Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 26, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    "25 Years of
Qualify Service"
Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen
Audi • Datsun • Toyota
2025 Franklin Blvd
342-2912 Eugene. Oregon 97403
l hat's President Brand's
nev\ eleetmnk m<ul address
l sc it to l ontai t him about
issues that arc important to von
The internet address is
Mudents, t,u ult\. .iiui staff members, us*- vour
I personal computers U'ltli modems
• department terminals on UOXet
I computer workstations that ean access UOXet
fur tree aiui um\ enient ,iavss t* > the I 'resident
Visit the University Computing Center Kincaid, to open an
account without charges it you do not have one
WG**f <! Ot*Al ■'?>
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... ■ ‘JM
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\ \ . , n-p'" /
s< w
j «ry. \x *7™ *249
11» 14
Don't give up the search! Try L05T AMD
FOUfID in the classified section
_ _University_
Speaker to discuss Russian immigration
Ml I I !\( .S
I Ml liudgct Hearings u ill
Ik lii'lil today ,0 t p m in tin'
I Ml Hoard Room
liu I (If n 1.41 I cc ( iimmitter
will In-.it I>ti<im-t requests Iriim
the following stuticnt groups
I llfSlI.U ultrlllOOtl .it 1 til m
I VIl' < cntury Room A
• ()rfmmi \l.i11 h11iu li.iml
• Inli'ilr.ili'iiiitv 1 until il
• Ilium ,iti\ i' l iin> <iti<in .i;11i I )*
\ rliipmi'iil
• Rm mat ton and In Ira mu mis
• I St M'l. I i■-i<I Studies
• \ s 1.111 I’.n lilt \lllrl n .ill Stll
iicnt I iiiun
Slmlfiit Mi'.ilth Insurant c
( nmmitter meeting \\ ill lie
_Kt nls
Ill’ll! tod.n at til p m in KM I
( mints Kiiuiii A
|i>m ish Stnilcnl I mini will
have its weekly meeting In
night .0 i to in I Ml Suite i
Stuilents lor l lilted Nations
will IIIf**l in hold i In tinns to
night at i. to hi tin I Ml I nun
tain ( unit
SIM \kl HS Will It 1 I KI'.S
Kahili Italian Sills . lie .
hand tot Rap w itli the Kaliln
to In- lii-lil toda\ Imm I to to "i
p m .it tin- kninom.i ( enter
14 11 Kmi .ml SI
' I heologv in thr Kussi.m
I mom;ration" is tin- suhjei I ol
.1 li-i tun- In In- given loil.n .it I
pm in I I i-vv is Sliiiw ol ('.mi
liiiitgi- I !inversil\ I In- pn-srii
t.itu>n will In- yp\ i'ii in tin- 1 Ml
lorum Room
I In- Armenian-Azerbaijani
(Umtlii I is tin- suliji-i l ol ,i 11-<
lure to be given In l’nil Riin.ilil
\\ iMii.ui toniglil .it 7 to in
Ruom 1 nil ( mlumbia
The following organizations
will be interviewing on i.im
|ius Hills for interviews will be
.it i i-pled lor the follow mg
times In i .illing I4(> t.’l. -
• t ell. 2ti | ( Renin ( u Mini
mer management inleriisliipl
The ( xilumbus Si In it 11 Me
ili-llm l olombi.i South Amen
i .i (riliii ,iliim piisilinns)
R.ilslmi Purina < n (summer
sales mleriil
I ieeie \ I umpniiv {marketing
lepn-senl.il ive|
• fell 27 I lew lilt I’.n k.ilil : ill
fnrmalion svslems researi'h
.mil ile\ elupment suttw.iie <lr
\elupment engineerl
I S lime,in ul lilt- (.etisils
Law school shootings
suspect arrested Friday
\ m.m seen shooting out windows ,t( iht* I'mversitv lav\
st bool budding and thm .11 gas pumps .tt .1 lot ,tI servi< e st.t
I imii. ss as .«11 i-l ft! ear 1 v I ndas minimu: n i onlmg In .111 ( )ltn r
i»| I* 11 hi it S.detv spokesperson
Kh It.uil A Kisenhrig .'■< was airested al tin* romei o!
