Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 12, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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    Monday In-Depth
Continued from P.^e I
grit'V all! fs ( ilillg tile I I Vs ills
i rimination on the basis of sex
u.il orinnl.ilion \side from
thnr ( laims of illegal .u ti\ it\
Ihr students demanded tin- ( I \
lie banned from i ampus hi1
i aiisc thi’v be 1ii■ v*1 tlit* annul y 's
hiring prat In ns rlo not mnnt the
University's nc|ual opportunitv
Now as thn ( l.\ m.ikns plans
lo return to the I 'nivnrsil\ in
Mari h for turlhnr hiring, thn is
sun finals up again
Tun main questions emerge
from Ihn frai as
• I tons thn <l.\ aetllal l\ nil
reasonably differentiate' in its
hiring on the basis of sexual
orientation and. therefore vio
late I 'niversilv standards of
equal opportunitv '!
• If so do the CIA's policies
liav n the powi• i ot federal leu
to override state or lot a I laws7
I he result of the i ontroversv
is <i swirl ot legal debate that
w ould rev IV e ev nil the most
boring ol law i lasses
hollowing in the footsteps ol
t IA opponents at ol liei u ni vei
spies. Tim Hughes and Shan
non Oliver, the students who
fill’ll grievances, see the re
quiminent ol a i leal U defined
equal opportunity statement as
the beginning of the end ol l ! IA
campus rn ruiting
The form would require all
employers to affirm that lliev
are equ.d opportunitv onipluv
ei s in at i ordain e w ith l niv ei
sitv standards before thev i ould
he assisted hv the (tftli e of ( a
reel Planning and Placement
But vv hen the ( I \ ret lulled
on campus hist term an older
version ot the statement was
used hv the career planning of
fit e The p rev ions hum reflect
ed an older version ot the t ilt
versitv s equal opportunity
statement said l.arrv S111 ith. di
reclui of the i areei planning < >1
t it e I he off it e tlsetl the out
dated lot m fiet alive of a mix up
in printing tinfers Smith saiti
Tile tddei statement tlidul
prohibit disi rimination basin!
on sexual orientation or manta!
I 111' off If I' Ml III Ill'll to till’
iiruiT form ' sometime in mu!
tall term Smith said 1 hr o!
lice's in ords imiu ato that llir
new torms were tost nsrd in
late November I hr I I \ repo
sentaliv r \\ 111) s( lirdulrd last
term's interviews signed the
old liirm in Seplemhei
\ou w itli the nisi lorm if
tile ( I \ doesn't sign it the\
r an t make i ampins interviews
groups meetings or presenta
I ions Smith said
New Voi k I 'mi ersitv I an
School reipnres all employers
to sign a similar statement flu
lust year discrimination based
on sexual orientation was spei
died III the form the CIA
would not sign the statement
and stopped lei rioting on i am
At I’i ini t'ton t no ersitv
hiiw el ei the ( IA did sign a
statement spei dying sexual ori
entalicm as ,m unai i eptahle !ia
sis for disi rimination l ast t )i
toiler tile ( !IA returned the
signed lorm with the ageniv s
own equal opportunity state
men! attached accord mg to re
ports in I'niu e/iiii \hinin)
ileek/l I tie agent v asserted
lli.it it lines nnt re|ei I nr ills
tpinlih |'i (i|tie mi the Ii.isis (it
sesu.il iii ieiit.il mil
I tespitc the signed dm u
merit I he (.'mini il id < lie
l’i ini etnn I ' 111Vfrs 11 \ ( i >111111 It
nits .in ,nl\ isiir\ Kri nip i d stu
dents t,n nlt\ .mil udminislia
lion h.mned the t l.\ tnMil i .mi
pus 'until the .igeni \ i l.u died
its position mi sexual nrient.i
turn , t In .irt K le repi ii ted
I In- .igeni 4 resumed .niler
tiseincnts tm spring applu .mis
in the Ijiirr.iltl id l.tiuiiirs .mil
< l\ spokesman Mark Mails
tield said the agem v plans In
i nndili I interviews around
the I il st w eek id Man h
lint we haven t (let idl'd
uhethei the illleiv lews will he
mi ni nil i .mipus Mansfield
