Monday In-Depth Campaign ( ontiniM'd Irom I’avU' ’> did .1 pull nationu id*' till' fie urcs ol ret ognilion would I" piell\ low lie sard St oil also i homed the Ki piib In .ms want lo gam i oiilrol ol tin- I li 11101 lain dominated ! i ts1.1111ri• anti .i Kepublii an gov i rnor would lie a slop in Ihal iInn lion In addition lo infliiem ini; tin slate legislature a iimjor hit lot in tin K\( s dn ision lo la I gel (Iregon’s gubernatorial rat' is llial t on gross tonal til si Hr Is will In re divided in I 'in I and a Keptrblo an governor will etl snli iaifness loi llie Kepulllii an Par! r in die prut.ess. said Is in n c \ I \ ei % do ng that happens dm \ eal in the eln lions aflei I•• how Ihi' lines are drawn in 'Ml hmnev said We don I u anl li. .;ei ( healed w hen thev redraw die lines HI, \ •- tier hum lo im, -I in ! lohninaver stemmed from wait him; Oregon develop dm mu llii* jfoil i \ i '.ii •> t i i a il >1(1 S.lill "Thru l.»sl foil wlwn tlio (mils shown! 11 ntlintiiinor .mil ( .lllilsi lllllilll | VM'I r Mil I I"'' ivi* itiM idod in show our siiji purl (j.ivvioril s.uil I’lus. luv.illx Rt.A iliiiM Ini Mii Ih-IIc I),i\ i,ipp,ucntl\ sluing lii'1' in ( (ri-gun ll.ivis grew up m (ht'yiHi iiHi'iidi'il tlifU'in St.iti I !H\rr--it% •mil 'till hus f.imiK livi • in C)l<■ v;i *ii. Hutk ni,m s*i 111 'Hi* s lli'i'll 111 till* Stall! lU II i* t i know < ii i is i'll! K itnt <•. I brlirvi1 in l.ilk I n>hntna\cr inti * i mining " Mi < dure said 1 iit!inm.n 1*1 said Alwatii did uni tad .. min i• 1111■ 11nu tin' mi t \ i*t mu s rain last tali \\ In'll 7 think it's clear the Republicans are using their national ability to raise large sums ot money from large corporations to influence our (•lections. People outside Oregon are. in effect, buying the election. ' — Paddv McGuire I \ n ( h» :mi ttv •vfs nf trviuvi i! Kt; A h. ( law lord (k»i tint'd Id <«i\ if I),iv is ()n’v;uii roots aflri It'd tin- aniotiiil of inoiii'v Hi . \ o ifonalmg and fJavis i oulil not e r«a out Mi l am** id mi said i iiiiidi - I m s!si that Atualri InniM-if has lalom an .11 11 v i ■ mini's! m ! iiifimnavri s i amji.miii ILLUSIONS iiimniim 1311 Lincoln. WHi.'imette rowers Bldg PERMS ,I' . • (1 lot y. • !'■ ’>,)!• typt* s27.95 LOOP RODS SPIRALS starting at 39«95 HAIRCUTS Offer only nooci with '.',n !.i .incl Ginn NOW 6.00 Illusions • 345-1810 Good through March 26. 1990 with coupon only SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY Hours: Mon. Sat. 10am 6pm 726-9176 1124 Main St. Springfield GETYOUR START IN NUCLEAR ENERGY WHERE NUCLEAR ENERGY GOT STARTED. NAVY OFFICER Von arc tomorrow. You arc the Navy. You‘\r .tin < 1 \ »lu iscn ,i t mi < r 1 in .1 in hiik .11 inl).t< r hi j Ml l .ill Mill I I r< III Ml .il H .11 mn 14 min I >t .U lu C 1 li.iii as .in (»!hi <1 mImmuI the \ .iv \ s mu Ir.n p< mi l < * I •'hips Ms* \ . i \ s l.m 1 u lift I l hf Ills! mu lr.n pownrd subniMiihr in im'i'i liul.iN, lilt \.i\V 0|H‘1*tI(*S llmir lh. ill I i.i 11 t hr mu lr.n It .ulol s in 1 lie* l s . 111p!r II \ t u 1 1« > mu ol tilt isr j in »pit . I hr \.i\ V t MU ol It l \tHi M unu jur r\j»ri u iu r N < 111 II w 01 k w 11 li lop people* .mt I sciphisiu in I it ' li 1 u»h 114\ \iuI von li v4« ! *11 ihr t liallent’es md 1 rspW s lft Inutitt^\ m i' *d.1 \ s \.iv \ FIND OUT MORE. 1-800-513-7287 I'uesdnv. Feb. 27th 10:30 am - 3 pm I lit • part\ i ban man visited the stale to raise binds I»n Rep I )rnn\ Smith |K Salem) Sim i thru I ve met w ith him e\er so hi letl\ and he v !. i k * * 11 ho mom interest in this stat«’ s rai l1 than Ire has in an\ • 11!11'i s I hoi te\ i’ liohmuawn At v\ a to i is evlremeU interns! i d m the rat es tor governor this, ( ,i»odman said hut 11«• doesn’t usiialh get personailx involved in i.ampitigns except to fill fundraising ( ho pi ioi 11 \ tins \ eai is governorA rates and legislative races and Oregon is a very high prior it \ hut Atwater ll.isn ! h m »ked. at this < ampaign