Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 23, 1990, Page 8 and 9, Image 8

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1 FREE Wash fur our New ( ustonurs!!
\\ c'rr lln
lit" i ■>! iind
(II \M si "
i.uni itijn
tiHI (hinl.'
1056 (ircen
\« .11 (.
Acres Rd. 342-6150
11•« \ iu \l I" I «M»«f < nltlH't 1 HHI
K I S I \l KAN I A I <) l \(.l
;i ) '-.A . i'.tth ■ • l ivil,' //)«• . ilri
KI Si K \ \H()\S \( ( mil) IMIOM <4:<-r>li22
I'hr \miii<iI <F(»\«,rn«>r’s Siatr I ni|ilo\«■«■«, I <mhI Drill
Itrint; <i ran of (<mnI lo (hr game *lii*» Sunilai
Ionian help Is'ed ihc hunprs ml unc Count)
b> partis. ipanng in tin- governor s loos I drise
Bring non|X'rtsliable saimed or Nivcii toosl to
ilie I ()t SC game COO pan on Nutulas
I ebruars ,’S, and dunk n m one ol the drop
boxes inside the mam entrances ol Ms \ithur
Court < aimed truitsand vegetables, canncsl
meals, and powdered milk ate loosls
recommended lot donation 1 here ate
lumcts people Its me in our eomnnmtls I ach
month I <)< > 1> * for I ane Counts supplies
losxl lot an average ol \OtHlenurgenes losxl
hues lot families m the * ommumls
y ou van also send a donation, pay able to
I ()()|) lof I ane ( ounts. to Legislative and
( 'omnium! > Relations. 20."* Johnson Mall
I imersits o! t >regon
ll * »» >»t I >-\it !?*».!• y "
I II \\k VI >1 H>K V Ol K DON Vi ION
'Hamlet' opens run in Arena Theatre
Hv I as ne l akelish
l m orr Reporter
The most performed plav in
Ihi' world i omns to i.ampus to
ll.imlrl one ol v\ Illi.im
Shakr-peate s most l.imous
plays opens tonight .il H in Vi!
I.ml 11,ill - Aieii.i rlie,tire I ion
()ld (inmpus I ,.i ne \ildilion.il h
p ill peril)! 111.HU es .ne -el for
1 e|) .! 1 M.m h 1 I And ‘I ill
\tlei tile de.illl of III- father
.in espeiiem e lh.it tremendous
l\ mm e- him I l.imlet must
piove in .ill the murderous guilt
ol Ins uni |e the new k ing. and
jn-tif\ the hloodv ,ii i of letiihu
I toil
It - .i pl.i\ ol rev enge i run
mg undei uletllv I hret lor I .i
In i I )e( Inline s.iid
llamlet i- ,i good mol,ills
upi igh! v oilrig m,in I .lliei
l)e( Inline said It is this good
intluri' that puls I l.unlet into a
tjuandai \ said I)e( Inline
Met ause Hamlet addresses
the universal issue ol puvvei its
theme lilts ai in-- the borders
Ihe play's universality still
holds up I)e< .Inline said It -
abinil i i a nipt mu and pou et
and how people ol good i Inn
aider deal w ith that
I lamlrt s theme is so turner
sal that Del 'haute saiti the |)i.i\
will ln‘ (ill jOVahlf hit people
who aren't Inmiliar with the
plot as well .is lor people who
ate well si honied til it
l'lie in memhet i ast has heen
rehearsing son e the beginning
ol w Intel let 111 and has had the
entire pl.n letter perfei I In
mriimit lot more than a month
It's ver\ .well rendered ."
