__Sports Women lose important tilts in LA Playoff hopes dim, but Kasperski's back B\ C am Sivesind Emerald Sports Reporter Playoff ( ham es lituL urim toi the Oregon women's haskethall team after the llmks dropped two games in Los Angeles Sun dav and Friday I he I )m ks fell to Southern ( dldnrnin to< n 1 Sunday night alter losing an even more im portanl battle to l ( I.A Friday ','<11)0 ()regon a team tied tor third \\ ith the Bruins in the I’at ilii 1(1 Oonference going into last Pat-10 W omen r oof Overall (.am** A l W l Stanford Washington UCl A Oregon California Soul horn Cal Washington St Arizona St Art/i -na Oregon St 14 1 13 1 1 1 4 8 6 7 8 6 9 5 9 4 10 3 1 1 1 13 24 1 222 16 9 16 9 16 10 8 16 13 11 13 t? 10 16 6 21 5\ 8 8 10! : 12' wrrkrnti sail inn m >w 11 nds it sr 11 11 I’diiii's !>ai k nt tlu? third plat r Bruins It an\ good new s ( iin t mill' hum «111\ nt tins it would hr that I hr I ha k s sr n mi t ruin Strt.imr kasprrski. who unit nut w dli a tool inim \ rarl\ against l ( I A I t id.i\ night t amr bill k and pla\ rd l‘i nun utrs k.isprrski still managed to do some d.unagr inside at t 11mil latiug IS points She also pullrd down srvrn rrhnunds in lltr I )ui ks It ising rllot I .it l St 1 hr loss to tin* Ingalls nia\ have been morr devastating suit r l St is a tram wrll hrlnu thr Dm ks in thr Pat 10 stand tugs ( )t rgt li t . i »at it I'd W i 11 I |r I n\ blames tin loss on pom re hountiing ant! tutnmms Ki'houniling .mil liimmi'h u .IV i Ifurl V Ihr ililh'IVIK i in night I h'ltn said Tin- 1 lui kv v\err iiutrrliiiuiui i'll In iii bill lIn* filgf n.is mini' apparent in thr ofti'iisivc hoards i|i'|i.irlmi‘iil whrif l In gon grabbl'd 11 In lli«* I ni|.ins 1H Ttirnuvei numbers wi*rr wnisi- .iv Hu- |)m kv 111vi ill.' lull 2 I I inn's i nuiparcd In 1 Ilf I ru j.niv il gn u mi .ii v Flu' iiijnilk-i nl shots put up In tin- I'rojtiuv nun t*vpinnl shooting train. .uni nr iliiln'l 11 *1 it it i ml null vm'II I In i in v.i nl I'lifii utti'iishf rebounding vi 111 nl k lilt'll llv We Inti! till' 1 i.i 11 in nui in mils .mil 111 ■ 111 I i niiif ilou n u ith il l lif 1 )ui kv imi' hi I hr game iig.iinvl llif Troians with .ihoul 1 ) minuli's ri'in.lining, hut I St. pulli-ii au.n trnni Oregon Ini III!' U 111 ★ tMJNDCRlANP + GHE AT fQH PAH T If S AND HlHTNQAVS 5^VinPn ALL GAME S WORK Vf,UtU WlTMNlCKElS GAMES ADMISSION 1 so STH STREET PUIIIC MARKET EUGENE • 6S3 8464 A y Oregon knotted the si ore .it mm .11 the II > I in.ii k nil .1 basket In k.isperski The Tro inns look .1 11 in lead on their next possession and nevei looked hai k I .St steadily mi leased its lead bv going on a nine point streak Ilia! gave them a Iff in lead w illi 1 I remaining (Jregon guard |.n ipne Se menitik tossed in two tree throws to i lit the lead to se\ ell hut the Trojans answered with six more points ol then own I St then led v, 11 with n m to go m the i oiliest The Trojan lead iih leased to IS after loruard Inndu Kennedy sank a three point shot at the a .10 mark Kennedy finished with 1- points on the night eight of w hn h i nine ill the sei mid half I he I )iii ks lough! hni k he hind the tough inside play ol lorryaid I i ilia Mi ( artnev and Seinoiliuk The duo i omtiined tor lit ol the I hu ks next I pm ul s and slashed I lie I i op n leaiI to two al Ii.’ nil with 1 lit to play The w .ix \y e i allle hat k al tile end y\as real good lit'iny said We ai t