Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 23, 1990, Page 13, Image 12

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l ontmucii Irom I’.igc I I
\ Imir point plas is some
thing I've alwavs wanted hr
, nidi'll "It's l><! S1! ,|| | v I ikt' .1
present ti> m‘t it
As is Ins was, Brandon rent t
i'il iMiiutuiH.ilh mi tin' Hum lu
Mixon's plus I'hi' • loot ! I
guard Ini the Hour uni rolled
u\ it before bouncing up in i on
i • i, r 1111.111 ■ Mixon
A on hasi' to |i rlrbrate) on
that kind ol |>!a\ ' Hr,union
sail! "You don't see that very
often It mails gas r us a hoost
It malic mol ivali'il us to an out
and i out i mu' In pla\ hard
Altfi Mixon's tour pomti'i
(begun u flit i m a i I i I fa i
uvfi Ihr ni'xl It I t to go up In
I i u ith i (lit loft Brandon's
three-pointer with 11 iiir run
ning out on llii' shot t lot k gavi'
(begun its I "i point luail
llii' Bruins loulnd to tin to
gut possi'ssioil. hut llir I tin ks
hit I 4 In'f tlinn\ s tIlf rust ol the
s\ay to hold I ( d A oil
l ino quii k baskets bv Buiiu
guard herald Madkins in thu
game’s last minute brought
I ( !l .A within six at I It.I -u ' with
an set mills lull But Mixon lot
both ends ol a our and onr to
seal the win.
Munson i imliti'il xriiioi tin
ward Krii I liinii. u ho came ott
llir brill Ii lor I ( points and live
rebounds, as a kr\ in the game
lor Oregon
"I re,ills want to commend
la ii Dunn Munson said "lie
did a super jot) All the kids
placed well, but t ill did it oil
the hem Ii when ur had to tune
I >111 ill vs ho lilt two tree
throw s with I In let) to push
( begun os ei the i eiiturs mark
at lit!-Hit said plan iuu the Bru
ms w as spei ml molts at ion
II means a lot to me, Dunn
said l lies mas he the most
talented team in the league
I’ve never won against them
Mill e I s r hern here
I’ersmialls I dei ided that
when I got m I was going to
( mill liiute as nun h as I i on Id
1 hum said
Brandon anil senim forward
Keith Res Holds kept Oregon m
the game 111 the tils! halt, i mil
Inning lm _!7 ot the I tin ks ) t
points The tsvo combined tut
all iit (beguns lii si 17 points
bell in* Mixon wllo tillislied
with 27 points lot a three
p«11111<>i lu gis e the I tin ks a
-Ml Hi lead
Mai I .ran had I i in the hall
■ a t hi A grab!led ,i ill it lead
Find out how
Tues. Feb. 27th
(Collier House Rm A)
Andrew H Dalglish
RSVP 485 0503
ill llii' litu.ik
riic Drums held lluui l.mp-st
ll’.ltl ,tl 'lit nil ,1 lull.: Mllll|lfl
In Irrshm.in t t'lilt'i l i.it \ Mill
r,i\ Hul Ki'viiukis who Im
is hud u tlh I points iin 1 i
ti'.im luiili I I rvhmmds. hml
liui li.iskt-ls .mil irrsliiiMii Ini
tv.ml Hull l ilf tint' ,is Ori't;mi
pullftl ft im .1! . I with !' it
I in- Hniins xvi'll’ It tl li\ Min
I i-.in xx iili 11 jmhiiK ittul in if
bounds il.nritk \t.ii Ini (til
Imvi’tl with lit liftoff fouling
out latf m ihf x*.isin■ Trovoi
Wilson who ,ivfrii!4i•(! l't i
jinints .mil a ii rfhuuiuls |jfi
“.line i nming m w ,in he Id In 1 J
jiouils iiiul ri’lHHimls
\\ ilsou said tin' Hniins
| > I.i v i'il mil cnuii.nli but
i mi III n I 11\ i'h min' ()rv^on's
I lllillk Ur pl.lM'll lll'lli'l
than w i- ha\ a in 1 In* las! !i'\\
names. lie sail! We plaM'il
wilh intfusils \\«■ la <,.;umn in
ihi" until diii'i Iumi
Hill win'll vu' shout ill pi'i
t rut vim! thrv shoot i> » |h*h • *111
th.it s dittii ult to «>vrrc omr
In addrd ll just < mill's dim n
In thru shootinil It was )Ust
It \\ isn't am um* nt thrm
Wilson .said 'Brandon Kr\ n
olds and Mi\on .ill shot pin*
mnnrnaliv hm r .m ! sin^ir
an\ our nt thrill out
Something Wild
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Whether you're dancing to our spectacular
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vegetation, Club Safari is the one place to
leave civilization behind. But don't take our
word for it. Swing bv for our C .rand Opening
celebration and experience it tor vourselt.
And prepare for adventure.
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