Editorial Convene legislature for workers' comp Special sessions of the Oregon Legislature are rare In fai t, the last one was in l'IH4. Hut it some people have their wav. lawmakers will meet sometime this year to do something about the state's < rumbling work ers compensation system. Workers' i ompensation has been a lug topic in the media the last feu months The staleowned SAII (lor potation whic h provides workers' compensation in sura in e tor t hot i sands of Oregon businesses, lost an es timated $.40 million last year file loss ton ed the c om pain to drop ') M>2 small businesses already, with -in othei 4.1-H* c ompanies due to lose their polit ies April 1 The issue has reached a cnsis point lor once Demoi rals and Republicans both agree there are seri ous problems with workers comp Hut of ionise, both sub’s disagree on what must he clone. file Democ rats' task force wants to reduce’ medical costs t lit out most litigation and be more' responsive to the workers’ needs Most Republicans want to slash premium rates, tighten the laws cm defining injuries, and aliens workers to negotiate benefits with the'ir em ployers Both want to forte SAIL to take back most of the businesses it has chopped Both Democrats and Republicans want to have a specie 1 session to work things out. Oregon Speaker (tl the House Vera kal/ (l)-f’orl I.iikI) is loading tin1 Demur rats' t barge for a special s»;s sion while attorney general and gubernatorial candi date Dave 1 rohnmavei is championing the Republi cans’ cause. Doth have made appeals to (h>\ Neil (ioldst hmidt to call as session li\ stale law the governor. 01 the House and Sen ate ( an ( all a spe< lal session it the need arises Almost even ve.tr between the regularly-scheduled biannual sessions somebody ( alls for a spot i.tl one Hut rarely is the reason as important and necessary as it is m IW Oiegon businessmen have enough problems right now thev don't need to hu t' the prosper I ol losing their workers' comp insurance. Without that insur ance many businesses will be forced to fold simply from the threat of a worker's injuiv Cioldsr hmidt has gone on record saving he won't ( all a session until lie sees a com rete plan Wanting to see the l egislature perform (|tii( klv and efficiently is a noble goal, but (ioldsr hmidt must be careful about how long he stalls The problem will only worsen in the next tew months If something isn't done In April I the whole thing muld explode in Ins fair; Polite allv. it means nothing to him Since he announced Wednesday tie won't be running tor re-election, he has become a lame-duck governm Solving the workers’ compensa tion fiasi o would be a fitting way to go out of olfu e sryiLii i anvtue''’ educp&mn WE3PEKH V Governor's announcement disappointing "Pulitn.il surprise" is traditionallv con sidered an owmnion H\ tin1 lime .111 • ui n-li.n Hun in apolng\ lull il iu*\ it i .nni' Did \uii even t.ikr tin tilin’ mil tn ask am mu- in tin' \St () what thr\ v\i■ 11■ planning In do Ill'll II i' Mill U I ote ll].«l ,111 H li' ' ( )li\ intislv mil her .lust' il Min li.nl you would li.ni’ Imiud mil tinit u ilhmil their I k -1 p the Hi.n k Student I Minn would h.ive iu'Vit lieiTi .ilile lii bring I )| I I.IITA lulu .lilts In tills i .1111 pus In speak Ini the King In 11 i da\ Without the involvement ol A n.l\ < l.ii k .iml the As! I ) si,ill the event would have iu'mt gotten nit tlie ground I think voui i Mill ism i mild hesl lie direi led low.ml those who have the |iiiwel lu in,ike III Martin !.other King's bir*hda\ .i si hool holiday, whuli would show the resper I that is due In him I ill.oik the ASl '<) Im t.ik illg the time out lo help Krnesl Kniwn Direr tor BI at k Student l Hum Interference ( Inis Kelso supports ,uiti .ibortionists .ittempts to "pm liibit .dilution 4>t > iinvniirni e it )! >1 bill ill ( )ui ipirst inn is \\ liiui .uni win do women do i ide to lormin.ite .111 uim.inteti pmt411.uu t ' I lien piMsoii.il i on v im 1 it' 1111■ is 1 i’it.iinlx not Ihf ni.iioi i riterion riu- woin.iu hersell is the onl\ person u ho 1.111 i le.irlv ('i'ii>h the re.isons tor .nut e.4mist tlel plegll.llU \ \o 111.lt ter hou she (lei lilt's, she ll h.n e 140111' through .1 lot ut sen mis thoughts .mil emotions I he ,n 1 us.ition ill,it women n ho pre\ mush li.nl .111 .ihortion .lie more 11 k 1 ■ I\ to he potenti.il i hdd abusers is ruin ulinis .mil .m outright lie 111sti‘.id id degrading women lo sei mid i lass i itizens hr re fusing them the liglil In dei irle Inr themselves we should pro vide an environment ihet gives a woman the most positive sup port for w hater ei she i nines to i onsitlei the appropri