_ Oregon Daily. Emerald l hursdiU . I't'liruan I V 1 ‘MMI I aiv’onc t )i r;;i >n \ olumc 'i 1 Numlirr 1(H) _Inside_ ■ Travel and study, Page 4 ■ Forum on poverty, Page 4 ■ Football hits mother lode. Page 7 ■ Ducks face IJW. WSU, Page 9 ¥ Celebration fun, food to ring in Asian new year L Photo Im Sl»*\ r ( dill \/um( , load. iostumrs .mil y.imrs Irtim l.i/i.m ( hin.i .mil so mil nmnlrir-. Mill hi- Ir.iluml .it I hr tilth .mim.il \\i.m ( rlr hr.itmil Snnila\ B\ Stephanie Menc imer {merald Reporter \ 1 ,111)4 1 )\ iuisl\ t hilirsr lion l).llK t* will m ,irr ,i\\ l width tIn student-- broupht from then limiii - ,ibm.nl ( amt' Matsushita puhln information i onrdi nahu hum tlit* I tierin' Parks Km realion and I nl Ivnal Nervn es said t In* event is designed Im I aim Ill’S and profile it all apes l lic rvi-nl is .1 Ini nl tun Matsushita said I Ill'll’ Is a lul In fbi and a 111! In i’a( \si,m bdk lairs a.mii’s i tails and sunn-, will In- si-1 up tin i liililli'il bum aims three In HI In k• >-1■ ihi’in buss while parents partn ipale in i rails sin |i a-. I'll.n vi’i.’.i'labli’ flown making in wliu li i,i, 111lai \ r egelables sin h as railishi's and t m urn bets aie tam'd and shaped into ornate dowel al lanpemnits ( >11■ ■ i ( tails mi hide lapiaili'se papri making oripaini ( lime a' embi i mlei s and batik A lai pe i nmpnneiit nl the i elebration will be \sian looking demonstrations N'apao said many III the lends lealuled 111 the event are lint available in the I'.upene area sin h as liiduiiestan Malar siau and Philippine i uisine tbe \siau i eleln al lull lust bee an m all el but In broaden awareness nl Asian i ulture I he i elebratlnn is a pood uppurlunilr In net an overall flavor nl the (frienl Matsushita said |'o help I Or el the i lists nl the St, 11(111 event. ( niituiental \ulines has donated two round flip tit kels to lokvo that will be put up till a silent am lion during the dav bmp, lelebiation Iupene is one ot the lew i dies in the i ountiv lhal has an \sian eouiu il with representatives trout a larpe numhei ot ethnn pumps I'he i mm id has representatives trinn |apan ( lima Korea Pat lilt islands, Indonesia and Ihailand I'he I i'lehralmn w ill he held from 1 I a III to . p in on Similar I lie i ost is SI lot adults and bee tm those IH and iindei I ui mole mini illation i Iiulai I Kit bald I.Ill ,11 lit Mall I ni Ken \ai;,m at (ilk ‘MiOO rt 1 Students take issue over bleached paper cup use By leiiiiitor I humus tmerald tmerald ( ontributor 'i im set■ them everyw here liilMl llel) p.ipel protllltts Hi till t*)t tit tit t a lions .inti t tips i In s are t ittiif men! biodegradable and iuespen stvf Hut .iltm^ with these aclvan (ages there an* the t|nestnnis til (Mil iutitnt and lie,till hu/.ntIs Stine the nr. til n at toll ul plastlt loam troll) the I'niyeislty of Oregon t ainpus in the spring of 1‘tltt). the use ol Ideal lied papet prod Hits seems to tie the best allernat t\ e I be pollution hazard seems a real one with the predii tioil ot the tub Metlioii.il I moll using an average ot H7fi i it It I to ‘100.HIM) i litis this at .idem ii st bool \ eat t he health hazard li sts on the pos situ I It \ that the t Idol me used to hle.n h the paper might leai Ii into the drink in small amounts and i ause t am er Matt Snyder codirector ot the Survival ( enter said Ideal bed paper would be an issue ot the future at though there is little movement in the t mversily at the present time "(letting rid of the bleat.lied paper produets would he easy Alt it would take would lie one person to start a petition he saul Students at the I’niversity ol North (larolina has been suiiesstul in ban nirig the use of bleat lied paper on their campus At the beginning of tins ,u .11 it -111 )■ vii.il Ihi'ii environ incut,il group the t mnmiltee ul Ntu (lent I- nvirimincnl.il \etion, used the group s funds .mil pint based nun iii.istit !.’ mini c i ups selling them tin si .11net i At this time tlie group has snltl nil ist lit the til III I ups .mil pi.Ills mi III tiering J (Hill mine Although this wnulil nnlv lake i are ul Ml pen cut ot the i auipus said Maik ( hilfnn. he.id ul the pm jei t l in pleased u itli I lie turnout Near the I uneisitv s i ainpils 1 lest.miauls help with the prnjei t In utleiing disi mints mi drinks In pen pie u hi I i mile m W it h the • ups I .li II nl the restaurants is listed mi the side nt the i up I Insei tn home Smith KtlgeUe High Si bool students have tiled a pe I il lull In hail milk sold ui bleai lied i arums lushua () Milan ul the Smith I ugene Ian ironinental ( luh said the students tiled the petition hei ause nl the Oregon Administrative Kuie 1m I'llm atinn.il I at ilities Mils rule slates that food vv ith toxii i liemii als i annul he served in a s< liuol i afete na ( ( Milan said the alternatives In the milk i artnns would mi hide small glass nr plastic bottles il the superin tent lent approves ul the petition "Noil-bleac lied paper would he nice Inil it's lint sold in tile United States () Mi lan said Pbutii b» Mjftii* 1"h*ri I,i.ii r ( hvni; .mil l).in lirunih.iu^h liuvr th-sii'iwtl ,i /j/.i/i In rrnwtl) i/imntnu n h.illii iirnhlrnis t.illin.K tor < nnslrtn lion nl ,i u.ilr In (»/»*« mill tlosf Will.im rllr SI mil Students design traffic plan Bv |fit Kirin I morale! ( ontrihutor Iwo I'mviMsitv architecture students leave developed .1 possible snlutnin to the don ntovvn tr.diii 1 ontroversv Seniors (.r.ue (dieng and D.in itromhaugh have designed a gate that would allow Willamette Street to he opened or closed depending on the need of the (low ntow n Mle design 1 alls lot two towel like monuments to he plai ed ai ross Irom one another and inside each tower would he .111 arm that 1 mild he raised or lowered to open or close the street to traffic I hr itliM u.is presented lii the I vi• m■ ( il\ ( ouiu.il ,i! .1 I■ i■ i II i!!irliii|> willl ullici student .hi Intel Is winking mi thf Si haelers Huilding I’rnjri 1 v\ tin It began List M.iri li I lit- arms 1 itle trallie would lie well ome Speeds Inr i .ns would be kept low Itrninh.iiigli said lie gut the uif.i .dter a trip to Portland I lie i l.iss took trips to I’ortLind .uni Seattle to (outlast those ( ities w ith I'.ugene The Arlene S( linit/ei (aniieit Hall Turn to Design, Pagr- a