__Editorial De Klerk's reforms are positive signs On Friday. 28 million South African blacks got a glimpse of something they've been waiting for a long time: a chance at freedom. South African President F.YV. de Klerk’s historic announcement to legalize the African National Con gress and other anti-apartheid groups unleashed a stream of praise throughout the world. Desmond Tutu called it "incredible,” George Bush labeled it "posi live,” and organizations such as the European Eco nomic Community cautiously approved the speech However, before de Klerk is elevated to the; level ot Great Liberal Thinker, as some groups appear willing to do, some things have to la; sorted out De Klerk has promised to free Nelson Mandela, but as yet, that hasn’t happened. When it does, de Klerk's proposals will take substance, hut until then, they're just talk Although it wasn't an across-the-board plan to change the entire South African way of lite. de Klerk's speech was the first bit of good news to come out of the country in years The South African cabinet wants to give blacks equal voting rights. Such a plan just one vear ago would have been unthinkable to the South Af rican government, and unexpected to the rest ot the world. Hut then again, if Eastern Europe can fall in a wave* of tloinoc racy. maybe* it's South Afric a’s turn. Perhaps the* best way to gauge the importanc e of h students mi tm.in i ial aid have a health t are allut limit ut S (All a S IIMI pul ii \ u mild make the prospei t ul denial and eve i are ufi.dtord ahle An la. peri nil nl I 'uiversi Is students rei five some (man i ial aid in era 11 attention to these Iwo areas would drop sin min antis il the proposal Were iniplomuiitud \\ hull \ Hill ( '1,11 k mill Si 1)11 U \i kull ran in lilt1 I'lH'l slu ilenl eloi turns thui uiprossed ,1 goal ill involving tin- flitin* stu iifiit hodi m tin* voting pm i i'ss ('lurk uml \\ vt kotf liu\f ujipurt'iil!\ lurgottun tlivii goal ut u 11nif ulu'ii stuili'iit involvi' inimt i mild not hi' inorr impor taut riu- pii'still*nt uml tin* v ii i' president along with tlu'ii SI lit uppuintu's i iiiitiiiui' to support an mi'tti'i ti\i- and grossli untaii proposal that i oulil pntentialli double stu ili'iit Ii'i's without lulling for a ri'ti'ri'inlnm Dai ul Knight Mathi'inatii s Debate Anti life radii als such as K i islcn Hraiiilt |( >1 >1 I oh , i halo omo again domonstrutod win tho ahortiun "debate’ is "evtreuielv emotional" arid novel rational I ho issue ot ahortion is rareli dohatod hi those soil i I a ssr I it'd pn i chon ois Instead. tltol must w hiue that pro lilo i Inldieii urn- prrsrut .mil prntrstiug the .mil hlr n.illiriin^ in \ovrm I u ■ r In i ,isr vmi ui'if umnlrrmi; Hr,null i hihlrrn happen In Ur tllr issue ill tills i nlillll I I’m Iilrrs »i'ii' mil till' uiih uni's ginllv ut tins i ruin', anti liters hruunht m Ihr pin su .ilk .mil lllflll.il k illsiililrtl Ini llim i .him* ,il thr s.mir talk Ironi i.ilk I Ilf st' s.imr peuple .nr sniin* nl thrsr killed In thr *17 prn 1'iit nt uliortioiis prrlurtiii'il tnii mu i'lli«*in i’ mill l.rt us ilrli.itr thr real issur 1 hr mrilii.il huts prnvi' th.it .ihurtinn trimm,itrs an inilr priulrill Imm.ill hlr Ahurtinn is muiilri \i it tin murder of a spottril owl hut ul a vinillk i hlltl a \ ihiiui I llilil that dr srrvrs to live as mill it as lull nl I Kevin Mini Histuri Die-hard I takr r\i option to thr Irttoi written In Mark llarthn IOPI I rh M i uni rrnillK 4‘ter pus rrs Hnsidits tin uh|rtluin to thr strong rpithot at thr end (stu ki I do not apprri lair that hr has taken sm h a superior at tltliile and feels he has a right to indite who rna\ or mm not root (or a partn ular team I root tor tin' 4'lers tree arise the\ an' near in proximity {I also root tin ttie Seahawks), and it is tnn to wall ti the prn i xion and talent sy ith yy Ini h the\ pi.is e\ers Rattle I hei ame a die hard I'ler fan last season upon their bei mu mi; W i it Id (humps lot the third time Kememliei Joe and i mu pans .ue there on the playing tie Id loi eseryone's enjoyment Mil hurl I Indies Soi mingy Chill out \\ osv! 1 nes et though ills art I tie on Don Majkossski (1)1)1 |an Jti| ssould i ause sue h a stu I guess (wing a life-long resident ol Madison. \\ is has lelt me unasyare ol the magni tude ot lose people in the "out side world" have for Joe Mon tana \\ hen I ss rote the letter, I kness ms admittedly biased opinion would he ,n i epled by tew 1 hi I host* who didn I agree I was m hopes ih.it thm would hud some humor in nn incredibly unpopular argil iiii-nt As it turns out though, it seems some were ai tuallv ol tended In m\ letter, enough so to respond to it I lie tai t is those w ho did write in made the mistake that I was i homing Majkowski is the greatest ipiarterhai k ever. W ell, get some glasses guvs! W hat I was i homing was this Mon tana is not the greatest ipiartei back ever, and Majkowski was arguahh the lies! in I'lti'l As tin Montana's lifetime sta tistii s they have no hearing on who was hotter m ItIH1) As fm his statistics in lttHtt. "quarter hai k rating" isn't evervthing And as lor Ins post season per formani e, well, there's a good reason win I’ro Howl voting doesn't take this into consider •ition |Ma|kowski made it m I A erett didn’t | Montana's great, but great and best aren't svnonvms Who is the best/ Lighten up guvs; it doesn't matter that mm Ii .Mil haul Simon Finance Pentagon stockpile disgusting List l-ridav ,i Senate Budget (’ommittce repiul was sent In l S Defense Sim retar\ |)n k (!hane\ l lii' report stall'd tin- Pentagon has at t umulated a stockpile ol morr Ilian Sin billion worth u( i*«|uipinuut imifnnns and s11.111■ ports tin- Pentagon din's not need ami !11.i\ ne\ ei lie able to use l lns slot kpile has been building up lor dei tides and grew to even greater propoi turns during the Reagan Administration's whirlwind ol e\iesst\e mililaix spending Not sinpiisingK the Pentagon has orders tot more e\i ess supplies, to the tune ol SI M billion The stud\ .ind resulting report .ire part ol the Demoir.itii majoritv’s eftorts to pin 11.i\ the Hush Administration's unwilling ness to redin e the mditaix budget Rxi.exs spending is