University Research monkeys may arrive by summer Bv ( hris Bounctl i mcr.ild \ssot j.ilt' I ditor Two in three mat .iqm> mmi ki• \ s i mild hr on i anipiis as earIi .is Ibis suinini’r lor um> in rescan li on llic nii proi ass ns and brain hint lions in Ini mans Psychology professors Mi i liarl I'osiiMi and Kit hard Mar rot t o| in a |nrss i t intercut m Iridav I ha I I In ■ nidi remaining obslat Ims lo bringing the non keys In ( ampin- are I In • appri >\ al ol lltt' institutional Animal ( arc and Ise (dwnniittce whit li oversees animal use on campus, and tint t omplclioit ot tilt' iim\i sc lent m buildings l ilt rescan Ii ol brain at In ilI in mat at11it■ nitinkcis is one pari i il a lai gci prn|ft I spun son'll In' ,1 SM'O.OOO a a nl 111 ml the's s Mi |ktnnt'll I i u 11 n la I mim ol SI I i hi is and tlio Pen t.lia ri t a bln Irusls ol I'luia dnlphia With I lit t grant thf I iiiimisi tl lint omi's (him ol eight nation al ( enters for ( ognitil e iicurii si lent m resea ri li file rest*,in II u ill go ahead and ii m hope nothing u ill hap pen illegally lo slop this trom happening Martin i n said re furring to a 11 utii bleak in ol I ' nil el sill lai il il ims In animal i ighls adi in ales Mnrnic( aled We hnpe the work with monkey s will help ns undei stand more about the i in mtrv iit the nervoils s\stem i'iisnei said I'lle primates t on Id be spared it new imaging lei hunlngy i an he utilized to locale the brain implant w ithout the use ot sur gel \ Marroci o said However the possihilitv the ter hnologv i ottld he Used is slim Mm roi i 11 said I he idea is not so mm h to see the eh'itrode Itselt lull tile plai e the elei trode was he said e leseao h on both pi iinate .111(1 hum.ill suh|fi Is I nuhl help in deselnping I• ■ 11.1111!11.11 uni programs Im s ii tuns i»j c losrtl injuries sin h us those sus I.Htied in i .ii ,u i klents Iisnei s.llll lill I if idling slip* i tin (,! tin Slllllents till tile 1 till! .ll l ie.It llienl 'll AII1II 1.11 s .111(1 spoke-. Im tile group I’ei iple llll tile litItit .ll I llll'llt lit \llllll.lls s.llll the If h on prim.ites is imnei es s.ll A I teidiierg she is not op posed to I lie Mi I tonnell I’eu grunt hut is against the port (.ills tor the use ot |iri ill.Ites Our posit ion isn 't ins ilil tereut I re idling suni III light ot Marion o s past misuse .mil abuse prilll.ites should not return Ii i the I im ersils to lie used hv Hit h.ird Mnrroi i o I leidherg poinleri to testimo u\ tmili the PIHti break ill ll i.d i I.limed iniproperls pl.u cd hr.mi implants led to the death ot one ot Hiiioi i n s uionkes s, and that seseial pmuales died due to drugs used during stu gel S The i barges are olten make tgui n I pi I mate I ■ - an ll ollen stem frot11 this (testimo ns) Martin i o said \iiss people are taking that testimo ns and sus lug lien- is this po iblelii Campaign < nnlnmrcl imm l‘.n;o 1 public an ! omul.itinn .»111•.»11\ hii\ r < nnli ibutrd or raised »ip pinximateh S..! 1 i (MM) !o aid I mhiiiiiavcr'4' (ampanpi I think I).iv • I'tK c i-■ - I oiui third oi fourth p« mi it\ in the nation hr added And Oregon is pelting iiiuit monr\ than most -lairs t hat I know r trur In tat t I rohnmas »*i Inis rr i r i\ nI at least >() t lines t hr amount of monr\ ( ahtoima s Krpuiilit an ( andidate Petr Wilson has ro rived from K(. \ even though t ahfoi nia is thr numbri one taigrtrd rat •* in thr nation. said ( jaivlan! ( aldornia has a urv\ state iau when* an or*4.111 i/.at urn can orrl\ give St nnu to a » andidate during a war hr said So thr t andidalc foi gmemui in ( alitomia is getting ver\ littlr from KOA while I rohnmavri is vs av ahead Ini eign hu\ nuts \|< ( .mrr said the national p.irlv's grnrrmis ( mu trihutions boitln mi nil outright Imvout of tin* l,ll r I think it s i i» .*i thr Krptib limns nt*i• using thrii , i f»1111 \ to i.iisr l.Ugr sums ut iiimirx from Lugr ( urpor.itinns to infitituu r our rlt*< tions \h (imn* s.mi I**m»|>h• mitsuit ( liniuii ,u< in • fh i t Imvmg t In* t 'Ire I lull Hut ! rshr (.iJiuilli.m prrSS sri I rt.ltA to R\{ •.! Iimt! I .it ,\lw tin (ii lniflril thr KVpubli i ,m Pul t\ \ im nlvrilirut ill till i nmp.ugn Urrgon is .i high priorrh rut r ami tins gives us ,i i hum r to (ui.mi i.iSh cite! I hr turn p.ugn. slur s.nd i I hr torn pf,lints) souiuf hkr Dciiiui t.ifu Purl\ whining .nni t mping \ 1 it/1 Si otl ( ioIiIm fimuit s campaign dircctoi citrtf thrrr irasuiis for thr Rrpublimn s tlrsil i' to l.u grt Illr l.u r I think tin R\< was this srn! tni Ihik.ikis I lisle.i< i t»l ( ,rm v;r Klish she Si11(! I hr\ U .ill! In MWikr Min* th.ll dorsll I h.l|)|>ril 111 ‘ I K\( s v\r'.l ("oust < in11.Hi1,ri ( oordliKltnr S|r\r kimir\ .id imttrd I )rt*m hi s ! i .it n . -d u. Iritis trout four vt'.ir or vommunitN volktiON mulct, ukd about tontinumg *!!i v may hu tmmoiiulc }>tl«>t li.iimm’ Kvijuncnu ntx bO , :iu f« ? ^ < 11 * \ . 11HI I'.l - tfk Aptlflld* test \',.TS I1) to KIM I* t K.u t .il.itii a .ill iK-^irt ( omph linn I' » I \v v. ptiou.ll students > .in - tin S I 1(H ) a mouth up to S40.000 \\ ■> .I.tiiati"li V'.itilK mill- •: ••• • >’• n kv11 tl:1 ( 11 * \ • ot h ii* lie * to qjultfv lmuk\f utc o(xvmiK*s lor all ollum tommis ■ ionin-j ptt”.'Lini' \ •> s IS .'0 ( all: I -XOO-54 (-72X7 k. pi . s. iilali. .■ al I’lai i im iil ('niter I i lii uai \ 2<). *>:30-.(|)ni NAVY offickr: on .it t on .it i I nmol i ovs liu \.i\ \ TheWrrld Is Still The Greatest Classroom Of AIL rptrd \p|-:i> nt.-n .i!'- ;•••.*. '•< .• ► •: • 1 iSPSi^R !• •< th<- I sir. I'” f. 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