Sports Troians ( imlinucd from Ml ['lie I )ii( k • nn|)n ivi'il ti> 1 in I hr I’.M 10 rood lot soil |ll ISSCSSI! l(! III fourth pint I' iiiul I i lo mm.iil. I Im I hi juits fell to 1 1.1 in llif lonlcH'iut- anil 0 It 'IV t’I lit NiillH.nU Hill! s.lil! C,it1|(T 111 till' nil mill 11 i.i I 1 i vv ins sin in It I Im k .in Ml Inil. Im! IlH l 11.11;. • i l i Ills 111 i 111! illlil III!' v;-« nil ' Well, mm I s.iv II' Im jnkrtl Vmi’ir ..'"I I" ki i • 11 i • * 11111 ■: lliusi' I h!s snnit'thinv’ ( ),|.im,i> look I Otllml i'l ill'- * i i 11 >' m nl lilHItl^ll till' f II si ll.lll .111(1 11 11 li'- I ' .it lli. ho ik v\ ilk" ii 'll si hi in" Iiiii11!s I In Dm ks Iiii'ii i.iii .ivviiv limn 1 St iii tin n|ii'iiinv> iiimtiti ■ i'l (In- -i'i Illlil ll.lll ,111(1 VVI'lll mi In w III \s with Ihiusilav s win nvri I t I \ llir Diul-' usi’il torrid shooting to m t tin' job ilonr Orryon shot (o' t pfii i iit iioiii llir llooi lor llm v>.imc .uni i si//lmu 111 ol .'ft. 0 *i |i(T( cnl in 'hi' SCI 011(1 ll.lll Iii!. !| u.i 11 mull .uni Rev nohls ,ni oiilst.millin' oltclisiv I- KBlnc Mon Min said \\ i- shut Hu hull well prrtts well I In- l.tsl two games .mil it's surpris mg Imu ninth better iiciici uiu an* vs hen tin* ball g. m-s in ( >11 tills d.l\ it ss as lough til single nut the lie si individual pel tnl UMIH (■ Ini the I till hs I M 1 .111 St ■ tllele Ill'll SI) 111.III! In tin* first hull Hrandon did it .ill giving Un ion t J’i .Ml load nil a dunk .liter a Miviii steal Intel in- hit a three IM11111 and n.iih'ii tin) junipers lie (mi 11111111'.' Iivn 111'1 throw- alter the Inst half llU/Vel til Oise til' I llli I ', a 4H I > lead I hen he '.;<>! tile three sennits til the ai ( hi the sei niiil half handing mil li\i ul Ills nine assists and oxen ( hanging a levs |jl.i\ s so Kanniger i mild s-pot up he hind the tiller point line and bomb 111 ties s It was a sjiei nil il.r\ Ini the seniors, and I vs anti'd to gis e them a ss in Hi an don said It ts.n the last moments lor them and it vsas mijiui'trtnt lot them as ssell as tin team this being out last hillin' si.HU! Rrvnobis who had Id points at (In' break Ini .1 three pointer to si.hi (In' sis und half .mi! dii'ii Dunn tallied t«n din i' point pl.i\s ,is di. Din ks built ,i i" ; ‘ lead u itti lit if m.lining Si\ iihlit' [minis f mm Reynolds ga\ e lb. Dm k* their biggest b'.ul "! lilt' sim . > ’ : .11 . ' i | H 1 I I I t lltt -1 4 I'he I nij.ins won til ii I liiu though and pulled within in .it ~u ti'i mi two Minei (ri'f throws yy tilt ' .n> remaining 1 In- Ihiiks responded In vti>inu nil .t 1. .! run I" seal tin- game U !■ had a hllli lajise then' w ith aln ml r i it hi mimili's In [>ii.' Munson aid but nut kids vvcri* tough 1 thought we did a guild tub rebounding, passing lb.' ball, and we played ade f111ate defense Miiiisun then pulled dll' seniors, (list Reynolds then Dunn and lilialh Ran nigei as all in eiveil standing innlions as they went In the bem h playing the rules pint as might have been scripted I’hoto l>\ Mai W \ Irn srnior h.rit Dunn plmrtl .1 strum; !>,mw insult• nit/i I :t points Save a bundle. Get this bundle now. 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(\mibiik\l. llk'\ am an unlx’alahle sottuaiv solution lluil lvl|is >ihi eel tiie most out ol \oui \la. So hurr\ in tuia\ .uxi fiikl ini! Ik'W MaWnte II .ukl \1a I Vaw II front (Ians ean sa\ e mhi a Ixiiklle Microcomputer Support l ab 202 ( outputing Center Monday Friday (9am - Spin) 346-4402 CLARIS . . ■ w. •» , >' I . U» ... f V K-i < ■■ Tennis team loses match to Huskies rile Washington Huskies handed (hr (hegnn men's ten Ills le.illl .1 'l l) loss S.llimlflV oil Oregon's courts tor the lluiks 1 till loss ol I lie season \,l I oil (.loss ot Washington took K e\ III ( air\ 111 straight set 0 n o I billowed In lhisk\ 1 Hit-t ( tile s win ovei l ed Ku bin In' a 0 11 11 1 si ole |oil \\ eillberg ol l hegt HI look U,Islington's I nn Hum n to three sets lietule losing O ' 1 le 0 Kmile 1 .mill dropped the first set 4 ti to Oregon's Kevin Sett lent vre hilt i .line h.n k to uill the lies! tun Ii 2 li I toi the w in Koh \ I k i n ol Oregon phi veil Robert Orundv tough, taking 1 lie t || si set It I .Hill losilie till si-i ontl 7 i he I ore dropping tin del idel I) 4 I i n I ii-eiiiiin ol U .ishmgli hi took .1 Will 111 straight sets (lie gull's (! I )elke I. (I. 0 I In tlouhles pi, n Atkinson match to (boss and ( I lie ( i Hi- and ( )elke Inst straight sets to Blown and bund followed In a (bun d\ I leernan w in m ei ( begun Ke\ in ( bn in and Ted I hoieu L t f t L R P t H h L i. J Graphics MH l I 'll *■ CONVENIENT. FAST & AFFORDABLE U uh out professional di sign, tspesetting and iuni era sen ices u e ll gn e sour Resumes Posters Ads Booklets Business Curds Brochures etc... a professional look lit a price dial agrees with a student budget