_Inside_ ■ Soviet immigration talk. Page 4 ■ Monkeys may come soon. Page ■ Women lose pair in LA, Page !t ■ Seniors boost NIT hopes. Page 10 ■--^Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald Mnmbn l t'l>ru,n\ . loon 1 (trrgon \ ultimo 0 I. \umliri 10.' The best governor money can buy? Bs Denise ( litlon 1 mer.ilci \sso< iale t dilor Money It has the power In buy pres tige sei unit .m anihdale Dave I mhnmiivei's campaign is rei.eiv ing millions of dollars Irom the national partv and that R\( chairman lee AInn.i ter has taken a personal interest in the i ampaign And .1 lew Democrats claim the He publican I'.iiIn s interest is dirts tlv re lated to mmois about (Ion Neil (lold schmidt's personal life that swept a< loss the stale lietore and alter the governor lunotmi ed he would not run tor re -elei lion Pat Id v Met I u ire eset til ire direi tor ot I lie Demoi rat it 1‘artN ot Oregon said lie believes tile KN( is involved tllreitlv and tinani lalh with Alloinev tieneral I lolinm.iN ei s i ampaign lor governor "I've heard reliable rumors about the R\( s commitment to a million dollars and mon c>r Krohumaver Met.tine said "Thai's not an unreasonable sum the Xatioinil Republican Party Inis nirpctcJ (V< t^an \ puhernatorial vine us one it haJI\ wants to win. \/nl it 's w illing to pull out all the stops ntoiuv, mini, hiitli ranking members to Jo a. bn.lust1 the R\( s inttrrs ,ifr I hcv \ c t'vprrssril an intiMi i ■>in11.ii|>ii 1 ii I.a I till' KM h i■> i.11 tii mm gtivfmnr'' i .inip.ugn null k s .in idn I ion lb,tl ilrsi-iA .ilti-llluiH w Ill'll l! find- .1 I ill would t*xpt*l I filin'! to Will O! fond i haul r .it w inning so lull, illtd st III till' I llif I tin I In- KM rs sjii'i i.d II tll.lt Villi to It,IS f .1 sou put mi'! r • if \ nm i i i niri t's lulu il ..ml I mi (Irimliml tli-ptil\ ilin'i tur ut tin K\( nlllll.llml Ki'jiuhlu MM ( ,m innin s \ .si II t.it i< 111 III i mu m- I lifsr rcsiniri i'S mi tudi* iiinit innnt'\ .Hill HHMl' si,ill litllr- ill.ill i null ilmti'il In mill l,iii• l i.ii rs lint i Is s iii i sft .imouiil nl u h it (K(. \l ] s.l.l 11 \ Hill's II I .1 1,11 gl'tl'l I 1 ,l( I' r\i . \ . 1111 1111 \ i mui inmni s »' ’ ■ " h ■ It* tin* I rohum.ivfi t .impm^n I i.n\ Inn! s.nd \nd although hum* K( . \ immi % m,i\ hr don.itrd lii thi t mnj>.11i.’11 tlx nr v;,mi/.it inn \ total < ontrihuf iuiis will nut i niiii'i lnsr In Si milium ( daw lm d >aid I don't I In nk. .mvmic rould ( oidn m thr nimoi tli.it thr K\( m Kt.A was (iLuinmi; on ;i\ 11• : that kind of tnun r\ ( daw inrd said Ur just don t ha\r il \n mitri^ht In* Hilt Slr\r S< hnrldrl J u 11! I H Timber industry's side displayed at weekend logging convention Bv lime Kussfll I mer.ilil ( unlrdiuliir rhi1 • Jmi .iniui.il (Jrcmiii I. uggitu; I iinli'ii'iii i* opened to ilif |iul)lu S.tlurd.o .i( tlir I..mi (mills I .in>;riiuiui.s in .in i'll.iiI lu liillllllllllli.il.' till' ll s puMliun in tin' < unlinuiitK i• II. - Ini 111 it 11 it opinion The i onli'it'iu i' i> guing in in.ike them inuir .iw.iii- iiiurt1 edin .ilrii mi liou ivi1 ,in- nut de .liuvitiv: lln- Inn-,| ,imi i,11n11u tlic Lmd " s.iid K.iiiiK l.i'Wid Im ,i Springtii'ld menther ol tin' Yellim Ribbon ( , .ditlon .i Ii ii .i I pri i lullin': mdusti \ Kit toils t ampai^n, pirsrnlt'd v idrus lu thr puhiii mi tort's! lll.lll.ip'liifiit .Hid thr spottrd oiv I In additimi. tlir ( )rri»on St.lit* l 'nivrisitv hurst nming drpartmrnt sponsormi .in r vhibit of histone lo^gin^ phe dos i irnhn n*i ripls an* about t»H pm rnt id Lint* ( muih s in i omr said I ).ni \\ nod rum. «i Spiinrhflii mriiibri id thr Sri low Ribbon ( oalition It has Iirrn Miid tli.it our mdustr\ is IrviiiK to stop all usr of limber .is natural resourt > anregihi anil tin' nation ttic i (a it i' n* in i * also 11 sit u i ci i exhibits on everything tioiii logging am! sa!ct\ • |iitpinci11 to poison ■ v\ repel lent as writ as seminars mi prodiu linn in i entires ami timber taxation Tiie (.rit'n I i tangle I'rnjer t a KVAI i \ sponsored publii ic tin induslrs .mil uthei i mumu mis members esas nig,mi/ed to heighten ■ ominunits .ns.unless ,111(1 knuss ledge .it II Hit I lie mill tiple usi nl publit lands .mil lialani mu resoun e jn i nlui I inn ■ inii protei t ion ,u i uni mg In ,i i o.ilition st.iteinenl \\ li.il s\ e re i ns ill s ed i u is saving |ohs hn Oregon ami its mg In slims people th.il ss e are an environmental group less ellen said W e ie interesteil in sasing animals anil (he nisi ronmeiii Hr i are ms! as iinn li e anyone . all i an hei ansi !ha! s mn live?Iihood The media i overage the Inn lift iiuiustiv lias n•< 1*1 veit ims been misleading VVuodriim said Ilf . iifii teley isiun 111\fi age ill dey astated lorest lands .is niif example ()ne tiling I'd like In i If.ii 111 > IS tll.lt let fill I \ spots y\ Ill'll till", gel ill planes .mil show devastated si flics I i| lift thill's pnv.itf Id ml s maybe owned by \\ i*\ e rh.iusf r Uuodrum s.ml I .e\\ f I If II 111,lines tile dfV.lSl.1 t If l\ III those SI files oil U ll.lt Ilf i .ills lurporale greed u tin Ii ihr in 111/ 'd/ //)r I hi i Is till.ll ifi’llLn -^i'.isiiii /*< */!(«• •;.!»»» ■ /Vic Ihiik' tlrmolisln-ti I SI utf l\,limi^ri ll.ld II iit tlmst' [mints Srr stni'l mi /*,/cc III I’iintd In Mark 'i It-n