Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 23, 1990, Page 10, Image 9

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8 PM
Hult Center
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Mardi Gras culture at museum
B\ |ulie !)**» kcr
I n( ore ( onlributor
Next week oil I t'll .’ New
Orleans will begin its .ninu.ii
i t li hr,ition ill M.irili (Iras Ihe
streets ol lli.it i itv w ill (ill \\ il It
people loiniiiR to i t'lehrate tin
occasion and to wait It ihe tin
ilitioii.il parade
Kitual and Keunlin an i-\
Inhition ( urti nth ml dtsplax at
tlir I 'mv isitv Museum ol Nat
oral History mark' the liolidav
and is a tribute to the \fardi
t d.i'' lllai I Indians ol New i )i
l iie exhibit was jnoditi • d In
Melinda I lodes as a filial pro
lei I |oi Inn m,islets di-.tlee in
tolkloie ami pholoRr.i|ih\ and
leatmes the . ostium s mtisii
and tribal i iisloms ol the Mardt
t aas HI,a k Indians
Model u as primal d\ interest
. .I in the folk art ot do i : • i u:
tines ami began her resean It on
utting edge composer Steve Reich
explores hypnotic new realms of
rhythm, employing such diverse
instruments as marimba, vibes,
synthesizer, grand piano, electric
guitar and clapping hands.
Ask Mark lsham, David Byrne. Brian Kno,
members of Tangerine Dream or Laurie Anderson
to name one artist who has had an impact on their
music, and Steve Reich's name comes forth with an
inevitability that's like his ow n music.”
MT Magazine
Friday, March 2 • 8 p.m. • $15, $10
Hult Center
Tickets 687-5000
jIn- Mnrtli (.r.t^ Bla< k Indians
while living m New Orleans,
where she Inst hei.ime familiar
with the distim live sights .uni
sounds of their t rad it ir ms
I lie exhibit lealures cos
tiinies and Ireadwnrk patches
Iw (.ein ge I ,andr\ w ho w as
known as Big ('hief lollv of the
Wild I t hoiipitmitas Indian
Bribe i.( New ()i leans The i ns
turtles are on loan from his rela
lives the Neville family, and
the exhibit is dedicated to the
ineniot\ of I.andrv and the spii
it id the Mattii l lias Bhn k bull
file elaborate traditions ol
the Mardi liras lllaek Indians
ate evident in the ei istuDies
Bright mange and red leathers
triumphantly express the dra
matic i etemotn of tile Mlai kin
IiiIik .ilr bc.uhiork depicting
I In* hull.ms •mtl then n.iv nl
lilt- illustrates ilif centuries-old
Mm .in heritage tli.ii is embed
ill'll in tlir religious .mil social
i list oni s ul tin* peop It*
(-t>liii photographs of ihf pa
lading M.mli (das HI.ii k IihIi
•ins arc <u climp.mil'll bv ex
i i-ipls nl pr.i\els .inti senes
Sill Ii .IS brother IiiIiii Mccl
the Hu\s and "\cii Suit" that
signdi Ihf pride nl the Manli
I d.is HI,ii k Indians
Then music is pen tissue
and puli i In I h in it and it is
pl.ned mi drums, tambourines,
i mi bells and even bottles, all
lit ii hit Ii are easilv transported
tin plai mg m the Matdi (.ras
1‘lle Maidi I .las Hlai k hull
ails Ini ame known tor then
!llVtlimit songs and dances as
uell as then I olnrful I a is! miles
Their i iditire is rit Ii in heritage
and i erenioni and here the
dislim tile sights and sounds of
their tradition aie kepi all! e
\lsu mi luded in the exliihi
linn are photographs ol I .Itit-I
lot 1 \ sewing instume pad lies
taken In Ins nephew (diaries
\el die nl the Tile \ei ille
brothers a nalinnalli re
nnii ned musii group based in
\en (trleans
I he trati11 ion nl i ustnine and
i erenioni sired lies balk In an
am lent All ii an heritage arid
i ullure and In religious and so
i ial i ustoms on oil mg the
n hole i oinmumti in a ritual ol
^Tea House}
* Restaurant
7HB VV. 7th Ave. A
343-7658 Jb
amsiit <inti inusu ai cxpiession
()n (arnival I).i\ in ( ontem
porarv \ru Orleans tin’ Mardi
liras lil.it k Indians parade in
i tislume throughout I lie t iU be
ginning earh in the morning
and ending late at night Tlie\
tiling their own interpretation
ot the Mardi (Iras telebration
the the lilat k neighborhoods
No one know s the exact ori
gin ot the Mach Indians, hut
groups i it lilat k people in
Ament an Indian st\ le cos
tumes wen- seen at Mardi liras
t elelu.itions in \ew Olleans as
earlv as iHH.i
Some believe that people ot
mixed Ah H an and I lent il oi
Afrit an and Spanish anrestn
hail intermarried with Native
Americans. Others believe that
during the da\ s ot I he I huiei
ground Railroad Native Ameri
tans helped runawav slaves to
esc.ape. harhoring them and
adopting some ot them into
their villages
ynoinei legend m me \i.imi
( -ins HI,h k hull.m's origins
sli'ins from yy l itton laws lli.il
banned t>l.ii ks Irom masking on
Manli (Inis Day. spurring 11 it ■ in
to pal .nit* in their own neigh
horhoods and to adopt a style
ot i ostume that ini lulled e\ery
thing hut a mask
I’hese costumes yy ere dei o
rated with ostru h teat liei s
maribou sequins seed heads
rhinestones, velvet satin and
costume jewelrv sewn into a
y\ tdi' range ot designs
U hater er the truth ot the leg
ends and whatever the origin
ot the i ultlire the March (Iras
Hlai k Indians have created tor
us a legal \ ot bright i ostumes
distinctive rhythmic songs and
dam es and a history ot l it h
tradition that still sur\ ives to
dav m \eu (irleans
The exhibit brings this
unique i ulture to viewers
throughout the countr\ The
celehralions of tradition and
the Mardi (.ins Parade are
brought to lite in the photo
graphs songs and costumes
w hit h make up the exhibit It is
a i olortul look inside the proud
i ulture ot these March (Iras
Hlat k Indians
Ritual and Regalia" will he
on display through Sunday
April 15. in the lobby ot the
I'niversity Museum ot Natural
History lb8(l h 1 5th Ave
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the* Oregon Daily Kmerald.
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