! I rgh St m i and hast Bioadw a\ short 1\ before \ .» m
A witness t< ported soring I isrnberg walk lip behind a
tii « .md shoot out tin- main glass doors n! the law s< bool with
a 1. gauge shotgun at i ! a in hisrnbrig then allrgrdlv
dmseawav in a led lovota leu d
\t t tl a m l isrnberg was rrportedh seen al thr British
I'etroleuin station at J'lth \vrinir and Willaiurtte Street hi
snubrtg shot out tom pumps and some1 w mdous at the station
with a !.' gauge and a ' ' < ah hie idle then let! pobi e sa\
\ tew sniirnies later a I ugetie Poller Department heliten
ant stopped Kjsenbeig in his iai at the ( oi nei of High Street
and Last Broadvvav A 1J gauge shotgun and a J12 -calibre ri
tie were ton ml in the < ai at » old mg to tin* it* port
\ * t * • I being identified h\ the witness w ho saw him shoot
at the law srhoul and the IB* station I isrnberg vs.is arrested
and taken to I an'- ( ounts {ail lie was hooked tor Inst-degjre
i i i n 1111 > 11 miM hiri ,t tejouv. and irikless endaiigerment a
< lass A misdeme.mm
Karls U ninesda\ morning. three w indows looking out ol
tlii- lass si huol - admissions oil it e were shot out hv a 1J
gauge shotgun IP!) and OPS of I it ers arrived too late to see a
sllspei t hut said thr\ did see ,« red lovota I ere el lease the
\ total ot S 1 OIMJ damage ssas done to tin* lass school
vs bile s.’u.onn damage was done to the BP station I’ll ere were
no injuries in am oi the inr idents
i'' 1.1 ■.irn shout Pontul Ciire.
i.< -.irn i! ‘ it L>. ntnl dis< -uses.
** I .' urn li.M iut Prt vuntiv< ■ Dentistry.
v* I.uurn rn< Tt and more.
10:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M.
I m.tllirm.il ii .*! st.il islii s st.itis
lies, i nmputri prog!ainmer)
I s \.i v\ I AH tnmi 1(1
,i m In I p 111: testing vv ill hr
lirlii in I All (let I ,i 1 Room A
• Kill). 2H llrnil \ Mtllwork S\s
trms group inerting only, at
h ill p in m I All (otiat Room
Kiri tronii Data Systems (s\s
Inns engineering development
programmer) spec ial group
meeting I eh L'7 at 7 til p in in
I'M! I enlurs Room 1
Mltkl itno Sc hcictl I tislru I I \
erelt U ash (ecim ation. spei ial
rduc ation positions) group
meeting, Fell 27 at 7:30 p m
in i All' ( a'dar Room (I
I S I ederal Bureau of loves
ligation drop in hours, u
a in to noon in Room 2-14 lien
dric ks A group meeting will he
held l eh. 27 at t> 30 p m in
I All' I rut ui \ Room 1)
I' S Marine (orpsfpilot
management law|. table in the
IMF l.obln
• Mari h 1 Federal Deposit In
Mirant e ( Hip (hank exaininei
Depart nienl ot ledut ation
St.Ur ot I law an Honolulu. I la
wan |educ al ion. spec ial rduc a
tion positions)
McKesson dorp (accounting
manager trainee i redit manag
er ti a i nee retail accountant
managei 11ainee c nmputer
room supervise)! trainee ware
house sit pel \ isor 11.liner),
Mahisc o ( uoc ei \ Dii ec t (sales
• March 2 i iedeiick s \elson
(management training program
stole managementI
• Miirc Ii a ( i n,i ( orp a iaiins
tec hllii al mtel n)
• M.m li li ( ltihank \ A
I management m.hsim Lite sum
met intern) There is .1 l.in
gunge .Hid (iilliii.il requirement
tin cm|ilin moot in Indonesia
• Mari.li H t •••: U.iII.h 1 I:
(iiieihi ill sales representative)
\l!St I 1.1 Will )l S
"Hndging thr (.up Between
l.altor and thr I in ironmenl
the title id a symposium to In
In-Id tmla\ a! 1 p m m Kooiii
150 r.olunilila I he symposium
is sponsored In the Survival
l enter
\ lat tills seminar with Well
gang Isei \\ ,1 i I ie held I iiesduy
from to do a m tti noon in the
I All Maple Room
Si Petersburg Jewish Musk
will he played in (lerUllger
I .ounge tonight at 7 The event
is sponsored In Saimm I mid
151 the IMt ' (!uItural l'<irum
and I lillel
Summer l.mployment linen
lallon Session udl lie held t
day at .1 ill pm. 111 Room 1 ~
I lentil it k s
Call Now!!