Editorial— Prejudice inhibits productive ability ()iSi rimination is a word we hear tar Inn often in utii conversations, hi the media and even in the pages nt the Oregon Ihtilv Hmenihl Although it is important to bring disi.riinination out in the open, it A distress ing to see people use it as percent counts general fund expenditure increase ovci last scar Hut the majoi leasons i enter .(round serious decreases in expected res - enue • The i mints s major souri es ol revenue ap peal unusually s ulnernble i iglit noss I or ex ample federal timber rei eipts lor the sale ot lands managed bs the 1 S Hureau ot band Management are expei ted to drop si > mil I ion next s eat • I here's also i out fill legal ding Pane i mill ( i>u111\ 's income from state and leder! >1 I i'Ii II. \\ In is il alu ays pointed ihit lli.il beiny v».«\ m Irslii.m is .1 i 11nst urns ( him i*:' An ,i lesbian I |tisl didn't de i ulr In line women while mull Illy ovei .1 bayel .Hid i utli'e one mommy al hre.ikt.isl II li.is In en .1 |niii ess nl sell 1 e.iIl/.i I nut .mil m i e|i(iim e Sure I've been told mum times lh.it ll IS till I hull e I ll.ll e the I In III e to delll l!l\ leelinys Riyhl I have the i lioii e to he (lertei til miset able l h.mk l Oil si i mill h Isn 't il mterestmy him this i|uestion would nevei be asked ol a bet eroseMial ' I i km.in w hat u as t lie pur pose ol stutiny that must spies m the Ih itish and \mei u an yoM illtneiils have tended to he homosexuals ’ Uliat would Mill hale one dcdtli e from null slanderously sylloyistu reason my' You also point out m vihii letter that "a i ornbat unit w till a known homosexual shows a mill h lower eflii leni v ratiny I u mi III think lli.il .tn\ t\ pc i it nonconlnrmilv would li.iic tins diet t \\ h\ else \\ ■ ill til the\ make soldiers spurt i leu i tils and wear the same uniforms' 1 w on Id Hist like to say that it it is permissible I under federal law | hn tedeial ayP'IH les sin h as (lie t I \ In he openly ills i nmiiiiilnrt and deny indiviih nals then end rights then there is sonmthiny; iirmii; with I he law Mnnii a (larrisnn Sliident Progress In the 1(1 years suit e the uverlhiiiw of the Sumuza data tin ship \ n ara^nan pol it it s li.tve heel! mnltlt.n eted and dv uanm I he pluralislit involve lliellt and heated dehales did not lieipti w it h the i ei out i a III paiitn nor is the pulilu al land SI ape so simple as the 1)1)1 in its I eh I i editorial In that editorial, the I'mrr.ihl slates that \ii ara^n.ins t ail i house from one of two i a mil dates hn president) \< tilal I\ there .in- ID candidates on (hr ballot representing the broad ration ol politic al inter csts within Nicaragua At this point most polls i in I it ate that llm N.intlinisla l ion! holds a substantial le.nl - a ei t At ) i111• ■ I S li.ii bed opposition) while the othef t■ ihlit candidates are turthel heliuid \Iso in < outlast to Its liistor it al domination In the I'at dii i oast tin' Atlantic: region u ill pal In ipate tor the 111 st time in regional elet lions this Sundn\ known suit e ltlKii as the An tonoim Project this process will allow people ol the Atlan ta ( oast to novel'll themselves on ienion.il issues, and will give representation to tradition alls unrepresented groups, sin h as the Kama Indians In sa\ that these elections have the Saniiinista s bless inns iloes not reflect the tat t that the Sandimstas are the pri mar\ supporters anti organizers ot the .lutonoim process. one w Ini Ii is not supported In I NO Most importanth these elet lions are for onK the Nil ara guans tn (lt*( idi* Kegardless ill tin- null mill' tin' l S should accept it .mil a< know ledge that a democratic ri-volulion is pro grossing m \n aragua 1 iso Nelson I atm American Support (.roup Ludicrous Ian hi kinan {()!)!■ I oh it,) maki's a vers lamiliai and inai i urate argument in support of tlm I niversitv s policy of on aiding the disc riminatorv poli i 11*s ot the (:i,\ He armies that Immans i house their sexual on eolation, and thus lesbian and ga\ men i house membership in ■ i group that will suffer disi run ination How ludicrous! Why would percent of the population i house to suhjec t themselves to heatings or disi rimination? Mam lesbians and gay men leel they don't have a choice about their sexual orientation the only i hem e we have is to .it know ledge it or re press it hesbians. gav men. people of color women, people with dis abilities and non Christians all Miller Imm tile same svsteui nl oppression li 1111 ^ universiH i houses In pruttn I I In* right.'' nl ■inv group. it is morally obligat fil In protei I lliti i ights nl tin others This universit\ must not a I low am urgani/.atiun that ilisi riininales In rt'inain in cant pus facilities Krii . i iv 11 i ights legislation is designed to protect .ill Amen i ans from the lew w ho desire to destroy all diversity They pro lei t even those who do i boose affiliations spec it it ally reli gion (not a genet li idiarai tens tii I So whv not protei I lesbi ails and guvs'1 (ennifer Kills Knglish -Correction_ In yesterday's ()l)lI ft ters section, there was a letter attributed to Sue Sinioniti h. Simonitch did not write the letter The h'nturald regrets am prob lems this error has caused