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UO BOOKSTORE 3th and Kincaid M-F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 PH. 346-4331 ( ontinu«‘(l from Pa^e 1 n s ( onipmsation prublrnis Hill Si111i the f,i( lilts salaries IS sue lllinhl he added til till' (l.l I hr third i ham c> for rr< riv 11hi tinidiiu; would hi- to wait until till- Irgular Iryislutive si’s sum in’s! scar llovsrvri Ihll said Sin mil lmn is not t'lMiuish to solsr th>' 1111iiiIhin Si\t\ million should hi di \ oil'd to tlif s,thus issiir hr said 1 hr Sill million vs mild rs si rit tails In’ a dovsn ji.is mcnt hr said ( a is \ril ( a »ld si h in id I i on Id not hr irai lirii tol ( oiiiiih ill I loss t'Vi'i Kogri Hassrtt (,olcls( hmiiit s dire, tor til edu latiun polks and planning s.iid (mldsi hmidt s\ ill support llir r<■*?t>s>t i11 lln l.meigen i \ Hoard for funding Bassett said In- was not sun' ut tin- amount < ioldst hmidt would approve Bassett said Man h is too si ion toi ,i decision about I lie SHI million and added the Emergency Hoard might deter the request until Mav or |ill\ Bartlett's ollu e has compiled a list ol statistics to slum that ( )let;iin universities lank .it or ue.n I lie bottom in terms ol lai nils salaries and state support oi Ingliei edin alion Sen. I.arrv Hill Debate ( ontimu'd Irom t’.im* 1 I lie elet Idi,lie needs In In i nils IIH ril tli.it ,1 ( .llldidiili' s i oik n t lulls ,111' >1 rung. Ilf added None n( tin- ihii-f pro Idf i .indid.Ilfs m lire \ew |fi si's ,itid Virginia gubernatorial n»i fIniik ,i tirm stand In- s.ud Aide I lllilll believes till' I.H-I'S ill tin east will Indp I begum alls predict Ihr level uf impui l.iiu e .ibni I mu will lias e hi post Webster politics- .Hid i'll able ( tregoll pulltu I,ins III gauge llie elti'i tiveness til ter lain stands nn abiit I lull Alder mail i lied On-gun s re i cut i iglit In I ill' initial i\ ns .is r\ idem r lll.lt must people would support .il Ir.ist some rr sti ii I unis mi iiin ii I inn Hr saiil .1 Pint Minnesota law requiring pin mi i.ms to notiiv the parents of minors seeking abortion lias resulted in a tJ portent de 1 lease id the ntimbri of teen abort ions and a JO pen ent de 1 lease in teen pre ,nani ies 1 n erall I bose stilt istif S seem to ill dii ate that kids bei ome more 1 arelul u lien the\ think the\ might have to tell then par i nis Alderman said. ' lhr\ (si.itistii sl also seem to indii ate that some people use abortion as a methotl of birth 1 ontrol lie added the Supreme (uiurl dt*i isiun limiting Roe vs Wade reintroduced llu* abortion issue In the polilit ul arena and main lained lli.it tIk* proa hoi< e mmemeul \\ dl ha\c to make some t hailges to keep pat t u ith pro-lilt* supporters Ainu lion dining even stage ot ges lalion will no longer lit* toleral ed lt\ tin* pul)li( . lie said Hill agreed that pro life sop porters \\ dl attempt to t harat leri/e pro ( lion e ..pie as e\ t remists 1 he strategy of the pro life mm ement « dl he a push lot more and grealei limitations until .ihortioii is eliminated as an option tin most women ei t it though it ma\ not he let h meal I v 11 legal. he said Falling limbs close OSU Oregon Statu l'nivursitv i Insetl ilim n ,11 1 p in Tlitirsd.w bet-nose hilling limbs made the tampiis iinsnle lor students -nd in ()Sl spokesw .in..in s .\ student group tailed llir President's oftiue and said a ten mi h limb It'll oil tint' lift' anti nnrrnwh mi.ssctl hilling a i in a ill H r til llu- git nip. l In spokeswoman sa id IPS! President John IK nit' had Ihc phvsu.nl plant think into Ihf situation and bast'd on thuu rut iininiuntl.ilinn dot nlftl In simi down thf I 'nivursiK (),sl ex put Is In re-open ttiumr mu llu- spokesw omen said 1 out mt Ilfs ul Mitm lull mi Corvallis Wetlnt'sdav night Ihu snow was wul ant! Iieavv and this was tin* t unti iliuting hit tin in llu* limbs hilling nl ihu truns thu spokeswoman said ()M last i Insuil dow n as a result ol had wuadiui Iasi \eai around 1 hanksgiving. the spokeswoman said THE IRA GASTON BEQUEST is pleased to sponsor a symposium on Gnosticism* and Early Christianity c February e A y m Gnosticism in the Context o( the History of Religions birder A Pearson University of California at Santa Barbara . r February - Z~. r M Gnosticism and the New Testament Ftierne Perkins Boston College is February t .pm Gnosticism as Social Critique Karen L King accidental College ebruary "0 u Panel and open discussion Pr ' less r s King Pearson arid Per kins > mi cvei!i> in i --ill 4.0 hap ill 4 n Hall Free admission <- — ' -'Hfc ir ' im*nt v. nump> rAr'. «ah«arl\ 1 ‘hnsiumo and Judaism that t mphAM/t-d sh|\ ain-n through kn * ledge