u performance swimwea insny:ct WOme:S,S^‘.u1.. 16 95-21 95 Women s losier ,995 Mens nylon One's ]99S.»95 Mens lycra bnets 3 Men *5 brlets fashion sw.mwEar 49 95 64 95 43 95 27 95 29 95-39 95 13 95 18 95 5 95 9 95 1 95 10 95 Women s 1 pc soils Womens 2 pc soils ' •.apTCCESsomES Goggi«* 6 styles Cap*6 *tY'es Kuovs anti loq drops SsP,s^^sPS^o conditioners, ebamo, ow and more" - ‘ -„cN s AND WOMEN S Moors »*.r- ’■« lnl»l» 94 West Broadway tuoene. OB 97*01 343-1288 S5?£2g asaa ATHLETIC YOU CAN TAKE IT WITH YOU. Army skill training is one oi the tew things in life that you can take with you. Choose h um over 2f>0 dif ferent skills and, it you quality, we'll tiain you. And onee you learn the skill, it's yours tot keeps. It - a valuable asset on yout resume, since mam Ai nu •-kill!- liave significant civilian applications. \nd vt mi Ai my e\|)enencc can take you a lony \va\ toward -ik i ess, no matter what vour future plans are. Besides learning a valuable -kill, you'll learn something aUiut vour-ell what vou can do; how much you can ai complish. Vou'ie building the kind of confidence that will help you yet an edye on hie N) i;et -tarted nou. See your lix al Army Recruiter toda\ toi details. S G B o t t y Gilpin, 34 5-38 7 7 Community Dance ( unturned Imm P.w ( Olillt'M pholll Inti p.irto ip.ints 111 lost vr.ir s D.iiii fMiilit) workshop i/.sc .1 lot hnitpir t.illt'tl iniprovis.ition.il t 011l.1t t to rxprrss tlwmsrh rs in tl.im r non fulfill simp simitfii In ihr nnt* m In ;4»*nr ! h«‘ ( nst |n| (hr thriM* il.l\ v\ ui kshi>|> In hr held .il |rtln sun Middle S( hnnl is linsed ,t sliding m .tit1 hnin Su In sm Mrssi said till' M'inm.u is mit intciuli'il to lir .1 niimi'i making (i|>|xirtit n 11 \ U e linn t u .ml money In be .in inliihilin;; tai tin hr s.iul t in- workshop is parti.i 1 (\ tumi t il li\ ui.mts 111mi llir ( i|\ nt I tiffin', thi' Ktigi'iic Spi't i.i! i/cd Kim ii'.ilion Program .mil lilt' ( hrgon Ail'' ( lommisMon lor more mlnrm.il ion .md pri'-registration i .ill |oinl I un i's il.ini r ( imip.im .it M2 127 I Court downs free speech guarantees s.\l i \| |APj Hu- Oregon ( mistilution dnestt I ur.nit i ill /(•IIS ii 1111 III = 11 ill * 111 it I I lljllt 111 sill' (lie jjOVul IIJln'lH uM'l ,dleuod \ lolaiimis hI Ins s|>i-t-( h i^iiiii .iitlees the Oregon Supreme ( mill s.inl I lit)i sii.n I In- i uiirl ruled on the i|lics limi ul tin' request el tin* I S Dislrii I ( mill u 11 ii 11 is i mis id tiring ,i leder.d lawsuit brought ,is ,i resuil ill ,i le.ii hoi sink' in l-llgelte \ miill|i ol jin ki’11 ni_i to,it In i s ,md ,i itidui now s reporter i l.iiiiii-ii 111 tin- lawsuit Ilnur rights wciv violated In bring all.ii k*-cl In < lul) -tvirlding po ll! i" .it .in mi iilriit ,11 I !inm hill High St I a ml mi A pi 11 Ion: I hc grounds on \\ hit h llitn sought thiiiiiiges hum the ( il\ on luilt'il violalions ol four sprrch provisions ol llu: stair constitution 1 hot i uiisnI lhr Irtlrral i otirl lo ,!sh (hr stair court u lirthrr I hr plllinlitfs ( all sllr tin* i it\ anti its employers dim tlv tin tin llir slalr constiliilion I'lir t%r-- - Mall Wide Sale! Ml uool sin k \ lights 25% OFF St-lfi li‘d Mil ki nstiii k sandals \ shoes I>imniiiilril Milt' \ nl\ BIRKENSTOCK 342-6107 ( in mi >lli \ IY.ii I \|.,l, s.ll l( I, Sun I I ' Watch for our new location! ■» ODt Uassmeds qet RE5ULT5! t ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ stale Supreme (.null said lliev i *111 I ,111(1 ill.il their I lailUS have In he based mi othei li • l; a! g n i u n d s. I lie decision means the led eral ( ourt mm w ill prui ceil mi other issues in the i ase < begun s Hill ol Rights pi vales mi textual or historic at basis toi implving a right in damage s tor constitutional \ lie lalimis.' the Supreme ( mill said in a unanimous opinion In lustitc Robert limes limes said while ( amgress has provided rights to sue lor damages lor violations ot leder *ll constitutional protei lions the Oregon legislature liasn t passed comparable laws 'll an implied private right ol action loi damages toi gov ernmenlal violations ol (tree spent III and othei stale t on stitutioiial provisions is to e\ ist it is appropriate that il come from the l egislature, not In aition ol Ibis court Inites said He said people i laimiilg then slale tree speech rights are vio laled by muuil ipalilies will be limiletl to evi,sting i mnmon law equitable and slaluloiN remedies t )llier grounds lor i laims ( ited in the leat hers lawsuit include violations ol federal tree speet h rights assault aia batten negligence and inten tional 1 lid It lion ol emotional distress Cat's Meow Jazz & Blues Corner Gift Certificates! Spec ial Orders Gladly! In the Fitthpearl Shops Filih & PiarI • Et(4tNt 686-8742