I'hiilo I»n l*u\ton I'hr rirnimi nl i rlrhr,tliun lux,in with niusii from thr I nnrrsih (hisprl ( hint I hr < rowil rrsimnilril rnlhmi.i'.tu .ill\ In llir sjir.ikris. In thr Irrrilnm til Smill) Mni .1 I'hnlii |)v Sr.in IVishtn it hit mi mu ,n:nl i nntiiuinl i ommitmrnt Mandela ( ontinucd trnm Pai;r I whim i.Mhris would not ll whs a monumental t i-.k dm si,>t t!j«• tin limes when ih» one wanted !ti irinembei ni think about these Issues l.spn litih in* one wanted to talk about South \\ I (• i and Wisiii! Mam it in l Hi ver said Alain <»l us w eiun ! Mire wr would ever see Wlson Mandela leave t!u ^at«*s alive Oliva s -aui Hilt tie vr made it here It s sfsmin .till 1 <»i mam ot VDll a Ini nl tins Ipnliht al at !)\ ism) is new Hut this event shows vim th.it thru* air sut t esses It s not (list ail wan k work work Sometimes we \\ 111 \ i!*•*•\ Chink Dtiltim, president nt the I u gene sju ingl ield i hapter nt the \ \ V I* I just dun t want you to think that at lei this i • le hint e a i tonight were (lone We still h.ix a to tree those otliei Jo mil lion tolks down there in South \11 it a Iliilton said \li(I truth tie know n there are a lew iitliei folks that aren't tree rel either Idler re all o\ei the w hi Id mi hiding i lght here m Pfltllil In Si ,til HiiMiil) Ian Oliicr, ilirrilnr til Mullittillur.il l//.ms rriuinilrtl tin• t nmil th.it .ill tlir mil k tut sm i.il t h.mirr tints pa \ nil Kivci ( it\ Ui' ii' going lu lolobrato Id night I I.illiin s.uil Hut In morrow morning I want vou ail In roali/o that vou got anuthoi mli to wink on I l»o final spoakoi at tlio i ole Ination \illu Muthuknshna a South Atm an studying at tin I nivoisiu rolalud hoi porsonul toolings about Ntandola s ro louse She said tor _’7 voars tho govornmont ol South Atrioa bad pnrlr.txid Mandela .is a u• i must Mulhukt islm.i said she u as ti*lt lli.it m his spcci hcs Maudlin 1 i.is i nnii' .ii ross .is ,i j ii 'I si in ut tii'iiifiidoiis hunnIiH and dignit\ W Ill'll till’ S|H'iiklTS llill I 11 n Ished Mora I iMH‘. a Ini al irv; U.ii band i Insed tin' i i-li'bra linn uliile nifinbiTs ut tin- an d It'll! t' ti ink tin' nppurlii ii it \ lu |nisli b.n k the mus n! i hairs ami ilaiu r Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU um &exxtt we pr^ar. Mtne lorp hunk ra FOR WHOM I CMANNtl, WOULP UKB TO COMMtHT on our sea esn&H com MISSIONS5 final REPORT / HEAR THIS! THE /NTEUECTUAi, FOUKmiQN TOR THIS REPORT THE ACADEMIC RESEARCH pocs not support ns F/NP \ IN6EE11 P' yJpH / UAPUA3 KN£MJ THIS ANPI6N0RBP Wr THBJR PtSHONESl PORTRAIT BEFOULS OUR. GOOPmNVONS' THtYSHAU BURN IN HADES FOR. /Ob’ U/HATP HZ