CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 130 FOR SALE DESPERATE NEED TRAVEL S BAD Fender Guitar 250. Mtn bike 2SO PA ISO more 484 932S. leave no FUTONS! for the student by the student BEST PRICES IN TOWN CHECK US OUT ROCK SOFT FUTON CO. Call Amelie 345-5678. eves • AK { N T [ RT AINME NT ,t! .--t h,.indi rafted SWOB© 686 '; 135 BUY OR TRADE THF BUY & SELL CFNTFR Buy ’ Sell * Trade Photograpf • pmeni 361 W. 5th U5CARS-CVCLES-SC00TERS GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehu u.-, " ■ $100 Fords Mercedes < < *' * * v v s Surplus Buyers Guide 1i 805 68/ 6000 E«t S %4.’ HONDA ELITE 126 Deluxe with heirnut em eiient Pun $350 Call Jofl 687 2916 PM.i THUNDERBIRD lucks $1 /OOiOBO 683 669'. iso BICYCLES 19" Fisher Ml Tam New condition Retail $1 900 make • ter Dan 485 6922 or *4 366 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS* APPLE IIC with Monitor Great condi lion $350/060 344 5110 Jason any atARI 520ST UPGRADf6 T<> HmIg RAM MONITOR 2 FLOPPY DRIVES • TWARE $3761822608 .: • a i , printers Psi is 1 ■ KX PI091 dot matri* $150 Brother HR ' ■ : , *»y wheel $Z26 t>83 *.440 NORTHWEST S LARGEST ON LINE BBS Random Access Information Network COMMITTED TO THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL USER Over 300 caiiers/day 12 500* downloadable files 500 • new titles added/rno e mail user grps conferences PC Pursuit S Slarlmk F REE DE MO MODI JlMmo $25/6mo SJSyr VISA M( ><’ prepay $ ihr 12-2400 N 8 1 RAIN (503) 761 8100 ISO SOUND SYSTEMS FOR SAIF Bang & Olafson 2400 *e »»•» receiver with remote control 1225 Call 344 5*49_ f OR SALE h> quality nt«f«*o equip -.•t Den on PR A \ >OC, P(t AMP Mj. •>! .sri 754 an ;>i her BA W Ma ' '» 1 'jt-eaKris a'!ri ma»t ;«• Mat• • , .UK" standi B jght X rva*. 1989 Must %*ii S20CXJ Sen .u, otter*. • . ; Cal) 683 95’8 mAHMoN KARDON T APF S2*'! B A /> .om-c. i.'.'S Ar-slwn TmntuMe $7* r,U'AM."s $15 A J60C i ■ 345 8017 wo RESALE CLOTHING We Pay More Gentlemen’s Encore Pay TOP dollar tor Men4 and Women l clothing 1111 Willamette 343-6179 TRY THE BEST 195 TRAVEL EXPERIENCE BUS BASH To Baja with daystops in San Fran and Disneyland 6 days on sunny beaches ol Me*ico Limited space available CALL 345-9043 Ret \ t l« ihiN p.l|M r FEBRUARY 19 $ f>8? l*.v> ;N" 210 OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION HIRING 1 • .. !•>!-. v S’ • 840 $*>••» 48■ ■ ,, i 602 838 8886 fit R12164 A T. T t N T >; iN EARN MONEY HIA'nV;. BOOKS VV ■ Hh ! ,• • .• . Bk12164 CONSIDER THESE opportunities Paol- l uthtmm Urn.