__ Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald _Inside_ ■ Media and capitalism. Page 3 ■ A fashion statement. Page 4 ■ New gun laws, Page 7 ■ Goldschmidt drops out, Page H I hursd.H I i'l)Hi.H\ H. l'l'M) Kiigrni'. (livijim \ ulumc '(I \umbn ‘t.'i (. l.ltll . None shall pass rnr I'rm ol llir lni\rrsil\ s /,ulu)r ( ecu mst.ills .1 nr 11 slop sit’ll ns p.ul ot llir \\finir irmn ,1 linns on c.im/nis I'lioto b\ \mirt- K.imcri Passive attitudes fuel racism, speaker warns Its I).in I islet I merald Keporlet Whites must < inifriiiit thru im n lid iris .mil ill it m Ifs in ■.mil . 1.11 ; iii .ju•,iki i |»■.111 mill Antnmnu -..nil V\ eilnesd.n night it ,i i .ilhi'i I II,,11 iIim us .nil tat ilit.iti'tl In Students \" lill I A |l.ll I lli'lll \ lit'.milhi . .i I i . nr 11 it -11 it >i -1 III ( liTg\ and I .Ills I nlH I'l Ill'll said ln't i'\|ii ! nul l's ivhilt- v is it i ng It'i mi", Mr and Sun I It A111 1,1 m tin- 11,is’ three \ imis have i iinvmt f,l In i i,n: ism is a white pruhhurt .mil it s tin problem I hate to keep ask lug tin si'll A\ ha' .mi I tit»it»K 1,1 |11I' v t*iit ratistn:' she said adding that she supports it thrmiy.!i 'just stand mg lav anti letting ti happen The walls mat be i inning dov\ u m I astern him toiletries hut lai ism remains ulh e at home Anlonion said Auloniou was in I ennessee this Jarman dm mg Mart m I ai lltei king weekend She p.irtii I paled m a man h m Pulaski know II as I lie lilt thplai e I it the k ii kins k Ian 1)1 I lie lil III people III the man ll olds live ssere s\ lute Anlonion said In addition I lie deinoustralioii vsas watt lied In uni osiumed hlansmen who had gathered rarlU'i iu an impel nutted protest lli.ill h a'4.11 ns! t hr i r I r h i a 11 o n \ 1111 MiHUI Was also in ( ’hat ta nooga where she had previous Iv III' ! tllr tamilv nl W .nil'- Sn! !!•■•- i11 \fi n an \m**n< an u ho iliril in t* i iisliuiv in !*>H I Suf! Ic ia» W as arrested tni sleeping in his i ai ami !»*i hr iny, h s \ 11 u 111 u the photojom nalists whose work is nn ilisjil.ii ne l.ile photogiaphcrs Maigaret Ituuike White and W fiugene Smith ( ll g.uii/eii .mil i in ill.Ill'll III the lHlem.itiiiH.il Mu seuui hI I'holography .il the t leurge li.istm.iii llinise the exhihil le.ilures hands-on displays mi photogra |ili\ light magnitit .itlt>n and tailor A walk through Sanderson i .inier,i mi loan Innn Si lent e World lit is une highlight hI the exhibit Uthiiiigh U.ISTW already has raised S.'OUOO m i ash the lull sell III needs StiOIIO 11 it a I In reielVl a S I "i (Mil) i h.illenge grant tmmtioi \eil (liddsi luitidl Sharon Mi Himiei spokesperson tin \\ IS I I t said lie museum is'reopening on the basis ol pmjei.ted fund ing "The hoard ol direi tins dei ided on the basis ot donations pledges, in kind contributions. projei led ie\emte anil siheduled hind raising i.ainpaigns to re open Mi Hllrnei said It vie don't gel the binding. UlS'll t mil lie in trouble Sun e i losing ils doors Aug 2 bei ause ..I binding shortages \\ ISTl < has received Soil (100 in pledges, donations and in kind i.ontrihutions As a non protii organization the museum relies on admissions, mem berships and i onlrihutions for tunding Main concerned people u ho did not want to lose (In' lormminitv sc iem <• museum lesponded McHui lie\ said Hut It s Hist lint enough to i ov el operating expenses VYISTI ( opei.lies on .m .mmiiil hmlgel ot si it (Kill to SWili (M)u .i figure thiil Mi IJurnev emph.i sized was modest Adequate funding has heen in on going i imiem sim e the mu ••emu opened .it it-. present site m 1 un It li.is heen »t struggle in fund the museum from the beginning flu museum was started udh no leal plan for how it would he funded Mi Burner said I think it s very diffii lilt for anv organization oi mtiseum to survive without < ommnnitv fund ing she added f .xhihits are vet v expensiv e to lent U e re talking S : nun to s.: , I rut i lui an exhibit \\ Is | 1 l s photmoui n.ilism exhibit is funded in part In (he Keg is ter (ill.ml. vvhiih i oulrihuted Si.iitrn for lire exhibit Im hided in the displ.lv are piiolo graphs taken In /v’egrsfer (.u.inl pholojmu nalists is well as end les m then pholojournalism i iinfest \\ IS I'l l also offers lei hires and workshops mi pinhole i .oner.is optical illusions shadow, light and nun i ng pic tines as part ot its edm at tonal t u ut turn "Science literal \ is a leal com erti Mi Hui nev s.ud 'and WIST! ( idlers a wav for i hihlieu to get in volved in sciem e in a wav that's non threatening Seneca Sawmill to \\ ev erii.ieusei ( « and Huhe nu.i Ini are among several of Ufsf'lt s corpotate sponsors Hud Stewart publii affairs coordiualoi at lloliemia Im also i lied the educational role ot U is I I t as important 'It's part of the iaigei i.itegorv of education Stewart said I llev do a lot of edui afnmal stuff espe oinJlv Willi file M.uug people I he\ are all impuilaill part ot the edui alioual si one m l ane < iiunfv Stewart said Bohemia Im also hinds UISl l.t out ol a sense of sot ml respunsilnlitv We teel a husmess i all I fake tot granted the i ommumtv it s in Stewart said lake a lot ot Htmto hv \U(i \ ir Mii li.iel Di.iiiiiniil .1 It/S/7 r sI,ill member, in s/;ri Is ,i /ini Inin nl llie i.istm.in House fihotojour nalixm exhibit thut n/ieiis I nil.n lining u ilh ,u li\ ilirs tli.it h.t|)j>rii in tin- i umiiimiitv muni tinu-s tlii-ii- li.iv tu In- .1 ri'i kniiini> tln-n- li.is in III- t I II.lilt i.ll I I'M llin t‘s I think U is | I i is going tn st.i\ solvent In added I hr\ vi-1 nun- I,it i- In t.n i- u itli tin- real it \ tli.it this IS .ill age nl .11 I nllltt.ilII11!\ 111 till.mi I.ll m.illi-rs U IS I It \\ ill 111- n | II-II 11 nil i I inn 11 tu I j I ill 1-lid.n llmnigli Siiml.n beginning I rnl.n I i-lim.irv 'i Ail niissinii [Hit i s .in- S ' Ini adults. S ' Ml Ini students .mil seniors S tni kills .niil lie* In \\ IS I I t itieilllii-is