! let dtaine esplained It s well
prepared and the tlisi ipline ol
the students Is \ er\ silling
lilts is the most popul.lt
and the most oft performed
pla\ tit lie world. I lei haine
sanl lliere must lie a reason
bn that'
I it kets are S<> general pulilii
and Si student- and seniors
1 he\ ate availahle at the Rohm
on Theatre bos ollir e 1mm
!to In i Motulav through Sal
urtia\ and bom t. til to H on
pertormani e nights, m hv i all
mg Ho I I'll
I Ins is a great plus and il
It s well poised and well-ren
dered. w lie h d is, then it
should lie a Slid nsstlll show
I let diume said
Photo h\ M.utin l'hii-1
(it'rtrutlti ilinffs In llumli'l in Ihr l ni\rrsit\
Thratrr's pnnhn linn nlHnmlel
( unturned from I’.iiie
,1 11ii .<! basis. it people real I \ want !u
!hi\ m\ uni-.li ihc\ i .in 11mu- In me
.iikI hm .i tape lie explained
( Utlenllv Mill! keeps tMlS\ 111 I II
gene with I lliverslll pel icil Ml.llli es
.mil Ihursdav night pel hum,tin es ,il
rile He,men I U ith Av e
( ollege irmuh ll.ive always been
re.illv attentive .mil reall\ warm to
me lie s.uil I m reatlv loud til lli.it
ellV lliilinieut
lies verv pnpul.u lie's great to
work vi ill) am! everyone lime loves
bun s.utl be,ill Mdlei Sweetset s
ball president m i barge ol i ooiibnat
ini,; the u pi i uni rig Walton pertor
mam e It. really supports our pm
gram and besides that he's the mi
es! guv on earth
( ) V e i at The lie,men Deb Watson
b,u emplovee. said Teople really
get into bis niiisii- lie's talented and
lie puts nut some prettv interesting
lies a truss between Michael |
)• ox .uni KI ( > Speodvvagoil, said
Do,mm- /.irkir another Hennery bar
In llir past i voars. Alan has to
Imi'il his muMi and added linin' ah
strut linns and rhythm, and within
the no\t Ini’ veals lie hopes In lie re
i ordiiig nil a label
I d really like In have .1 label, but
I never envision myself selling im
sell In-said "Whatever happens, il
'.'.HI; ! In a! I lie e\|>onsi id who i gen
umelv am
I in Alan music gives him direi
lion and volte and because tit ilia!
bis music is chiefly honest "Its im
portant tu be true to our natures and
less t nut erued about making blanket
statements, he said.
Mlt'i performing tm more than
tueiitv years vvitb his voic.e ami Ins
guilai. he has tome to understand
more than he did in the beginning
Wben I was young, musit was mv
volte and my liberty in the world
and I didn't know it In
"Now I know it
"In the beginning miwi
ni't'd tin mi1 Now it s a path
c<ivrrv." In- addml
Man gels so unit li enjoy
|>i*ai r trojn Ins illn-sn . that In
to lx- |da\ mg tin- gintai an t
until tin' da\ In dies "I hi>i>i■ !
day tall oil tin- slant1 plav in
he said
Alan s greal-giandl.iiht i
lived until lie w as in li is a
suddenly w Idle sitting in In
talking tn his brotliei and si
Wants to do the same die
w hat In- rnjnv s most
Willi t-vei vtlling that s
Alan s iniisii it s no wondei
wurd-ot nuiiith is in Ins favoi
limn the musii and the 1\ru s
voice, just the simple honesty
profession would tend to till
mam e rooms as he does at
ads ,|
III dls
nl and
lii'ii .
. died
. barn.
: Alan
Hid the
it Ills
'Etouffee' to play at Mardi Gras
Friday Feb 23
Contemporary Music Ensemble
will perform with featured guest
Michael Campbell n the ( si-'
tonight in Beall Concert Hail
Tickets, available at the door an
$3 for general public and St for
students and seniors
English String Orchestra
perform at the Hull Center 8 . t
Concert Hal! at 8 tonight with
Yehudi Menuhin
on the violin Tickets range from
$15 to S30 and are available at
Hult Center Ticket outlets
Julia Hallow it perform ■.a tti.
harpsichord at a Noontime
Concert Series trom 12 15 to
12 45 p.m at the First Christian
Church. 166 Oak St Admission is
free audienr e may bring a snai k
or lunch
Saturday. Feb 24
Elliot Sharp will perform at the
New Zone Art Gallery today at 9
p rn Tickets are $6 and are
available at the House of
Records. Cat's Meow and at the
Monday. Feb 26
St Petersberg Jewish Music i a
free concert of Jewish < lassu at
music from Israel and will be in
Gerlmger Lounge from 7 p in
Faculty Artist Series on ert
tonight will feature original ja//
piano compositions by Edward
Kammerer asso site professor
of musis at 8 in Br ill Concert
Hat Tickets available at the
door are S4 general admission
and S:' tor student-- and semi its
Eugene Symphony Guild .
hold ns listening series concert
preview in Studio One >t the Hud
Center today at 11 45 a m an t
5 45 p m Admission is tree
Tuesday Feb 27
Merdi Gras Celebration
held at the WOW Halt tomght at
8 30 with Id at Cajun band
Etoutfee ’ > • ' -e*
advance and S7 at the door,
unless one dresses in costume
which will bung the price back
down to $5 at the do-u
University Gospel Ensemble
under the direction ot University
.u1|unri instructor of music John
Gainer will present its Winter
Concert in Beall Concert Han
tonight at 8 Tickets ire S i for
general admission and $1
students and seniors at the door
Wfdnrstlny. Ft'b 28
The University Symphony
perform its Winter Com ert under
tin* tiatim i f U'l'vO'‘aty is1. ia!f
pm lessor of niusic Wayne
Bennett tonight at 8 m Bean
Conner! Hall Tic kets are $3 for
genei li ; uti and $1 ' a
Students and seniors at the dor»r
Thwsa.n Mjich !
Oregon Percussion Ensemble
will present i program titled
St* •11 Ren h M. ’ S !..tiii * ige
and Lou Harrison at 8 p m in
Room 198 ot the music school
Tit sets are $3 lor genera'
admission mi! $1 lor students
and seniors
Showcase Free Noon Concert ' ,
South Eugene High School Vo a!
JacEnsemble will tie m the Hut!
Center lobby today at 1? <5 p m
Walt Richardson and The
Morning Star Band i
piece World Beat band baser) out
ot Phoenix. Art/ will be at
Taylor s Tavern tonight Tickets
available at the door are $5
Judy Fjell w perform m the
New Zone Gallery at 8 tonight
In kets are available at Mother
hah s and Balladeer Musk
Dinosaurs with Papa John
Creach will be at the WOW Hall
tonight trom 9 30 Ti<-nets are
in advance or $8 on day ot the
Oh Dad Poor Dad Mama's Hung
You in the Closet and I'm Feelin
So Sad .vr ; ■ Arena
I heath- at 8 p m Wednesday
Ft!; .’8 Tho show will run
nightly irom Fell 38 to Man. h t
II d Mar n 8 10 All sfi . vs are a!
8 p rn Tickets are $3 50 tor
ganerai public and $2 SO for
students and seniors and are
available at the Robinson
Theatre b • thee .. r"l .
Marne ■ . ' :.1
Center on Saturday Feo 24 at 8
p nr Tickets tor the show are
available for $18 50 and $15
Student and senior tickets am
sold out Call 687 5000 lor more
inti irritation
It .ill Kn /mm/viii .mil lliv Mm nun: S l.n II.mil will i>l.n .it
1.1 \ I in s I'.ncrn M.iiiIi I t ihnissmn is s t
Sculptures and Paintings ,
University f me Arts students
Tim Gallagher and Sierk Braam
will be on display from f eh 2(>
March m Gallery 141 i..< if* !
near the courtyard of Lawrent e
Hal! 1 190 Franklin Blvd A free
public re< epf't>u el he held ! »r
the artists in the gallery from ’ t.j
9 on F et) 2 b
EMU Craft Center Family Album
Show m flic EMU F ir ■»*! i
feature more than 100 art pea *• .
by Craft Center mstru-. tors staff
1 HUllf'il photo
liltt.inl K.iminriri will /il.n
/.<// in.inn .it thr imisii
si hnol I .11 ult \ 1 rtist
t imint It'll _'(i in Hr.ill II,ill
.it II /» in
«V iff)
.»ru1 voIun}ee? s I he e t hjt>t t ,*
run from Feb 16 to Feb ;?5 v
.» publK '**i option .>n the
• tpernng lay »t < pm m th»* F if
Photojournalism in America
the title of WIST fc C ■. foijx-nini;
exh i bi t which a til feature 180
photos ranging from e ir!> Civil
War works to ontemporarv >•'
a . ';ks T tie ex hipit will run fn mi
f et) ) t. April 1
LCC Studio Assistants Show ..
run from Feb .'0 to Mur, b 9 with
a reception on Feb 33 from
7 30 9 30 p m
Ritual and Regalia m - 0'i(,,u
feutunru] the . e.tumes muss
and ust- me. • >f the M mb Gras
Black Indians will be on display
f r * > ft I Feb 14 t - April 1 *» in ttu*
loot)/ of the University s
Mu .mmi of Natural History A
ff .‘p!l::n Wlli b ■ i ! .. i,\ .1 M I? ! •
Gras Indians lecture on f eb
at 4 30
Charter of Power Granted by
Liberty Tfie f raming of the
United States Constitution
title of an exhibit of 13 panels . 3
text and ilfustrali >n . at fh»- Lam
Ci amt y His h a ii ai Museum * H.
W 13th Ave Hie exhibit will 1 ist
thr. >urjf) Feb Jb Admissi, - b
the museum is $1 for adults /*j
for those under IB
Tfie Golf Course as Landscape
Art ttu fit'-- ‘ ,i i.i- Is t; •
photography exhibit by Niu*. r' rK
artist John Vang at the University
Museum of Art The exhibit will
run through Mas nil It At!: f <•
on display in Gallery 1A
MwvHKrrr or okoom
961 L 18th Ave
) Student Ensemble
Friday, Feb 23 8 p m
$3 General Admission
$1 Students Senior Citizens
} Jazz Keyboards
1 Faculty Artist Senes
Monday, Feb 26 8 pm
$4 General Admission
$? Students Senior Citizens
? Student Ensemble
Tues , Feb 27 8 p m.
$3 General Admission
St Students Senior Citizens
? Student Ensemble
Wed , Feb 28 8 p m.
$3 General Admission
$1 Students Senior Citizens
I Student Ensemble
Thurs., March 1 8 pm.
(Room 198)
$3 General Admission
$1 Students Senior Citizens
F or mom information, call
346-3761 (Music School)
L ooking tor a good deaP
Check the Emerald ADS
Most Students W ill Have
The Time Of Their Lives This Summer.
Some Will Even Get Paid For It.
//' you i e been diva mint; about the idea/ summer hrcitk. ire know /ust tl<e place
I .1 h summer. an energcta .an uip 1 o unu
men ami is. men is selected m work at Sunriwr
I.edge and Kc ai. the Northwest's imil h >ur 'tar
rest >rt
V> Hi li ijain ialuatile c\;viicnee in ihe Is h mi
mg res reati> >n and leisure mdustn and lx* mu
[i mnded hi the txautv of the 1 >escl lutes
National Forest A summer you II never forget
11.. aied in tIn* heart >t Central t >u. a< fun is
nevei more than minutes auai at Sunnier Hike
in the < as. a.U Mountains oi ski uu redil'K Nit
Has hel- it well into June l.olt tennis, and sw im
nung are free anal ue even proi ale disci Hinted
less, >ns t i make sttte i■ >u ena h it all
We need 3So full and part time seasonal
einpk nees who ean meet i nir high standards . >t
excellence in customer sen ice \t Sunnier, u e
belteie in go ,J old fashioned values like
u sjXHt. integral and gna ioumh-ss. hut i! vou
measure up, ii mil need all your energy to keep
up u ith the last pace Positions are available in
tin lollowir.g areas
Restaurant !lant|tiet t onventu m
Retail sales and Menhaiahsing
Housekeeping and Maintenance
Her team Ml
S|x\ i.»l 1’n >|ci is
St> w hctlui \iHire a liteguard. a sales i lerk m
the pro slu ip a \\ .liter in one of our great restau
rant1-. 01 helping to maintain i»ne i it ihe golt
t imrses. there are plemv . it i >ppiiruinities t« p
have the time of vi HU life and get pan! for
doing il
i all or w rile for more mi- irmatii>n. or for an
,i| phi ath mi ti irm IVrn mal inierv ie\\ ' are
required prior to employment
SUMrIVeR lodge
”\ and RI'.SOK I
/ ; crythiny s A'clti.wd Hut Our Standards
IVtm nine! I lltiee
|’( > H< >\ MM >9
Sunrivor. < )reg< >n 9 o"
Sf) > SO > t ]
745 8522 • 125 S.W. 2nd Corvallis
Live tfuiie
Fn Feb 23 & Sal Feb 24
FEB 28
II I- SI) w
A ticvCUgr
» M>.
Sjn«^ C ry/
A. Beverage
I III KNl>\\
I cttiKim A
HB(_> KiH>
N\l \ Si V
A. ^ .
Steak, tries
& Salad
I lam ''pm
j ICC P*rtcxmii>g Arti
726 2202
23 & 24
- 8:00 P.M.
: RUSH $4
AFTER 7:30
EUGENE • til I4t4
—.- -^
L ookmg for a good deaP
Check the Emerald ADS
ox\N '>
I* i i<k>1 jltr hitirti I
win S ■!> I *i mtiir V* I.dr*'!, JH« Kifitf t! i .
C elebrate!
Wi' have a ii<*w futon .uid now lower
(mies lor tin- Now Year' Made with the
sanu* old I'.iri' .uid ( raftsmansfup that
you vi- route to exjxs t from Northwest
Futihi Company Come reletrrale with us'
11‘Wl ‘ KM'tlfV. i W V H1VS , i‘.;V
Kiim-ni' til in Will.um-lli- si vtj 17#
Junior League of f ugene
The Thrift & Gift Shop
Hi(jh Quality Hrs.ilr Clothing
A£ Household /terns
♦ Latest
(or Men
& Women
• Accessories
• Designer
• i\:
• Liru ns
• i
toy>. \
283‘J Williimi'tti' St
A<mss from Uill.rimltc Si
343 3861
0|>«'ii Mon -Sat 10-4