Sports Club volleyball team in action Hu- ( dub Sports men's vol leyball learn will meet a team horn the I wgrnr Downtown Athlete ( hull Wednosda\ at p m .it Mi \ thnr ( niiit in .1 In ml raiser tin the upi oming nationals tournament 111 leu The men liesh nit an \ league tournament w ill last ueek in I’orlland. sport an K 0 rei ord 1 inning into the matt It v\ ith the Athlete ( lull w hit It won the I MHO \ \ Regional ( hampionship and leatmes ()r egun vollev hall roai h Derry (iregorx t Oregon I i nishet I tilth last seat in the nutiimat tournament in I lav'is. ( alii . and have a goal ol finishing fifth again this teal Hut team spokesman I odd KobeiIson said the team is 1 apahle ol finishing higher Robertson said players who graduated limn the team la a season were replaced by other players who are as good 01 even hetlci than the graduated players Robertson also said the team is linn Ii belter organized this \ ear than hist. The I lurks have lour pi.iyei s returning bom last veui's team im (tiding Robortson loam i .»p tain I lit Aikiorson. Vo •-* : Ansat \ and sottur I arl Ku h m"ini Six fool -I multi ip Mm, k »*t Tn>\ lumlam highlights tin* n«*\\ {flavors on Iho loam Tho starting six im liulos I hos»* tivo pla\ or s' v\ till .1 throo man riil.ilioii m tho sixth spot 1 .rant (.* indhun. u ho pia\ otl «m ihf i >m\ nti>w n \thlrth t)n*s o > team shimano Y1 1 htMa ( In I, \anilla I ightniryjj I > Sic kncsN 44. I amhda t hi Alpha I W< I ho Risk 4 > N oali. Ki^hi 4! I \press II 48. Physics 20 just Do It r>’> t alio Ion 41 ( von Mom Wasted '>8. kappa Su; III 18 Pino si Phonoitis 88, C olliei > > Wild lypes 4'», The Quads 24 Sigma \u III S4, five W'hito ( >uys 2 I \amlla Ihtindor II Not loss 12 stu k\ I infers 4 i. (.ri//ltes I rorn Moll 2 > BIG THIS SALE WEEK! TAPES AND COMPACT DISCS ‘25 Years ot Quality Service' GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mofcoilt?'. • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • I.>v*>l.« 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 Kesey & Company reinvent the novel 1 O.u. L£\/0JV' I N TRODUCTl ON BY j-S ROBERT 3LUCHLK p,r;N I^OCHNE^ JAM£S PIN LEV 7FFF FORESTER fVr ’ i N p TT HOFFMAN ivnn JEFFRES5 h E N KE5 E Y NEIL UDS7R0M M HIGHU/ATER PCWt^ JANE satheR CHARLES VARAN' MuRFOTW V4DLEY I ID'A VJKAI an KEN / IKWERNAN ’Witn'he -*,*ptior ot th*- Bih!> • A'h-c t ,i'ter , . . . j !■ • -, , f ,i ■'* i, ■ > f !1 f i' ■< ' • . t 1" 1 ■ T11 •' ■ 1 h ■ ’ ■ ■ : . ■( • r tt ■(' !) u ! .Kt.-r, \- ' ■ " ' . ■ f ■ . ’ ’ Library Journal bt ■:■!' ■ f' rfity (-spt-Mi -r! s • .i liftiu< •,».')f* ' pub; t .f’ii h ■ ' '. ■: ' the 1' >'■ Cciuem;:, ■.•> ttu• • >t' >ry of ur >utu<:}t-ou^ archeoii >c;icai p ;> ir t ic\f iii n;i' e t • • it.> >i »f The Q/jpe*) > >f Wrath 7hi' 'bintcrbury L i aith rr f •.?«■(■. ;:.i -r if .; !('!';iu€" t >r < ■■ ,n truth f<» Cavern^ fu : • • .vr tt /.her thejuth r of Ont- r I* "• ' • 'thru tjcbn>i bf'Sf '*■ ' ' h"T.’ If' • this rem irkible p- ■' the wntirq Wthon •• . ,♦, ,r - • .{ ;n• :t k ■ (.iry idv< •» turt-b >t ai time f • ;i i • • ' , ■,•{•-■ m» h>< \t'-v f'tri11;