Sports_ Ducks beat Troians 96-79, look toward postseason play Senior trio leads way to victory B\ Ashlrv ( onklin t me raid Sports Reporter There Wfn- more plots to Sunil.i\ s Southern ( al Otegon Pai iftc 111 basket hall game than in a good sp\ umv ie Non ha«l the final game in \Ji Arthur ( ourt Ini the three ()n >n sen n a s In, Dunn Keith Reynolds and Steve Kannigei t hen you had the Dm ks try in*.' to Inn Id on a three game winning Hroak uni mo\ »■ < Insnr In a \alnu .»! In V itulioiiul lulll■IMlIIHlI I»« I ill Milt thou w n|u t W 1st ' ton i mm h mi pnnod l SI tram «iml a mth -- fIj »! had virii ( )l i ' : u i Hi* ' ast thru, •: i List SIM mill silt (f s \nd Im*• alls,- tho homo had In win flu \i i:: < 11 ■ ! I ;.4- * • 11 .! puf f u, ! r ud IIH*. tin- I IIIi k -• diti Jlls! ! W it ll .1 ‘Mi 'I Vli !«'I Wi ll I nunss I \r umw throuidi .1 tow ot 11»♦ *si’ lust '-Minus .1! homo hut I don't think I < ould luu, u i itlm tho snip! any h»!ti 1 lli.m lo m>od job Monson said 1 11,■ I)u 1 k • '.Mil outstanding plav tnuu thn usual < uist ol » liarui tors K«*\ nobis I«• 1 tell Hrandon Ku hard luiras hut also had gloat game's tiom tun support 1 nut a* tors Dunn and Karim mi to nun Oiugmi Ms 1 Ml) win of tin4 s, ■ a son and a \ ntual In, k lot the \l I K« *vnn|ds find a i arum-high mark u it It :n points J!r also hit 10 hold goals m .1 row at one point m the game lirandnn added J A points Iiml llille .issists I in ,is gave Ins workhorse effort with 1.! |minls .mi! It rehniinds while Dunn li.iil Ins se< omi outstanding .;.une w ith It points K.innigei the sehlom iiseil guard who i;ol the in Miinsm.i ■- ti.ulitiun of starting seniors in then l.isl home game nelle.l I ’ points .ini! lil.lile llirei ot five finni three point range Ami w ith sin h .1 i mu ini ini.', win it was a ureal war lor the three seniors to go out Knowing these were im last two home games | w,is |IHiking forward to helping the team KevuuliK said Am team watching us knows thc-r i ail t ho\ ami one one gm like leireil, hut need to tins and one the whole team I 111 I hum who hit ll\e tit six I lehl goals and also had six rebounds and threi assists the game w as a big one Im him Im si r era! leasims It's important lor a lot ut reasons Dunn said I hadn't been placing rip to m\ expei lotions and I wanted to win in a lug war The 1"ith win was also im portant It was an is pel i.ilh lalitr m-g week toi Dunn whose from I’lar.i ifei Her t alii near I Angeles I he I tin k - swept I ( I A and t M .md this I S{ ( )r egon game wasn t a i lose all-in We talked about it all week he said We didn't want tills game to he i lose We didn’t want to win a one or Iwo point game Kaiuuger not unlv scored in double figures hut had a lug hand in holding down ! St guard Harold Miner as he and her m Mime, took then Imm guatd ing the tieshman stai Minei scored Us points hut had to work hard tor ererv one ol them and si oreil onlr six pioiuls m the s.-I oml halt I went out there reallr nervous anti didn't reallv relax in the first halt Kanmgei said 'In tin set uiul halt I le laved and unloved guarding him lorn to Irojans, Page I J IMlIrl,. In M.u t, \ I, , hi-ith Rr\ nnlils ijnrs In Ihr h.iskrl Ini ti\ n at his liumr-hifih _'/> /minis in Ihr I’.n ■ III lininr t-.imr nl his Orri/on i nrevr. I hr l)m ks I S( t)7-7ll. CAMPUS HA9P DCS9GW Men & Women • Shampoo • Haircut • Rlo'At,ry All For Only • Stylo $10 H€^US Call no a lor an appointment' Walk ins Welcome1 484 0314 EMU Ground Floor OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko's Copies • Binding • Laser Design • Courmet Espresso • Coffee 860 E. 13th 344-7894 44 W. 10tn 344-3555 * COPIES1 SELF-SERVICE ONLY 21/2* 81'2 x 11 White NO LIMIT The Copy Step 539 E. 13th 8:30am-8:00pm Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 177 m vt HANHArm *5035. > A WjmtV 5P0u5t UtO THROUGH V 50 ROOMS jH&teMrry ’R'pux r ■. •• t- • Tnt DONAlPl WANT' I KNOW rrs TR& UlKOPtAN BUT WS mtVERYThiNG ■ SOB1 ' rHf DONALD' WAS MOR£ PHILOSOPHICAL JUST WANT VOGt-TPAST THIS AND START DA TING starddvs am $GEXTEE\IAX'S I EXCORE ! AS' V 3 " | 1111 3 WILLAMETTE EUGENE. OR 97401 343-6179 ea A I ill ) . I K MM . < Ml v i )\su S I