_Community— I’hulii t>\ Sir \ r ( ^fil l-'oslvring I-rirnilshiiis brings I ni\vrsH\ stiulrnts Ingrlhrr with tli‘\ clopnu'nt.ilh ilis.ibliul i liiltlirn Friendships ( onlmtii'il Imm l\igr (i grt rdin »itmu just like iiii\ ( Kiltl, so the\ aren't shunted nit I hr In (hr Side Like I h.i\ r! \ ilhlMUfV .1 siiull disi m rird (licit I hr disabled < hdd hr ua- link-i w ith had niiHf simiianl irs than dilirt rut rs with nmi disahlrd t hil jukt aid s hake rookies go miin skating. ni whatever thr\ i h< *ust* 1 hr ( thiii r 111 a ( 11 \ 11 is limited on!\ h\ tin* vulunteri and thr i hiIci I )itteirn! \ nhmtrris dn dii Irrent things. Thayer said \ really « IIIIIIIIIIII one IS feeding thr dunks down at thr \!ilhu< r Tve taken uw (hdd In the « oast shopping reailx am thing that somumr would dn w itli a in a nial < hdd Most ot thr i hddiru arr realk r\i itrd about being ahlr to get out and dn tilings the\ v\ cint to do. rhavei said The disabled persons in the program range from '» year olds to .idlilts although most an vounger than 1 > years ot age I haver said I he ( hildren are rrtnrrd to the program through tlie .\ssoi iation ot Retarded ( it izens. a non-profit lomrimnitv organization that also sponsors tilt* Pearl Hti( k ( ‘enter. respite (.are programs, a parent net work and other programs Pam King \Rl exerutiv*1 di '* IA/UNDERIANP *' '..HI A T ion PAH T tf S AND HIHTMDAVS 5**t/incn Al t C.AMl S WORK £VIUtU WITMNICKltS GAMES admission i so 5TM STNEET PUIIIC KAMI! • EUGENE • 613 S4S4 ri■< tin said shf has ,i lrilii> list ill i lullin'!! uailinK in l»' Imki'd with .1 i mvI'rsiU stuilunt Hie |iriil)li‘!l! is ,i short.ii*r nl volun terns \l pli'seilt llli'li' .III' 15 pails.' King said, and uc i i in Id easily di n11111• that ainmint II we had at volun ti'fi's ivc i iiidd Jink I In • ii i tip mi piiihh'iu t a'ni'iatl\ it s lirst linin' tiist served. hut Hi' also inati h tin1 rhiid and volunteer individu.dk Ur du ta r\ i iihi all\ In j;ii rv m voile linked lurn In I ricndsliips, I’agc h NOMINATION FORM 199(1 FACULTY AWARDS FOR DISTINGUISHED TEACHING Ninnui.il iMii • ,u i ht'inv • i pftit loi | *W1I .iv« ,ii ii. |. I (I l.milii m« ml', i x Im (lixim. uistn it tea* hoi, flux u ,ii lluii mil In |v«< t 1 11 il l "II il- ilil I III < I Ill'll« Hill It'Hjti.n N i - I 1 hi Ml .» " .11 it x t .It h .It l i»ll|I.IMU 11 l» v .1 Ill'll»» t -lI X |H • > ■ N. - Ill II 1,11 i "I' III ,t I In -nit utilt««lli\ nls. I.ii uh x si.tft iml .iluinm Null IM.IX ||x, till Im in InltiXX .t| Xlllll .1 It III I I.| IlitilUll.ll I'lllx Ii Paul S. llolbo, N ice Pro\ost, 103 Johnson Hall Please send no later than April 2. 1990 ELIGIBILITY FOR AWARDS Listed Awards /■