Monday In-Depth I lir Hr/wlilii .in t .nnlitl.ilr l).i\r liiilmm.nm. y/ics In s III) /irn ml .it ,/ /(/css i nnlrrrni r llr\ ,i/sii hriin; hrl/inl In .1 Iny rllnil hum Ins /i.uh Campaign ( ontimicd Irom I’.mr <> .iff r.K e in \\ \inning m HK,1m smiir spei ilii examples Mi ( niiiv sail) It's .1 I.n I it I In ■ \ emplnv tIn-\ n1 neve! going In admit it Botkin.m insisted ! lien- s no subst.ux e to that statement halsiie\ er kumev said lie believes ( iuldsi limidt's dei isiiiii ruit In seek I e idel t lull had nothing !i I do vv ilh tlie ru mors titihisi hmidi saw itave's imidraisitig abdilv tie saw the handle riling mi the wall and that It was going !u lie a lough lai e kiiniev said So lie dropped nut Mi ( mire refused In he I ieve that I minimav el s immev mil a I'lH ed ( alldsi lllllllll s ( 111 III e In w ithdraw M V personal he licit is that made the ilei isiiiii In drop nut even loughet lie said 'Knowing \eil I be I lev. a good light would keep him in lather than si are him oft (midst hmidl w as < »ut i >t t .iihI ( nuId nut lu* nm< lint i miminnt but Ills press s t(i(\ ( h egg k.intni maiuta (midst hmidt dnipped tor t.miiK reasons Work, not inoiiri Set retar\ tit Stall' Hai Roberts who is nuv\ the must I )i nu>i i.11 wine tm nm said she dneso t e\pe iaiM* as mm h t umpaign m as Krohtmtavei tint hum* tin t ional I )etmh t at it Parl\ do has r the same imam lal a as tin* Kepublii arts. Site that doesn't bother lift bo et I \ er\ l.It e I ve eV ei at*aiitsl people i\ hu raised i tnom*v than 1 did. 1 won said Tvr always grassroots « aiupaigits ai don't think I t an he out vm even it I’m out• spent Moreover there is a Im huw mm h mune\ • an !>«• • ti\ el\ spent un < ampa law n i lot nt.n 1 net t i out rbai a tore ivei i | tO esn’t ssets inure she run id I irked ut to ‘Met mns Kn!mm Is siiid i think dun -, ,i satur.itiiin point in tin* (Irr^iii imnii.t -,<» rn it s.' milium w .1 . .hid rd !t vvouhln I mattni sin* said In addition to tin* Krpuhhi an t ‘art v > f mam lal aid . i roll ti mas n s i ampanm will hr as sistrci hv visits from I'rr.hlrnt ( a*'a41* Hush and \ u »• l‘rrst drnt I Ian Uuavlt at « uliillU.' to Hi*rk man I hr pt» mjr111 \\ til hr m t )| rm>n mayhi* rvrn brtorr (hr pi imarv H» i kmah said llrfinr drmrd that (add si h mid I s dn i sum to limp horn tin* ras r m.idr i rohnmav it's i ampaiypi »asiri \ Kr pubiii an rat r is nrv n a tam h in t ) l r <41111 wlirfr I )• Him Ynt ns uutmmihri Rrpuhlii an vot i'ls thrrr !») two hr said ! )a\ r v\ ants this tat r badly and rrr.anllrss ot who’s run 111114 in fhr rata* Daw? is 401114 hi 4l\ r i SO pro **iit to VV ill MftffiW ® Onrntal Buffet l uru h Downstair s i> T r y Our Dinner Upstair s Hours Downilatd { u.v.l >urlrla> . Hours Upstairs Bauik L Kriytir This Paper What Jogged-Out Jocks Say About Onsen Call 345 9048 for retervatiom 1063 Gordon Av* Eug#n# P UO BOOKSTORE BESTSELLERS THIS WEEKS TOP 10 HARD COVERS HARDCOVER FICTION 1 OH THE PLACES YOU'LL GO1 t v Dr ' 2 DEVICES AND DESIRES by P 0 Jam. 3 PALACE WALK by Na.hqrb M • ■,/ 4 AND ETERNITY by Pier . Anlh a , 5 FOUCAULTS PENDULUM by U" : ,-e ! 6 MESSAGE TO THE PLANET try It V .•■! - 7 WHITE NINJA by f n. V Lu.tba.ler 8 PICTURING WILL by Ann B- it! • 9 VINELAND !>> Thome-, Pyre h n 10 HOLLYWOOD t y Gore ViOnl HARDCOVER NON-FICTION 1 BEWARE THE NAKED MAN WHO OFFERS YOU HIS SHIRT by Harvey M i .Kay 2 IT WAS ON FIRE WHEN I LAY DOWN ON IT by Rntrer Fulghum 3 BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME 1, Mephm Ha.-a , 4 THE CUCKOOS EGG by Cliff at Stall 5. WONDERFUL LIFE U, Sb ; > ■ - lav G m I b ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW KINDL RGARTEN by Hr ilxirt Fulghum 7 MAGIC S TOUCH by M ig J m n 8 SEEING VOICES by Oliver b n 9 LIAR'S POKER b, Mi< M ml [ . -wr 10 AMONG SCHOOLCHILDREN : , Ira. y K 1 b-r lb UO Bookstore Jsi 14*. A !J1 ONE WEEK ONLY: FEB. 28 ■ MARCH 3 UO Bookstore ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT