Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 23, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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    The Oregon Daily Emerald's Entertainment Guide
I iiuilnt |«huli
l ot til musii inn Shirk \lnn li.is rrlrasml a iww album. Wi>od\.
anil w ill hr pvrformini• in Shalrr lnunt;r loniuhl at '/
Popular Eugene musician brings
honesty to performances, albums
Bv I .iv nc* I .ikctish
I nt ore Reporter
Mark Alan has made a thimc ten himself tin
e ampus Hr his vim r and Ins guitar haw been
t ailed entertaining ruin.intu ‘ and tun to
listen In
It's this combination that gets Imn united
hark tor l niversits performances and lie’ll he
hat k on t ampus Tm?s(la\ night at *1 m Walton’s
St hater lounge hu a tree peihu inaut e
As with most mush ians Alan's stnrv is long
• •i than audiences might assume
I r an irmcmlirr following m\ mom around
the house ami singing when i w as tour andTise
years old said Alan, describing Ins t hihlhood
in (.o lot ail o Ami l remember watching I Ivis
Piesles iiuiMfs and womlemig wh\ *vervbod\
Yvas streaming at I Ivis when he sang bet ause I
just assumed ever\one t oiiltl sing like that
Me was wrong about ever\hod\ being aide to
sing like Idy is, hut as .ill this w.is going on. he
had taken his tust musi. al step toward a peitnrm
mg i areer he had started singing
He took Ills set mid muse al step when he
Was 10 he pit krd up .1 guitar i dei hied 1
wanted in pla\ the guitar when I was watt lung
the (den t amphell Show with mv tlad he r\
plained It was all I c «Hilt I do lt» t.dk him into
Inning me one but he did lit- bought me a St'*
(.lowing up with a song in his heart did
more than just giw Man tun ami enjnvmeut
When I was young 1 liked rnusit bet ause it
gUYe me a None when I otten limes didn't base
one he said I could ( reate whatever I wanted
to (.rente and sa\ whatever ! wanted to sa\ My
music was mine
though he did spend the next decade ot Ills
life singing m churt h and sc hoot c lions, he basi
callv tlropped the professional ideas until he w.is
m his twentles
He said In* dec ided to give up music after fin
ishing high sc hool he« .him' it wasn I something
he thought he could make a living at Instead he
headed oft to the l ' mvei .its ot Northern ( ‘nlorndo
to studs Iuglish ami plulosophv
Ills idea backfired however I studied l ug
hsh and plulosophv llimking that I probablv
wouldn’t get a degree but I wanted a direction
and the 1 omblnat 1011 of the two re.ills ic tualls led
me hat k to ms rnusit
And the lest is his musical histors He
phiseci in some ditlerent hands, started doing
shows and then remembered Ills «me e tm gotten
c hildhood dream That memurs didn’t come
I mi k to me until I s\ as at tualls playing m * lubs in
I was riding home from .1 gig Id |»l«i\ *‘tI m
( nlui ido and I remember looking up .»t the stars
and thinking t»> myself (aid this is so strange I
alwavs knew dial I would he 1111111111* home aflei
ha\ mu pl<i\ed timsii Man said
\s Ini now this '■( yeai old is a imc man
hand I wo thirds of his performances consist of
t tivris nt iit)u*1 artists work stit h as The dolu <■
Sti*i‘Iv Dan Join Mitchell. James lavlor ami Tom
Uaile I pla\ a little hit of everything I guess
he said
When he s not pi.iv mg t oVers he pla\ s some
tit Ins own ( (impositions
i keep a journal and a lot <>t what l use lor
Ivru s «.nines from w luit I write about in niv join
ual he explained I m also treijuentiy inspired
by things 1 read
II I lta\ e soilir .pair to lliyseif I (an write
songs he said l fi.it makes writing songs sound
easy, hut he savs 110 'The miisit « time' pi* !t\
iMsy to me hut writing Ivrit s is far and awav mote
ditto lilt and what is said 111 the songs is ieall\
I just at down with a Luge pad of hi.ink pa
pel and work and rework the lines he r\
plained I like m\ musit to in•< imh iiui .h \ ou
< an t help hut move to
the musii i write and the musit I learn
migmutes mainly from m\ need to e\press my
self he said
lh- lias already put Ingr-thei two lull length
albums and is 1 mo nth working on a fluid
Mis III'-! allium titled See thr l\rti Was re
corded m Colorado I named the alhum aftei a
line in one of 111 v songs. Alan said Kiwi is sym
hole of passion whit fi to me is about being alive
being reall\ «i11 v e
So t<» me the title is saving, see life and
Iive life
I he set ond alhum was recorded last I t hru
ai\ here m }• a 1 gene and is tit let I So/igs /»»/ 11 innl\
\\ ooth is m\ friends’ dog and he s kind of a
neurotic dog and I could relate to him he said
( )ne day l was doing some ret oitlmg at the
house where Woody lives, and she stalled balk
mg m the middle of m\ ret ording. and I gut kind
(»f uptighl about it
Xml then I thought wail a minute This is
no tlitteieiit than me needing to plat tit r \atmal
h I eijiiateil that with both of us needmg to < \
press ourselves and he true to mu liatuies lie
said I lent e .Su/rgs tin llont/i was hoi n
Man soils his albums for SH. and thev t an be
pun based dim tl\ from him I feel like on sm h
turn to \Lin, /Mgr ft
Ml I niu'i mis * 'I < he m students arc ins lied In s’nnsidci a Npi me
I crm ol small classes enthusiastic pmtessnrs ami Inis nl nulls ulu.il
.illciilinn Intcrcsiing classes incluilc course ssnrls and pmieels in a
care-lulls inleei .lied studs nl real problems nt pcnplc and naiural
resources on the (Jlccon ( nasi I n.c ss nr k and studs nr) the new l>
ie1111deled held station nl the I msersiis \ ( ireenn Institute nl Maruu
Hmlous m Charleston a small hshine sillaec ai llic ninulh nt ( nns
Has l uitinti is the same as the main campus Knom and Outstundme
meals . ns| v»( I a week Mm c mini m.i! inn is as a liable in Suite I I Ml
n, call I'.ill i (rump al IcSIi Si)|s ’ nr 'll (Ml \
< ,n»i:raph>
KfM/Uf t. h
(ico HM
Murhk Hu»l»»t;> Hi 14'
I ub pi«»)ctiN C ou-vlai
Biolops Hi 4(»Mi
I k-M MiihmN m Hu‘lop \ Hi bw>(i
( t*u\(.i! Problems Hi 40 < t
Kcncju h
Politic .il St h im
lull" t* • P*'IIIK jl S\ K'tKC
Inlio l«' P«iIiIk .il \n.ils ms
I ii. lt! Studies
ps :o7
ps <:i
PS i(X)(,
I m imtntuntal Studies
lntr<Hluction t-* l n\ u Studu- s
I n\ironim/nta I Mi MMitcuuni K
I iclil SiiuIk'’>
I anclsi .ipt- Xrchilci 1 nu
I h siv’ll Studio
I .urUc a{K* \iial> ■»!'
Spend a da\ at t lie Coast
l our tlu' Facilities
—SAT. KI HKl \K$ 10th
—Cost $4.00
More into Suite #1. KMl
- /IEMSl
Actors Cabaret ol Eugene
An Original, Off-beat musical
revue by Scott Warrender
Fridays & Saturdays at 8:30pm
Sundays at 7:00pm
Tickets: $10.00 (ieneral/SS.OO Seniors
f’erlormances at Sesimnir's Restaurant
Preferred Seating \s 11fi dinner reset \ations
tickets at all Unit Outlets A: Sevtnour's
CALL 687-5000
2" FORI'
FEB. 23, 24 & 25th
.11 IM • WITH Mil K Sit HIM ID