lull l\ exei uled the offense lor Ihe lust time I i mu made some real good drives, and we got (he hall into Stela11 ie which W e had II I been doing lor Ihe w hole lust hall McCartney who saw limited a. tion against the Uruins lie i a use ol a kidney III lei I loll had a game high I ' points on tor t I shunting I reshitian guard him Masterly dropped in turn Ing tree limn\> flmvit tin' streti h tm 1 Si In se i ure the I rojiin \ n tin \ Oregon gut only mu’ mini' point ulf n tree throw hy haspeiski .uni till' game 1'inli'il till l> I t in vs .1111 I’.iiuttH t l.ininmnil It'll .ill 1 S( M 111 i-rs u illi 1 I uhilc grabbing nine i .linin'. Masterly finished u ith t J points t m the I tin ks sophomore foruartl Shitty U allenlnuu ii.nl 1J. and freshman guard Vanes sa Seldeu added I 1 Semennih hauled in nine hoards In lead llie I tin ks I rid ay night s loss In It I \ yy as a lough one yy it h h aspersk I guiug out yy 11h hei injury Id minutes into the game \h ( .ut ney kidney ailment and all came oft the tieiu h to i hip in III pol III s U ailenbom led the I tm ks yy it h to point s yy Ii I le inloi gn.il d Mn tie I le I hie sank three three pointers tin nine points l lie Hi mils Sandra Van I'.mhi it qs led all si orers yy dll ponds yy hit'* ' ati lung I I le hounds Oregon y\,ts helpless on the tioards yy illimil Kaspei -,k i anil the Drums gratified >7 lehoiimls to the I )m ks IH I tregnri tai e \i i/oiia Slate I hiirsdav night al 'I at Mi Ar Him I uni I hi a nationally tele y ised game all ing on MSl’N HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR THF FOLLOWING SPECIALTIES: BS/BA Physical therapy MSTRS Micro biologist Biochemistry Audiologist Entomologist Indust Hygienest PHD/DOCT Podiatrist Optometrist Clinical Psyh. In aye .'4, l S. ( iti/en, excellent pax ami benefits. Call toll free Mon-I-ri ‘Jam-.'pm xxeokdaxs. 1-800-543-7287. Representative at Placement Center Tl'KSDAV, Feb. 27 10:30-3:00 pm. (Now on Campus) Word Processing Apple-1 BM-Macintosh I (Conversion-Printing-Translation) i Copy Center i i S 344-4510 — I (>()') I Hth • t ugrnr, ( )i l)740 I WWBH 5B5 ZORA NEALE HURSTON ZORA NEALE HURSTON (1891-1960) was a novelist, folk lorist, and anthropologist whose fic tional and factual accounts of black heritage are unparalleled. She is the author of Jonah’s Gourd Vine. Their Eves Were Watching God, Tell My Horse, Dust Tracks on a Road, and Mules and Men. Mules and Men is a treasury of black America’s folklore as collected by a famous storyteller and anthropologist who grew up hearing the songs and sermons, sayings and tall tales that have formed on oral history of the South since the time of slavery. As Zora Neale says, “It was a hilarious night with a pinch of everything social mixed with the sto ry telling...Some of the stories were the familiar drummer type of tale about two Irishmen. Pat and Mike, or two Jews as the case might be. Some were the European folk tales undiluted like Jack and the Beanstalk. Negro imagination is so facile that there was little need for outside help.” The stories, “big old lies," songs, voodoo customs, and super stitions recorded in these pages captured the imagination and bring back to life the humor and wisdom that is the unique heritage of American blacks 20% OFF FEB. 26 MAR. 2 UO Bookstore 1.1th Km .ml M F 7 -u i> 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331 GENERAL BOOK DEPT.