an\ more than the others she said \ mtage \tw .iter ' Nil (in ire said he believes (loot!man’s response is a tvpi i al Republic an ot an oh \ ions tat t It doesn't surprise me the\ re saving that. I dun I think it s true. lie said \t water s been here jin ()regon) two to three times in 11t* past si\ to eight months Don I tell me that s not lelated Atwatel s next trip U> the slat< is in a month He is st hed uled to speak at l‘ai die 1 uuvei s 11 \ in I oiest (irov e fin March .'U In addition, the- rumors spread about (ioldsehmidt s marital problems .ire \ intage At W atel Mi l in ire said It Is typical Republic an sirateg\ to use innuendos ami rumors to II \ to do III elec ted I )emo I Mis Mi (.win' and Si hnetdrr pointed In an arlii In tilled Ku mins at \\ar" in the ! <•!> I a l! ill.imrtlr H rrk as rvidrni r that thr Rcj»nl»li< an I’arlv and I rohniuayers personal i am p.iiglt began spreading damag mu iiimms ahmit I add si hinidl s pi'tsnna! I dr in (.hiding that (luldsc hinidl had engaged in extra marital aitairs and that the ( ioldsi hinidl mai nay' "as breaking up as sniin ,is I rohiunaver aiimnmi nil his intention to run Ini govrr nui l lir .ntu le traced the ruiiiors In Blake I lei ina. i I rohnrnax ri i .inip.tign \ olunteei xx ho sits i mi the i .impair ii's Iinani e i urn milter, and hiunex an KN< "I In i.d Moreovri \\'Ur It i rk implicated I-rohnm.nn s i amp.nun tii.magri Donna /.ajoin . in the rumor mili In ail press reports I mini maver i iinsistentlx has denied that Ins i athiinign spread ru Hiors ahout ( .oldsc hinidl and lie told the ( t;< ..till I huhi I inn ,ihl that it "as a prepostemus suggestion \\illamrttn tterk also con turned through state House Spe.ikri \ era katz (1) I’orlland) (hat (aildschmidl u itlulre" hum the r.u e in pat I bet ause he thought this was going to lie |a! \\ 11 is pel lamp.nan against him In a phone inlrrx iew " ilh the I nu'i'ihl, k 111mHath denied spreading ails rumors about ( a i Id si hmidt and he rein ted the It ilLimrUr it rrk altlilr as i iilliplrtr I X 1 I II I the tacts I a in 11 \ issues I lliiuk wm'd I inti it h.irdpresseil to find «n\ cam pair,n in the count it where xx r iKN( .1 haxe Used t.llllllx issues to III IIIg It dllXV 11 k lllllex said Hut Ml ( iuire cited three ex aniples oi elec tion campaigns where rumors about Democrat a i audtdates i ould lie trai rd h.n k to tin* Republic an I’.iitx Ihere xvas the i.iue with loin I ole\ (ItWash j a Ill'll tenant governor's late in Alas ka where (hex spread tumors he beat his wife and the sen lorn to C nmp.ugn, Page FRITJOF CAPRA Saturday, March 10 7:30pm, ilult ( enter Friijol (. apra. I Mi 1). j>hys! i |sl, v'TIV iron meritahsl, ami luluiist al l t Kcrkclo\. pie cents a public k\ luic ^ uh r\ n-iuicii (,kv \ hi I hr lao oj rhysics, he showed parallels rvlween ancient mystic ism and modem phvsn. v In / hr / urnirif* 1‘oinl he combines a holistic approach. ecotogu. al and feminist jvr\jxv lives, urui global ivo notiiK alien.iiives In / ncommtm \\ isiittm. Ik* re*, alls tons ersalions with remarkable jvople from Heisenlvrg U> Knsnamurli \lsn, Policy Korum, Sunday, March il, 10am, Hilton Hotel. JANE GOODALL Tuesday, April 10 7:30pm. Hull ( enter ] (hi July 14, | WftO, June I ( hhkLiII, a j .!(> year old woman from j Bournemouth, ! Kngland I stejTjvii Irani I a government I launch onto the '•anils shore ol I -ike rangany ika She hail been sent by i)k* (amal anlhro|x>U>gist/pa!eon tologisl, l)r IaiuisS H Leakey, to begin a long term study ol chirnjvin zees in the wiki Jane's arrival at (iomhc Ivgan Uie fulfillment of a twofold childhood dream "to study animals m Africa anil to write about them." l iikets available at the Hull ( enter, and authorized outlets. Student discounts available. Ptiv nlttl h) !V.r ins' -uic Ns irrsr. I r^ •uttv'.b and Publu. hJu v ( VtpttftuirttlHy Kit i ’I \j, Sutt« l-nivcrv:* (IvduGgfiMVt, ITtc W*£j»tsvcr C#r*>up, Orr^