Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 07, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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GAMES admission i so
EUGENE • 683 8464
on campus
«•»mi • in • <»
Men & Women
• Shan ;
• Hatrc ut
• R'oa.I'v A,|Fo(0niy
• Style
EMU Ground Floor
$10 N€$US
Can no* *u' i.i'■1 4p;iO!ntP **nt
Walk ms WHr.f '
484 0314
Something Wild
Is Coming to
Task force recommends changes
in family housing policy boards
H\ Stephanie Mem inter
t mer.tld ( nrilrilnitor
Miri .1 live month mini\. tin
I iiivi'imIi I .<:n11\ 1 lousing
I,is! I tii< i■ has m.nii mom
cni.int c i>l f.irnilv huusiiu;
Thr 1.1 sk lull i * was , 1111 u 11 n 11 'I i
in Septemlrrr m response in
ten,nits i ompl.iints llt.i! Ilic
housing department lias lint
tolkming legal pmn'ilurns m
governing Westmoreland .uni
Anm/ott housing arms
On. iii tiir task Inn i’ n*i i mi
mcrtdalions is In iii \ ill 'p .i
in.niu.il tli.it would stTvi* .is ,i
singli* r* ■ 11 • 11 * 11« f mi fa mil v
housing puiu \ lor tenants and
I un i*rsit\ administrators I lir
in.iiiii.il would im hide .i i Ir.n
sl.ilrmi'iii ..I t.iiuilv housing
ptirpnsrs eligibility i ntcn.i
.mil priurilirs Ini housing .is
signmrnt h.iM'd on these prion
I It's
III. task Ini I I • .llsn m Mill
• I h. In • ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ p
tin.inls hr rrpl.ii rd In one I am
ii\ Housing Hn.ml In rontro)
pul ii r development .mil govri
name ut .ill |,iitii)\ housing, m
i hiding llir I .ist ( uinpus area
• I .i, h family housing area
hav r ,i irn.inl i mint >1
• \ mil ll: :i j.; i I I i: .Hi.! I h :
i i.iI management slim turn he
designed lh.it in.iki ■ a ' Ira! ills
till! I lull llrlu cun IldSK ill*llis
.i rid il isi i ft ii hi.ii \ linns
•I l : • ! ii. n: • ■'->!■ ' i:
,i base budget In inrrl require
incuts lor drill repayment I t
( 1111\ management and r sen
I i.i I rrpl.K intent and irpail
appruvr disi irlioiirtrv expendi
luri's supporting t.n iliiv and
ruumumtlv improv rinrnls Midi
as (uinpiili'l luuiiis day i arc
Oriental Bullet L unch
£. Try Our Dinner
Hours Downstairs
Hours Upstairs
III _"
in U.S.A.
f*lS r' ¥ » •• .’>!*«• r p
Wft r • ‘* * • • = t i
• • - t ¥ 1 • ,*• T •?
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f'ho.fn* 1 800 83/ ?186 loll fr«*«•
X ' i 03 Or* 80/1
t> . * , ; N f ;; < f i *
£3 :3fl10B(±)J1B(B)
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-'hun« l goo 344 72411 To 11 fr*e
l r 1 71? m iS?0 9 00 If 00
I ny it; it‘<.
programs .mti pla\grounds
• Hie Tamils 111- iis1t
n strm luird in adequatels re
•\i i I tin- interests nt stahehold
I IS allll till' IHIIge III issues .Ills
::i : iii tin- pi i iVlsinn tm 1.1 illilV
• 1 ■ ' ' ' . Ill
iv *■ x.in11ni• i! in 11u111 nt i iinl' in
pmais relationships .mil living
.in angeiin-lit s m .liliiitiun In
jirtu edmes Jin derisions and
appeals and family housing
bn.ml iv'sponsIt>i 1 it ms
Knliin- it111kiiuj ri*i ninmeuda
I mi is tin 1. i s k Inn i ■ hr.ml test i
ilium tnnn tm,nits .uni ,nlmin
ist i, iti it s tu idrntils si i nit ■
causes nl problems in housing
gorrniant r Tumults' i mu urns
iin hull'd tin' lack nl gos it
n,iih i- i nil--' Ini l ast (atnpiis
housing, tin' (ear th.it tenant
■ limn iIs .uni poln \ hoards
would hr abandoned and low
levels ut tenant purtii ipation m
I,mills In losing gin ernant e
! .i -k tmi i i h,nrin,in llnli
M.ittsmi said the tenants t liti
i isms were 'less ul polii s than
ol fidelity and implementation
of | oil it \
Mattson said tint' ot the big
v* ! jin>1 ili’ms thr task tmi *• rn
i nuntered was tin* < (infusion
ovei tin* role ot tin* po!i(.\
board in family housing gover
mini ** I Im task Ion a* suggested
tin* nsi* ot tin* word poiic y in
di*M rihing student functions is
misleading be< ansi* it implies a
level ot authorit\ and responsi
lniit\ that an- in reality. quite
Mattson soil! students on tin*
poli< v hoard ad\ ise tin* admm
ist ra! ton on issues but ulti
mately. adopting poln \ is the
job ot the admimstia! ion.
( )m* ot tin* goals o! the task
toil r u as to i larih the ride ot
students in policymaking aiul
to redefine tile go.ds of tamil\
Inuisiiig Mattson said
I amilv housing al (lie I m
varsity if.lies l<i World Will II
\\ lii'ii it was limit In .111 omnio
dale returning veterans .mil
then l.imiltes \l the time, the
i ommmiity niiide hinnh lions
mg a |li kh it v to make sure ie
turning soldiers completed
their edm alions. Malt sou said
\inv. Malison said. the pri
rate sei lor sees laillih housing
i mnpeting with the < oniniuni
Mattson said the task Ion e
got positive leedbai k tit tin
housing residents and said \ it e
President Dan Williams ulio
appointed the task ton e should
he i unintended lor iml iat mg
the study
Dan Williams is smart Im
looking al govern.ini e before
t lie i e is a conflict Mat t son
said That s good adminislru
I'hi' administration w ill re
\ if\\ I In* panels rt ■! iimini'iul.i
I n in-. 11>i .1 m,im mum nl (ill days
lirlni'i' making ,1 ili'i ision cm
implemniit.it ion.
Williams said he will consult
jinl it \ groups. housing depart
iiu nl stall and \ isil w ith ullli'l
\ur presidents jo see how the
tusk Ion e ret omnieiid.ilions
W t>11 It 1 uflet I the I nil eisil\
"Its most I \ a matter ol sit
ting down and digesting the
ret ninmeiidalunis and seeing
how llir {family housing)
groups feel about them." Wil
hams said
In addition jo Mattson task
tort e members w ere Barbara
t ihitui. t om eiitional oi i upam \
super! is..r w ith the l.unedoun
l\ t lousing Authority: dreg
lohnson. a luiiveisilv law
si hoot i 11st rut to! . I tavid \\ hit
low assistant city inanagei ol
I- u gene and (diaries Wright a
I im ei sit\ in.it I it ’Hint it s protes
^ Valentine's^
ALL Enlargements
One half Price
18th & Willamette 484-6116
Resumes, brochures, business cards,
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