Forum Western media miss real focus B\ Mi \tmii I he distorting \ ui< e ot the media lias misrepresented inn tin t in thf world Instead ot to i using on the underlying ml menls afflicting tin A/erli.iij.ini republic m the Sm iet I uion Western media and government _Commentary_ institutions seem to be more com (Tin'll about the implit a linns the latest stnle holds till the polil ii a I" 1 ile ot (India i he\ U ith their region mm ot i n pied, hundreds ot Azeris have been indisi i iniinalely slaugh leri'd (some run over w ith tanks], and millions lie sup pressed under a del .ufeiit ( iom mumst system, vet the media i ompel us to see it not as a liu man tragedy, but as a 'danger ous com pi ii at ion to (lorln s reign ( lorhat bev must pre\ail say s Hush ( )t course the means to "preyaiI " |( iinseut to murder). are lett to the i real I ve mind ol (ini bai hev (although Hush, being a former ( If A direi Ini i an show him a pointci or two) And tanks are sufise i|uentl\ rushed in to t rush the slightest whimper of diss.itis f.u lion dared out liy the help less populate \o hum.ill tost is loo big w hen it t nines to safeguarding the long term m vestments ol the capitalist West Although the media have depil ted the ret enl strife lie tween the Azeris and Anne mans as being the primary is sue (and one that justifies So\ i el military interfereni e). the teal problem I ies with deep seated which the Azeri people nurse against the Sov let I 'nion I heir region has been lerioi i/.etl In M.H agents since its annexation Iw the infamous Stalin in the I'Utls Sim e then then entire history has been falsified, and then Isiaunt lullll suppiessed anti outlawed to tin extent that the\ weie tint ed to adopt the Russian alphabet 111 the et minline sphere Mils tow has plundered A/eibai jan's niinerai resoiin es. notabK oil while investing very little III return Azerbaijan is largely left undeveloped. and where it is industrialized it suffers ecolngi disastei Living conditions have tie t lined w hile infant mortality is twice the Soviet average and uniTiipluvment is g; 0 percent Appalling health tare and edit services t tiinplele tile dismal picture <>l .1 nation ed as a snbjet t people In the ruling 'dux elite of the Soviet I limit Hut when the \/.eris th“( the to revolt against tins tnjuslit e and. like all free human beings, stand lip for lilt'll lights lliex are ruthlessly paid bulk xxilli death and destrui lion Ami the Western media reward them even mitre beautifully b\ mis representing their plight and justifying Soviet aggression against them Ihe \zeris and their struggle for freedom are being kilied twit e ovei llus is not the first revolt against Soviet domination Ity Ihe A/ens Manx ot then past leaders liaxe been assassinated and their liberation movements t ruellx suppressed In the Sun et M dt Who t fluid fiax e ex ei believed attei decades of com iinmist flashing that the West t-iii med 1.1 \\ oillil come to the defense of tin* Sox lets ' In the past. Russia was the toil empire ' and evil, natu rallx t omimls evil Hut now thanks In the new kid on the I1I01 k to il has a mix erted And xvht'iievei one enters a iiiox "tuilh. thev are automat 1 i.illx granted all the privileges offered to the lest of that faith's' members So even though the same 1 ru el I a es are still being per pet rated In the Soviets the HOW t.llllltlrs .111(1 Services .it whit It media is tiic biggest) provided h\ the lieu church |c apitdllsm), step lit tills time In lust it v .ill in thi' n.iinr ut tlic new order Membership its pm item’s \d (ini' spe.ihs lui tlic up pressed ut tile wtirhl Tltev ur nut profit,thle llte\ i .ml altord to advertise Then side is onlv t.iken when it proves prulil.iltle to tile niunev l.iunderers ut the world lint thin are just as easi Iv forsaken when thin become a liabililv to then henel.Idols I lie ( limese students fight tin drititx rat V is one lei nit exam pie As a Muslim. I used to at wav s think that Muslims wen bring singled out tin spet lal ( rtiellv Hut to its i redit the t apituilsl West does not dis t rilllinale All people, whether Muslim t'alestmian A/.eri la tino 01 Asian are eqtmllv IVlannizahle linn are ail tie V ol 1 red W it tl tile same appetite W itli a i rumbling (omuiu msl s\ stem. and ( apitalist gains \ isdilv emerging on the horizon am people (this tune, it happens to be the Muslims) bn nine polite nllv expedient to ensure the long lick to t dpi Idlism is led In the man ol tire iits ade \lt Attnii is a mrin/in ut tin Muslim student So, u-tt THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Ir* Wildlife day shifts EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT is BURGER NIGHT */3 lb. Char-Broiled Burger *2.50 5:00 pm 'til closing at 13th & Alder 343-0681 1 fw ( • Oregon Ihiih _ _ Emerald P O »!.>> 'l“l !il> vl* ( »t, V'«M i •, f ■ ’ » -.*' ! 1 M - Pi, ■■■;'■ 1 !.iy r*m «•[■! H*njnj »n,j »•.!• it.' •. r<> !f»«' . • O.r i t r»uv.i-'.! f’utjir.hing Co ,i! tf Orogon Eugvno Opqoo i t r>, of th*’ ,vtlh n>< Ihr "... j «.<•••• ' , . . ‘ . i !»••• A- .i'*-.! fJM“. '■•1 i property T-'*‘ • •' i'*'-. ’ »• ' p 'S pfftS t dllOf ' ’ ’ r. 1 i ditor ■ f ditonal Editor * . 0*r:v«'MM.J Ai'.. Th. ' '•! Photoqraphers • ■ ' * *'• ■' Advertising Production • a ■ , « r’ , H ' M,»n lotus Child Jim Finch Yvette ... * Thief ji'iimifi Th,.> .ter ViuW- <• White v\ Stuff Advertising Director Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager *■' ■■ Advertising Coordinator Classified Manager Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Service*. fa P. Kyr t>86 S*»11 686 4111 686 27 VJ 686 -I IH1 CUSTOM SCREEN PRINTING ► ‘ Party Favors » ' Plastic Cups ■ Sweats -T's Shorts ’ Dorm Shirts • Printed or Etched Glassware ¥ » Visit our staff artist every Friday in the store for Art/Design ideas! 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