Mthiiugh the ( IA so t.u has
nut i mil,a led the ( areer plan
nirtg idtii e uhoii! spring inter
views if thev Were In sign the
statement thev undid then he
aide tn i nine mi ■ iimpiis
Smith said
Smith i luiins the agem \ dues
lint v lnl.de the I uiv ersit v s
eipial opportunity staleim-nt
i iling an agem V position stale
incut dated Am : 10 I OHO I he
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stntrmrnt drt l.irrs thrrr is no
blanket poln \ ot rt*jr« lion or
<nilom.itn distju.difit .itmn on
tin* lush of sexual i uiului t
1'hr agent \ list's .1 rrv lew
pnh css fh.it takes into .it
t mint the u hole prison
Mtinsf if* It I s.mi Ihe w holr
person’ t out rpf means looking
.if .ill tin* .isprt Is of ,m illthv Itl
u.iI llit'u ,ip|ifutlrs t .ip.iliilitit s
«mtl t h.ir.u tri
Hut ( )hv rr staled m flu* ,tp
pr.il ot her m »r\ .int r lh.it thi
ll \ s poluv dors not 'Ii I.ii
enough It dot’s not st.ilr tll.il
!hr\ do not dist mnm.itr im thr
basis ot sexual orientation
th.it rtju.il standards of t*\.du.it
mg sexual inmliii I .irr njualh
■ ipplirtl (or! that tllr\ have
•in\ sl.iinl.irds in plat r to pir
\ ml umutrnilrd dist i imm.i
1 lllght s U ho t drd a r | |,-\
.Hit r mi flit* ‘.pounds th.it hr
H.is drilled ,l ( I \ llifi'i'X lew last
terrn fire ause In? is oprnlv uav
< 11«*i j two legal eases from I mm 1
.mil I‘»H.* fh.it ulentit\ disc mm
n.if mn in flu* ( 1A
I lu\\ rvei in ,i 1 < • f trr tn ( he
gnn Slate Svstem of Higher i d
tn .0ion ( ham ellor I’homas
Mai tlett dated |,m l ’ 1 'm\ n m
t\ President \l\ les Hiaiul
v\ mtr I heir is nothing about
I hr c a si's ft i i m I k atr t hr < til rr nt
status <»t ( I \ hi mu.; pul it \ il
lati l\ a11|11ir«i <|<ies not \ lolate
our ruIr against (11m mmnat ion
based upon sexual orirnta
in t hi* 1 ♦ * 11»• r Miami also ad
dressed Hughes personal ills
i mmnation i laitn Mi
Hughes applied t* i an Intel
V lew \\ itll tile ( i A ami \\ as dr
mrd that opportunils bt't atisr
the ( | \ had not me ludrd
Turn to ( I V Page f>
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Title 22 of the l IS Code, Section 2151N
\<> assistance ma\ be provided under subchapter I ot this chapter
to the go\'ernnu'nt ot ,mv countrv which engages in a consistent
pattern ot gross violations of internationally recognized human
rights, ini hiding torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treat
ment or pu nish incut. prolonged detent ion without charges, or
other flagrant denial ot the right to lile. liberty, and the security
ot person, uidcss such assistant e will dirts th benetit the neeily
people in silt h i:ountrv.
Amnesty International and the I'S State Department have consis
tently criticized Israel’s use of administrative detention, which is
precisely prolonged imprisonment without charges, as noted in
the law. And both Amnesty and the State Department have criti
cized systematic Israeli torture of Palestinian prisoners, which
was also investigated and approved hy an Israeli government
I call for Congressional hearings
to determine whether CS aid to
Israel is in violation of Title 22.
City. State, Zip code
Please sii>n and send
to your Representative.
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20215
Sfmnsured In \ r.ih student I mint \st O \smh i.ited Stuilents ol I une ( ummumtx ( olleite I ureutn Students i lutani/^
tuni I'.destine suluf.inti l nmmiHrr l mini St.itrs SIndent \ssm t at nut Sindent ( tut l)is.n m.iment Stuilents
\i;.4inst \fi.irtheid \.ih\e l/iicfiijn Stmlrnt I nian Hl.uk Student t man. Mil It \ I hr Isl.nnu Sm iet\ of h utiene \tn
i .in Stutlrnl \\mm i.itmn Ir.mi.in Student t Irv.im/.itnui ( liinrsr Student ami Siholar \ win i.if inn Muslim student \ssn
i i.du/n M.tl.ix sum Student t hx.im/*ition Hum; Kuna Student UmmuIkhi