-'Sit, <** i dence Mad Qtre< tors for the upcoming academic year E or an appiicatK>»• .mi orma bon /.fit*1 Han Dire t 1 Set" PlU Tti< i>ma WA 18447 Appti. atio'i dead'i* *• M i- f. 16 ’ -M* Gl AC IE K NATIONAL PARK MONTANA Have the best Summer Ot you' life t-y joining the team rated tops m pr mg the ties! of Western host daidy '■ > i«r Path visitors1 1990 summe- at pit. atmn» now t»nng a< . epted tor the following positions Bar Restaurant and Kiti. hen stafts Desk Clerks Sales people and Store Clerks. Oftu e Ser vice Station Housekeeping an 1 Mam tenance Personnel Interviews will tie held on , am pus ' Man h 8lh Write to St Mary Lodge A Resort P O Bo* 1808 Sun Valley ID 83363 *or an appti LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY' FRESHMEN INTEREST GROUP LEADERS NEEDED to organize a< tivities and help fresh men adjust to 00 l waders horn all ma jots needed' for into and appix ation 164 Oregon Hail Deadline f eh 26 Make 5 1000 per month a tew hours a day as a full time student Complete business m a book Send S?9 97) plus $3 hipping and handling to .‘266 N Paikway Suite 160 Provo UT 84801 I ODE FREELANCERS ’ here At be a freoiani e meet mg I Thu's 22 m the OOE Library at 2 30 j PM Freetam .*• »ew and »'d should »ry ’ attend For more information | : Co-td. * An -■ at .‘'Ml POSTAL JOBS Stan 5M 41/hr for .. ’ '• - ' 0tukyJftbrN NANS'! S * .i Nil , S1 ?*i t.N.X) p«*' 7 *-•- i S»f*' p.l< 1 '«>• p.ial ■ 11 *,?r m.kJ « Aii'W'u; SHO 1 ( - - '.i [HiI M • A ». » SUMME R IS THF ROCKIES •• TRAIL RIDGE STORE U o! 0 ’ . H ’ ’ . a • ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK COLORADO' ► • .«» » » • • «.} Saif-- if- »t ' . ** ' i ■ EL. « .’H80 i STE S P.i'k • (' BO*i ‘ • i ■v! n •- IN T f ( Ms vV AN TI 0 215 HELP WANTED ACTIVIST ARCHITECT M £ OED' •- • A • •' \7 M , ■ • A t! 6 30PM M : i, Feb 19 . • », Tab 20 r' J.J6 Gilbert Hell day1 Thank*. JOB OPPORTUNITY SENIOR DESK ASSISTANT ♦ -son I ar; Walton At.- t C Hjfii'll - Hear Area [>*• University Inn Desk JOB OPENING f i i Term 1 rH ttnumg through Spring Term '‘WI , Applicants must be able to omrnd i to working the entire 1990 9* a• i demic year Training will begin j Spring Term 1990 Job 1es. options j are attached to apple abons COMPENSATION Campus s.ngte room and board I. redd and a ash j stipend ol S' 46S j9 egoal payments) An hourly rate of $4 SS will be paid ! during the training period QUALIFICATIONS Pfete-en e « tie given to individuals with U * O j I Mousing espeneru t* The Senior I | Desk Assistant works an average ot ' 1 .*0 hours tier week divded between | desk arid supervisory duties The Se j m ,( Desk Assistant must I've n the : I U of O hails and be regn» I • lered for a minimum of 8 undargrad 1 ,jjte if t graduate 'add houMv Candidates must have a umuiabve i ,PA if 2 2* and re eived at least a APPLICATIONS A. ; i- i mailable at ait Area Desks and an* i Joe t .ii k ! , any Aie.i Der.» air* 1 that 'S 00 U ft » rrfi'uary 21 Ok {Only completed apple at ms A'li be WOMEN SAFERIDE NEEDS YOU! > hr ihif! pe* Aft. dVAildMe *'•' »*d*t Drop by out • '*- •* m the ASUO WuiT,ty< s Center Suite j FMU Ji ».». 