Rock art l\i< k 'iimpsnn. •! finr .uts m.ijoi ni.ikrs ./ /;//1 (»“r.iphii print on II.i\.ill,in linirstolw in thr \h hi tri turn ,unl \Hivii . \/ f> .1 ir.i <>/ / ,m /'cm c / /.j// I’hutn li\ Stc\ r ( .1 i ll The 1989 5th Nationally University of Oregon Men’s Volleyball Team vs. The 1989 AA Regional Champions Downtown Athletic Club Men’s Club Volleyball Team Wt-d ( i-h 7th 7pm. .it M.u Omit I irkcts S2 00 ■ ■ .• " .' ■ Atf ! .i. hrt s / ..'H.tfrf Club Spoils / undine} Oregon West -fitness OREGON WEST WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES - 6am 11pm 7 Days a Week 1475 Franklin Blvd Across from Campus J College Bowl competitions open around campus In tin' I AH i Hnu I t ion. the* firs! round ip stills tv»*t«’ I). I. Politri nitr dp li'.ifcH Rpd Hi-vtl Rmiv.ii Thu \f«‘ 1 c llrss It;t* Wr isrls uiif sc un ci Top nt till* I ItMtl He■ n*n*i! Nightman* 1>cm! Sigma jtj*. lie’ll,I I psllon cil lc'.cl t'H I m ummi'ii Ui'iiiimm.ilH! Mount.tin i) Things Heal Up “David Speaks” National iuiu< ator. Author. Platform \i list and I lairdresser David K I letc ht‘r Perms — ,\r. in or out this season ' You hut tht*\ re in!! \ nlumr lt*\ltirv fillin' -■ Infs (if sly In .mil >Ont*ss i an hr < rrafrt! bv i hanging ihf shapr of th<* hair phtMimallv} If you'n* worritni almut bail r***stilt*, s thr ■volti !icn ‘ Mavbn % > Mir hair is no! in thr lu*si i niiilttiun bn a jifrin I hen* ha*- fn In1 s.iinrthmg in tbr hair fur f In- (mi in !■ li »< k nit. > i>i v "u ma\ 1m* using a ptuibn i bun that lravrs a build up un yout haif that tbr urrm jusl i an t grt through !Ih**- pl.c.fu i oat mg i s mu* oj thr imohI i uiiimait pruhloiluO or ni*«vl*«* you nnt’tl a frrsb iiiiw ti*i him «tl h l ithl u fnrtu! u ith a fnntaslu fu-nn tuul iisA \\ li<>»//«/ if ( all lor help 484-0088 L ooking tor a good deaP ^ Check the Emerald ADS yotuf \Y.u CiSX NVi'voiis H«k\: With th«* '• i*«i»• rlulls s( )H s .imt Shvl I ».»}* slitlfil Si ir.iumiv; \ uc If t Trvii k in tui }fsiis II won thr m» rall I uiu'imI\ Inn Kil«*s < umpftition in thf 1 l.umilnn i oinpr ': t r i >11 ,il [Mi'ss tilin' Ilii' liMIlis won ui’if ! inhivii .mil I'l.n cnfitN (ii'nclii Hisimlcf I )tiln \!ihh;o1i.i : I limn mwir vv ill It its .tin I l hi- 'i i m in; ( )m>> ( h i-t.ill insults Ittr I hr Hr,in I l.umllmi i oiupluv i om pi'tilinm vvi-if mil ,iv iiiliihlc .it pn-SS llltlf Chamber ^jt/lusic cries I ho l iniversitv ot'i >ivt;on School of Music EAST BERLIN in Eugene? I In- answer is an exquisite > / s' On February 8 the Berlin Octet, hailed as "the most outstanding chamber music ensemble in hast Ciermanv," will perform two magnificent ik tets by I ran/ Scliubert and Jean Erancaix, right here in Eugene. Share the common language of beautiful music with these extraordinary musicians in the warm intimacy of Beall Concert I (all In a rapidly changing work!, what better way to reinforce mutual appreciation and understanding’ Thursday, Feb. 8 8:00 p.m. BFAM CONCERT H AI I, UO Music School SI I SO, S10 SO, sS SO Rosorvovi ‘n\its, tor students Available in advance it ! lull C'enter > r at door mi u>n< < tt night COMPLETE HEAL TH FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL DEPARTMENT THE BEST IN TOWN BROASTED CHICKEN 8 $029 PIECES for O 1/2 GAL DUTCH GIRL FROZEN YOGURT shamsavB COUPON I I I SMALL EGGS 3 DOZ. 17 Coburg Rd. Hours 7 a.m.-l 1 p.m. 7 days a week 683-8670 AD EFFECTIVE 2-7 thru 2-13-90 485 1624