Tom’s Tea House Restaurant SZECHUAN/ HUNAN SEAFOOD DAILY SPECIALS 7HH VV. 7th \v :i4:i-7f»r»H r=-i r==^ wwr BMBM %pimm ^ ( MINI Sf ^ kf SI AdkAfST «44«t ttifrti Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs G Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours Downstairs M Ih |l 00 ; 00 \ *,rt : ! on •J •' C lovrd Sunday * Hours: Upstairs M !h 4 tt> I foot I junior guard spots up behind n Inn nearly .'() te«*f from tie basket taking .1 pass from point guaid ! errell Hrandon I to 1 almh lets go u itli an art long, featherv shot that flints the bottom ol the net ( )r egon guard Kevin Mixon has lust hit another three point shot tor tin' 1 tin Is t he three point shot is a tlx (lire in the college game these iIuvn and Mixon has tut the three pointei w itli great tie i|iien< \ this season setting a new si Imol rei ord with !>4 tre\s for the season ill! lulling a single game ret old ot seven last Sundav against < alifornia Although 1 oai h Don Munson has never been a big advocate of the three point shot not mg that the three point line is the same distant e for men's and women's 1 ollege basketball as well as high school basket ball he saw the need for hav mg .1 player with Mixon's abili ty to hit the three pointer "After the last two visits we realized we needed to have not Photo b> Martin I'hirl junior yuan/ Kevin Mixon has h,itl a key role in the Ducks sun ess this season, setting a new si hool record in three-pointers with 54 alter transferring from hi ('.amino (Calif.) College where he was a junior college all-American last year. .i desi^nati'd throe point shout 1*1, lint Mimroiu* with m >i ui riinm* wtio t.milil shoot tin* three. Munson Wi* ri*< mill'd in vt*in and it's helped having him." lit* addl’d "We d iihe to liavi* mote ( onsistem \ from him. tnil (hat will i lime w itli expert ent e The Ihu ks knew Mixon i mild m ore i oming in sin< e he was ,i junior college nll-Amen i fi THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST A.CM .1 Qualifymg \ Itlllltl Chess Tournament l of O Students Only! February the 1 Oth E.M.U. Recreation Center 12:(K) p.m. The u inner will recievc a trip to Pivatello. Idaho to compete in the A ( l '.I. regionals, February 22-24. Sign up at the Rec Center nou. S t entry tee 745 8522 • 125 S.W. 2nd Corvallis Live Mafic THE HELLBENDERS!! Fri. Feb. 9th & Sat. Feb. 10 Coming Soon. Feb. 16th CRAZY 8’s 8th year anniversary & Norton Buffalo (downstairs) Feb. 17th Ramblin Rex Sweetheart Boogie Bash! TIKS1)A\ NIGHT Tcm»ki $395 V\ ED. SIGHT Santa ( tw A Hr*crape $3’5 THl'RSDAY NIGHT S*.»n«pi A. hciiiK ini A $495 MCiHT BBo kib% A Beverage $3?5 SAT. & SI V NK.HT Su\ik 4 I rf> uniil 'pm Steak, tries A Salad I tan. Spm