.University Run to promote women's sports By Dan Eisler Emerald Reporter Walkers and runners will promote 'National Wil ls and Women in Sports Day " in a tree, non i ompelitive rai e to be held Thursday afternoon Ihe two-mile race is sponsored bv the I'm v eisit\ Ret reatinn and Intramurals program and the women's rights task lon e (dealing A Rape tree Environment lilt- run begins at t !() p m anti the walk will begin live to 111 minutes later, alter the run tiers have t leared out til the t ourt said rat e tiiret tor I lent' Idler Idle event, held lor the first time this yeni is the next step ill raising awareness attei Ibis tail s ( ARE week said Shaun Davis, intern to I'nivei sitv Inuanted Sexual Tension I ask l-ort e t ban person Shirley W iIson d he walk run also prov ides an opportunity to make people aware ol senates anti to network with other t rune prevention organizations, said Shelly Reet.hei loimdei ami toortlimitor ol I’m jet t Sate Run (Jilt- of the goals of the 1,11 i* is !o attrat 1 a ifi verso group of people. Idler said "He extend .01 open invitation I,nidi men are encouraged to eoine and participate Idler said Adds I' and Nike are providing free advertis mg and prizes at the event, said Karla Kn e, t in versitv Kei reation and Intramurals direi tm In addition. \ I ,x I represent.ilives will hand out mlornialion 1 aids and will donate at 1 ents to Womenspuce for ever\ card tilled old and re turned . Kii e said I’SK will give presentations at the rave in eluding Several I’rojei I Safe Run dogs, Reecher said I'd lei said the idea tm the race was inspired In National tnrls and Women in Sports lias whit h i ele hi ales womens 1 out ri hut ion to sports We know a lot of people around here walk so it seemed tilting Idler said ' I thought it would he neat to have a lai e on 1 ampus, (wliii III i mild give i ham e for exposure to the task ton e 1 h>' 1 Mill e ol I’uhlii Saletv is lending its slip pi a t h\ inun Hi n 1 ng the rai e t.i (Mto-tjnr Fulttfi Iwui |7t) i*»ut>le l*i> (>»mi Hill kin# II i't Celebrate! We have a new futon and ilew lower prices for the New Year' Mark- with the same old care and craftsmanship that you've come to expect from Northwest Futon Company Come celebrate with us1 MoatHWitv fi now ( o m » * » * )«>M) KAMMIM.n MW MtNUJtS UVIN Eugenr IOIH) Willamette St M217ti2 « |'t«* hd I EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT 1430 Orchard St. 345-6133 DROP OFF fcN ATTENDED 10-5:30 VWF DRY CLEANING THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fail Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShoerr on campus «•* nn • in i >>•* o»>i—» »t » ---—--1 L ookmg tor a good deaP Check the Emerald ADS Get a 14” 1 Item 6.50 delivered Plus one 16 oz. PEPSI 687-8600 • 1432 Orchard Offer Good Mon. & Wed. Just ask for 74” Special (St BOWL BOUND! & 1 The Official 1989 Highlight Video University of Ocaaaik Dyck Football Relive all the ml^^^BTctfcfifeltPement of the historic 1989 Oreg§31|B©®Qj| season by pur chasing your copy <^l®rai[j|$)fcally created VHS videotape. ' '"Sr" It's all there. The thrilling victories of the 1989 campaign. The record-settfng performances by some of the most prolific pibyers in Oregon football history And, of c&ffhe, the Ducks' appearance in the Independence Bowl, in cluding game highlights ancf bowl festivities. 1989 Oregon Football Highlight Video Order Form AtlO'OVS ' ty . if! I y ■ i* . >1 V9W> r> f nn>j»* jfxi' -jf - Ji'fg S^OO total Mo-' f (.) Aft !(«•? .- : voortrrwKif Mr A/V vj! '; , „rt f , GIV V '40 { r®tring $34.99 ROTRING 4 PEN STAINLESS SET :*ve jj4 oo" ROTRING 4 PFN TUNGSTEN SFT ,-v %XJOO° SAVLS4C00'! S142.00 ROTRING 8 PFN TUNGSTEN SET 1 SJSMEDTLER | (kfk STAFDTLFR J7* 4 I ..f .# JEWEL S|:.\ OPIUM EVENINGS and WEEKENDS IKY IS I 11C ST! G&32/8/ /7G Cast 13th. L'ugcno n tr* Smith F *m«*/ Ou