_Kditorial Get rid of needless flag burning statute Then' was no big surprise last week when .1 federal judge in Washington state uphold the right to burn the Amerit an Hug as a sign ol political protest or expros sum \ot only was tin- Him ision anti c.liinai tii it was expei ted W hen the Hag hunting lull was passed last Oi to iler. several protesters ini hiding lour in Seattle set out to lest the 1 onstitutionalitv ol the law In tori h ing the Stars and Stripes on the steps ol government buildings The Washington group was put on trial for their part in the protest I S Distiii I lodge Barbara Kothstein said the right to burn the flag was guaranteed under the I list Amendment I 'nder the ( (institution the right to burn a Hag. she said was eipial to the right to wav e one As soon as Rothstein's derision was announced. ( umgrosxion.il leaders and the luslice Department said Hun would ask the t S Supreme Court to review the case Depending on vvhic h side vou talk to. the Seattle ruling has several i outlasting implications (ipponents of the I lag burning law sav the decision upholds con stitutional rights Supporters of the measure sav Con gress didn't go f.it enough with the law ( atngressional leaders are not giving up the law without a light Interestingh enough, both Republi cans and Democrats, senators and lepresentatives. are downplaying Kothstein s decision Senate Majority l.eadei (.eoige Mitchell said the ruling was expect ed House Speaker Torn 1 olev thinks the law will be upheld in the Supreme ( ourt Ihe flag burning law is idiot it laterally the entire world is undergoing rapid < hntige. but Hush and t 0111 panv continue to engage in useless political) rhetorn about whet her someone has the 1 light to ton h a pier e ol ( olored 1 loth W hile South Attn a strives to end apart held, last and West Cormanv struggle to reunifv and 1 astern Ktirope roadies lor democrat v the Coiled St.ites the "leaders'' ot the I ice World debates meaningless and tired issues Horning something has a long-standing tradition .is a form ol protest William l.lovd Harrison burned a copy ot the Constitution to protest slavery Drat I cards went up in smoke in protest ol the Vietnam war It is a wav to show dissat i start ion with w hat the government is doing I he Supreme Court should strike down this law What the executive and legislative branches ot the Cnited States have torn down, the judit nil should seek to rebuild I'he bill is an an ban piece of legislation, designed to do nothing more than waste government time niunev and resourc es It needs to go / THE GOOD NEW5 IS Ui'SE m \ lost anymore J Old growth habitat deserves protection A critiial liu.il environmental .iic.i is about tu go mulct the hi,tile .mil it has prompted obje( lions trom people on both sides nj the t imtier issue I’l.ms Ini s.iles el old growth timber in the (Inburg Hills northeast ot laigene have pushed on even though the 1 S Hitre.ill ot Land Management itself seems divided on the issue Lhe agency's own wildlife biolo gist. ( liarlie Thomas, has voii ed Ins opposi tion to logging m the area The HIM is planning to sell a ug acre panel ot old growth tiinbei in the Coburg Mills and a sale ot at res is set joi later this ve.u l ast month. In" at res ot Coburg Mills old glow til tiinbei were sold What's at stake as it losing mole old growth isn't enough is a kc\ roosting area tm hmls ot prc\ Speiitu all\ sa\s Thomas old growth is an optimum habitat tm sin h birds as golden eagles and hawks Moug Interstate t there are lit 0(H) at res ot land \ ilalh important to the birds only t pen cut of it is old growth now It the up< tuning land sales go through, the amount ot old growth will go down to about 1 pell flit 1 ..ist l.ili Thomas justiliablv urged the HI \l to set aside areas of the ( olnii'g Mills to ptolecl the birds However. IUAI managers rejeelcd Iris ret ommend.itions The agencv sa\s it is working tn protei I and evpand hald eagle rousting sites. and that it must balance habitat needs with meeting tilllbei sale le\ els Hie HIM will he reviewing wildlife habitat needs when it updates its land man agement plan in Hl'tJ H\ that time the Siei la ( lob hopes to emit t a legislation pai kage that, among other tilings would permanent l\ preserve the region s remaining ancient forests \\ bethel eithet ot these moves would be made in lime to save the (iobillg Mills old growth is doubtful. I he area is losing its old growth timber, and the impending sales are a thre.lt to the old