Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 23, 1990, Page 11, Image 10

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Hot shooting Ducks
scorch Bruins 105-99
Bv Tr.n \ Sumner
l mer.ild Sports tditor
The Oregon men's basketball
le.mi gav e its t h.itli es til (lost
season plav a tremendous boost
Ihursdav Inking a I li t no
shot itoi 11 ovel l I i ,.\ I it ■ i1111 ■ a
Mi .Arthur I Hurl t iimil ot
•l I 1-1
W illi lliree g,lines lull on lie
legiilai season schedule tile
I tut ks 11mI themselv es lied lor
It mi III pi.it e in I’m i I it:-1 It I i hi
lereni e plav vv ilh the Bruins al
IPs a will over III A and a
win we needed and d surelv
i an l hurl lls," (hegon t oat li
Don Monson salt I
"We had a jai ketI lip crowd
and we pul one awav where the
tails go awav liappv lie said
We vvele l'eadv I thought we
plav etl v erv hard ami v ei v t oil
sislenl throughout the game
Sophomore guard lerrell
Braildoii si on'tI a i areei high
I I points ami handed out eight
assists to !e.111 tile I lilt ks 111 tilt*
win. their tlist over I I I A
sim e an Ho li t ti iiimph m
Mart h I'lHU
Hie Dm ks look U I A apart
shooting a w lute lit)! It > pelt flit
hum lilt* tield lol the game ( ti
egthi lot an eve popping ' !
pel i rill ill I lie set olid lull I and
w as sis 1111 in from three poinl
range Im the game
1'hi‘V in-.! ilitln I miss said
t (T,\ i ii,u It |im 11,in n k
TlifV jus! slml tin' lights out
espei iullv in lilt' sri (mil halt
I vi* u.ilrlit’ii a lot it tin'll
games anil !ln*s limi t do that
everv night
"Tonight tlu*v w i'ii‘ verv
\ 1*1 \ guild . ' 111' saa I We
played well enough to win hut
not against that kmil ut shunt
i ng
\|oi|still I redded Ills tram till
its shooting hut said the lim k*.
did uthi'i things it took to gel
the w m
I lie halls stalled going in
regularly Im us midway
Ihnmgh the set mid halt and we
hioke it open Munson said
I think tile guvs that battled
tile hardest and tmigllt the
baldest won Munson said
Tin really proud ot im team
I lies hung in there and (ought
a nil did a lot ut great I Ii lugs
I III happy tin III! k ills lie
said 1 ln*\ 11.1 v e some goals
and they re working hard and
imprm mg
(iregon took the lead for
good at (ai * ' on Brandon's
three point plav with la 11! left
in the game Aitei Bruin lor
w aid I >ou Mai Lean hit two tree
throws ( begun gu.ud kev in
Mixon lot a hire tom point plav
to put the I )t|i ks up Ii 1 VI v\ III)
it ! ", let!
Brandon hit Mixon neai the
top ol I lie kev where lie let 11 v
u ith the three point shot that
hit nothing hut tie! Ilium
giiaid Mhi hell Butler ran into
Mixon on tin* shot, giving him
the Iree throw
" I hat leallv got me going,
Mixon said When lie IBnller)
hit me I tell hai k Ini I 1 still
had the i In thill and had i mill
deill e m the shot
lorn to \ i< torv, Page I I
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