4<* ■« * ■ ft; ' 1 M i l { MS Nl IDED to* WWt •* , ;MI 1 M i 4 *4 * 1 . Teams o» »4 *«b•. Apply PQ B«>* 'i'Hrt U«s.!vur WA ‘WOOtt UMPlHf S M)R Mi jh St hi* ‘i t .r,*> N i e«per ft <**•" Je HELP WANTED SCULPTURED NAIL MODELS Creative Id 342 1751 ,*»■%<> i -n 1 >fnr *j 0»i«i « 4< .,»••• • • ■ V*: ’ ??0 WORK STUDY POSITIONS CAREER PLANNING SCHOOL OF LAW TYPIST $5.OO/hr 20 hrs/term MAC exp pret AVENU ’■» • APTS DUPLEXES AMPUS ' . v i‘- t A i MO 4 ’ * N pets 4M*. .‘H23 M!i i MAi ( MO*. ..Am •! N A . ! NlM MS 12?’ $49S V: AM > AM* . }■.,■>•' i ivdw 142-'ttM >4 4/434 I IIIH fHifit' ' ) »Ji| S.’t.O'Ml'. On*J bt1 t m apt unfurnished V}2Qlni-.> £)e ■'••il 14} 4 t i)9 1H6l Aider ‘ .!w !.' t ^ EtdiU tv »• i 1 t,i«4n junst On site m^nd^oi SJ1SSS4* J44 *09*. ?66 E iMrv large studio apt t t blocks to ampul off street parking, lease until June VOtn (J30 484 2/63 "::i CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th A<« immediate openings Clean quiet •ntemporary quails t239rmo met an utilities Call 48*. 4319 to see JENNINGS A CO 2^0 ROOiWMAtES WiMfED NEED MMAtE to share .* ftdrm .tpf 3 blocks bom earn pus call Skye 144 t 1S9 NEE D TWO ' >i furnished rooms tire jua< *• off street parking nett to am , is 2*>0ni - »44 )8/b -.MARE 2 tmd'o. >m 2 bath apt "■ ca< »' iiciy F urnished anth fi'npla. e and *i'.l '»• 'dryer 1 apt’ <411 ?' <«> e » Dave at .4 t r,2 N $260 • ’ 00 i k - V- !'■ • 'XI i •' j Co4in f trih • H»/t Boohrwi APARTMENTZERO >UW t U« .T I 1 M ' II - ■ . r HOCKY HORROR|hJ M Midnight ■* *!’•< A *i Hx k-fc*< ii t4 idt |^> .)<» ol tJ (< ->4 11 1 O ' jv th 11 00 MChAf l DOUGl AS » MACK RAIN^ r I VriMF SLIM IfHrf M 40 14 Tf S/ACHTS S r 44 f SO* Su*v T 11 40 Look Who's Talking 3 CULTURAL FORUM FILMS PICNIC at HANGING ROCK i MU Culluial F orum and Food Sefvice Pf**«nl* BEER GARDENS with 9 DAYS WONDER ROCK N’ ROLL! FALLING SPIKES FRIDAY SOULSATIONS SATURDAY NEW MAX’S Mima I-cZ7?7s777^ PRESENTS I ANDY WARHOL'S BAD FRIDAY FEB 16 - 177 LAW 7:30 & 9:45 FRjT/HXNC \ STARRING / VKI KR i.ORRf; SATURDAY FEB. 17 - 177 LAW 7:30 & 9:30 AIR BAND CONTEST FRI FEB 16 at 8 00PM Condon Audilonum tlflth & Agate) IS 00 «dmniion ?8b FOOD & DRINK Personally invites you to come dine in either hemisphere leaturmg loods Irom within 42’ ol the equator INTERNATIONAL CUISINE al Eugene. OR prices LUNCH n io . v ... DINNER >••«. * S 10 10 00." Sal 14b t Hlh ( nil lor reivrvjtiont 144 J4 miner ! mourns liummtl It « < i»tm FRIDAY SPECIAL EUPHORIA ULTRACHOCOLATE SUNDAES $1.50 MASSAGE & BODY WORK THERAPEUTIC SWEDISH MASSAGE .•> '} , *..!»! Rl ’ >» If '''■ - • JF ANlNf VAN VACTOR l M T Phon® 46*, 8927 AFFORDABLE 300 COUNSELING f’H< JBl I MS < t > • < • t*r fo* J’aie pf.>- ' «• si'-- " » 'If U«> 44.IF*. Daisies $2.95 a hunch Roses $3.95 a hunc h KhyAm ^ Blooms t{ 1 ItK iSi Kiiuaid "I Vii/t r fhi* (. 'mhrcll.i ___ Come on in for Hot & Spicy Southern Style Food All food made from scratch with f resh Ingredients At Eugene's Only Cajun Restaurant 894 E. 13th • 344 1222 Open Mon-Sal • 11a m-9p m Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson siv J S££ f /ok. so t is KJ6HT ' KMT is itrr