_Forum_ Research park needed at stadium Bn Glen Smith The question ol ,t rese.irch p.uh ,uld its necessity to tie built is nhvinus when one re.it i/es ihiit the lugging coni|i,imes itesire to remove .is minn trees trom Oregon ,is rnpidh .is the\ .ill fell the forests no mutter Inm in.on long h.iireit ov\ I loving hippies null themselves to old glow tll trees And utter tins it there is no industry i u sei \ ii e to lute its pi.ice. the slide's mein soon e __Commentan_ it would hr in thr stair's, thr i 111 s and I hr l 'niversitv's hrst llltrrrsts to ai I ijuii k 1 \ and in corporate a irsranh perk that will lirlp to attiai t top minds as w rll as mi rrasr thr i upahil it v to dit r 1 s11\ thr n onomu base tin thr pruplr ul ( trrgmi I hr need to do this hr|iar thr unit iit rt imoniK drprrs siun has i hainsaurd down thr old grow th door ul rt oiiumir sri uritv is obt iuus to most ( Ire gonians Sin ll a ! rsra roll park i ml Id hr vert usrtui in addressing how to maintain an am rent tor rst iiini looking lor possible usrs tor thr abundant plant IiIt* in rnrilii inr and biospheres. ,is wi■ 11 as genphvsit i om nils that air also pr 11 i nr lit In t hr stale Thr pai k ran also look into thr i i•-atam ot products that i an take thr plate ol wood am! thr leasihdltt of m.iiuifai luring mu h guilds in this slatr This i mild hr ol hrnrtil to tin- mans little tow ns th.it w lil not tu able to makr mm li ut a uuinst u Irai I um in thru nn k ■ it tin stumps and will need to tind some other mraus to slat elite Thr largrst problem that the Krsral t It I 'a : k 1 d uiri ! tail’., now is the attiii hment ol the w mil 11\ rr front that i er lam people have hlimtrd them selves with The pl.it ement l)\ thr rivri trilds to take attat troll) siimr people s i’ll|oAmrlit ol this si emi area, hurt ing even less ol the U dlamettr s h.tnks to hr rnjot rd in a natural set ting and congesting thr pedes Irian ttat lit putting a work I NOTICE TIAA-CREF PARTICIPANTS Find out how NEW SEC RULES MAY ALTER YOUR RETIREMENT" SEMINAR: Tues Feb 27th 4:30-6:00pm FACULTY CLUB (Collier House Rm A) Refreshments Andrew H Dalglish RSVP 485 0503 .uni stink .Him in I hi' inidst ol a rei nation ariM lh.it alre.itk e\ Ms .md is in high use It would lie 1 IK ollMtler.lle (it the people whn'vr .ilrc.iiK liiiiiiil .1 good use (it llic park Ini I'M'n hr .md ,i rou11■ Iri'c ot in loruntlM' dangers t(i teet their sji.ii e was being invaded A re sc.in h Il.lI k pi.li ed just nil I rank I in lionltw aril ma\ i lot I lie trati u ot th is alreadx lieavi k -used arterv. and tlial would he K.idlv iiiyopu on the part o! the planners However, the jilai einent ol the resean h p.ll k in the neigh horhood ui Aut/en Stadium w mild lie .linn aide t i .... <». , < ■ hi i f cli tOf M.llMyilUJ f dltOf rditon.il l clitor Cir jphu { ditor f oi ofi> t ditor N r*» \ ! t! I! * >' Spot I1(|||()I Supplement* Nigh! f i) i! i h Associate i colors ; ommunity Student i'nict'inim'iii;A( 11v• t»r Higher t duCation Administration features Reporters Photographers Advertising Production General Mat! Advertising Due. tor Assistant to the Publisher Protlui tion Manager V Advertising' uiidiiiiitor 1 las si tied Manager A( counts Receivable > uculrtlion Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Services J46 v>n 146 4.143 146 3712 146 1iH t WINTER CAR CARE SPECIALS Tircstonc W AMERICA S HOME FOR CAR SERVICE LUBE7olL~& FILTER Who can you depend on lor their in depth training, computerized equi merit and work backed by long ter warranties? The Masters of Master Care, of course 6 MONTHS/6,000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS & LABOR1 Q. c: MAINTENANCE BRAKE SPECIAL Free inspection & estimate! Technicians install premium ijswje disc [ sis Of Brake shi * ■■ and fe .uflai e drums or r ■ ton, ASK ABOU! OUR COMPREHENSIVE BRAKE OVE RHAUL TEA TURING E REE RE PL A. i Mi NT PARTS AND LABOR E OR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR1 s59" TUNE-UPS TTf*' hm<