtVE YEARS SHE WAS AMAYS TWO STEPS BEE : HP '.'t WHENEVER l NEE PEP ■SR h' ’AN" BUY THAT NiNE Of SUPPORT' >. y •;>. ’May 1 M TRJJi Y SORRY THINGS P/PN'T TURN' CUT 0t TTER I MEAN nut tUORKBPON THIS MARRIAGE y w trump hjhai povou MEAN BY ^ tvocm? Sssaj) ON'* CONSULT CD THt BCST PlASTK SUPOTONS IN 7HC COUNTRY BUT Pt OPll- A sU/EF <*yo* M/n Come on in for Hot & Spicy Southern Style Food All food made from scratch with I ivsh Ingredients At Eugene's Only Cajun Restaurant 894 fc 13th • 344-1222 0|H>n Mon-Sat • 11a.m.-9p.m