trees that lemaill, as well as to vv t Id 11 le assets Old growth bird ol pre\ habitat is worth a second consideration b\ the HIA! espe ciallv il a specialist within the agetu \ op poses the idea enough to stand against it Letters Compelled \\ c leel ( (impelled ju re spunil !'t the .iitit le th.it ,tp I)■ ireil abnut mu inlleague Kh haul Martin i n |()/)/ la b 1)1 ( a'rtaui .illegal lulls xx ere lliaile In IVuple Ini the Kthlial Treatment ut \l 11 Inals about Ins xx Hl k that xx ere mi HI rei I I he 'evident e In n 111< h IT I \ leters .Is though it was l.n t is nut These allegations ( .line I rum a prelt lal hearing ■uni e there xx as tin 11 i.d In the hearing the atloinev detending tile ai i Used xxas al luxx ed ti ■ 11 ties! n i n \x It nesses and bring out ant intnrin.iliim helpful III detending Ills i limit Ihe dislrn t nttiirnin hoxxexei xxas nut alluxxed to . mss exam ine tu establish the 11 lit Ii ut the lestiinom \\ i k niixx Mat n a i 11 ti i he a i .ireful humane and i on,si ien tlillls lese.HI ilel It Is slll!|llx nut true that ' main animals XX ere Inst during sill gel x In deed lie has nut Inst a single animal during sutgel\ Five animals have been lust uxer Ills Ireals nl xxmk heie 1 he.se nr i lined during the re cording phase ut his XX 111k I hese partu uiar animals max have had allergk umi Ihuis !•* fill* (lull’s sunt* stores of othei animals were tested x\ itli no .ui x i*i sr (inn; ettec Is In his » mriMil protocols. < are lias heel! taken !* t ensure I ha! lilt* animals invoix ed u ill no! mult ig»» pain in suttrring W e all weh mill' < lose si rutinx of tin* proposals hx the Institu tional Animal t aie I sc ( om mittee to ensure that exeix ap 1111«p11.11«* piei ant urn is taken We ret ognize that there aie liittu ult moral issues involved in using annuals in resean h hut there .tie also moral issues raised in tailing to » arrv our re search .limed at advancing oui knowledge and perhaps treat incuts ot mental 111 ness \ln hael INisner l*s\ i hulm*\ pmlessoi Daniel Kimhle Head l*s\ ( hnlugx department Inkling |i.nn anti sulleimg i t mild I,ilk about the urmdia liiliiv ill the .mmi.il model u ith I liulidtumde deformed habit's as i asi- m |itnnt ()i tin- lat t tli.it alternatives (In exist i linn al ubservatuni. t mii|uilt'i model mg. Iissin- i ultures in test tubes i'!i anti that main mum alli-rnalivi's would lit' fonitd ii vve l eased out ri'liam i' tin llit' anmi.il model I t i hi hi talk alii ml thi' lai t that the iiuiintiH tit diseases we're lighting are human i aiised line to high lal diets tubai t ii smoking |ieslitides smog thi' list Is endless Hut w hat I m.illv v\ ish people would do is |ust begin lu imag ini' .in inkling o! tin- |miii .inti lr.ii ol .in animal ton mi to In e in a i.,igi- w itlxmt the contact ul llit'ii li'llow i matures as the stihjet I nl human i i urll\ Imagine having vour heaii liaiis|ilanled onto tin- btul\ ul aiiiilliei having voui evehalls ml.ilcil having siiniething mi pi.inli'il into \ oui hi am hav mg i in ame tun eil into vour sv stem hi having vour liahv Ion ililv taken hum von a! birth Imag mi' being Ireateil as just another [lift, e o! lab i'i|ili|unenl I he same arguments that un used In juslih sin li e\|ierimeie lalion on non human animals _Letters Policy_ Hie Emerald will attempt to print all letters contain ing comments on topics of interest tc the University community Comments must be factually accurate and refrain from persona! attacks on the character of others. betters to the editor must he limited to no more than -'at words legible, signed and the identification of the writei must be verified when the letter is submit ted Fhe Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style today haw been used all through histnn to iiistih the i*nslav«-imM11 torture and mill ilei ot oilier human animals As h'temv HenlJurm wrote ' 'The i|nesl toil is not i an tlle\ reason ■" not i an they talk ' hut 't all the\ suflel ' Sli ole lioilll il l Student _Correction__ A story in i ridav s / ill rr.ilil misidonlified tin group Ament an Sm iet\ cil Intel mi I Jesigners In I riday's ! ! als t ol iimn the u rung d.iv tur a Tuesday li t budget lie,u ing \\ as given. Ihe ( ampins pi ml in tiun ill William Shakespeare's //.uil/et is being pel tunned in the Kobinson I heal le Mart'll I t .111(1 'I II) I lie lot at ion ivas el Hineously reported in I ri day s Ian oie1 set!ion The I incr.ihl regrets these errors and apol ogizes loi am iin olive nieiK e tliev ma\ hate iansed