Regional_ Bethel teachers settle with district A tentative settlement was aniiouni ed Tuesday after a tour hour strike In tear hers m the Hethel Si hool 1 tislru t Teat hers walked out at ti a m after lengths negotiations failed to produi e an agreement The settlement was annnuiu ed about lit a in In state mediator Naur v Km/ I he teai hers planned to vole on the proposed i onlrar t later m the day No details of the i ontrai t were available mime it lately Hie settlement was .in noiint ed alter a negotiation ses sum that lasted nearly .'•! hours About _'tl strikers pu kelerl outside the distnet's administration building I ues day morning as talks r ontinued inside I he breakthrough i nine when the entire seven member s< hool board met is itb the teat (lets negotiators at I tit a 111 to make I lie distill Is filial oflei said board i hair man I fa s'id Brow n Both sides were VS illitlg to give and that's what brought iis together hi' said The distrir I s 2 i(> tear hers were (old In work, in their liuildings for four hours lues if.iv tiefore (heir vole on the contract. said David Mandelblatt president of tfie I'ugene lalur .ilion Assor i.ition Nearh 4.00(1 students would be bar k in si bool Wednesdas if tear hers approver) the r ontrar t he said The walkout was the fust leat hers strike in Oregon tins si hoot vear and the loth lis Or egoii teai hers sun e to:'2 Teai hers in the laigene Si bool Itislnit went on strike in IMH7 and in 11 *7* 1 Meanw lnle teai hers 111 MiNtmmille said this woultl sti ike it a 1 ontrar t Is not real bed \ negotiating ses sum in Mi M inns die ss as si bedu led b a Wednesdas File bethel teai hers 1 out 1.11 t ■ •spired last summer < ontiui t talks began a sear ago but iisii bed ao impasse 11 Ma. leai hers re|et ted a t.u I tinder's lei nmmcilded settlement III l)e 1 emliei The main roadblot k had been the teachers contention thr\ should rec oive .salaries ,md lienefits < loser to those paid to teat hers in larger near b\ school districts in i.ugetie and Springfield Sc hool offi< nils said the teachers contract demands would recjime higher taxes and hold Bethel taxpayers hostage to wage levels set bv neighbor ing sc bool clistr 11 ts I'eac hers asked for .1 n per cent salarv boost this veal that would push their average sala r\ to S tn ttltt The district of fi led •) 1 portent, will! ti would put the average salarv at SJ'l K7 1 Te.ii tiers in the Kugone dis ti n t rec eiv . cl a l 1 . pen cut salarv hike this v ear and will rec eiv e a 1 peri ent boost next veal I he aveiage teacher sala rv in Kugene 1 urrently is S PI. I HO (filler Issues included instil arici* professional develop nil-ill tin* ninnliei ol classroom aide-, and extra cl ill v pav Winter storm hits Oregon A storm moving ;u ross ()i egon on Tuesdav knot ked out radio and television transmitters with lightning strikes on the south coast and dusted low-lying vallevs with snow ( reated in road < onditions blamed in tvv o deaths The National Weather Ser vice issued a winter storm warning (or the north toast mountains above 500 feet, predicting as much as 10 mi lies of snow bv the end of the da\ Snow advisories were issued for the south and i entral t oast Range Snow fell from Portland in the north to Ashland in the south. making sink driving t onditions for morning t mil muters in the U illalllelte and Rogue valley s lightning strikes around ( ims li.n knocked out two radio transmitters, left a tele vision station on rndiit ed power and caused local power outages said !)rew Walker station nirinagnr fur RUHR rati 10 in North Bond Interstate n svas i losed pc riodii alls over Mount Sex ton north of ('.rants Pass and some exits around Medford were treat herons state po lit e said Through the Cascade Range snowplows ssere running and Irat tion ties it es ssere required for vehit les front the Columbia Rivttr south to Santiarn Pass, the state llighssas Division re ported. At the (California Border. Siskiyou Pass on Interstate fi ss as reported open Snovs shosvers svere pre dn teil for Tuesdas night reat hing again to s.dies floors in U tvstern (begun, ss ith rain and sums expet ted \\ as the snoss les el i ises to 1 AIM) feet l ast of the Cast ados, snoss was predit ted tin the north ern part of the stale with a t ham e of snoss in the south. CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 ODE POLICY DEADLINES [ INI ADS 1 PM the da* belo-r publ'Catton DISPLAY CLASSIFIED AQS 1 PM two days befoie publu alion REFUNDS WILL Bi LIMITED TO CREDITS ONLY NO CASH Rf tUNDS IRRORS ’ r The OOt s i if.. •?, ’ ' I>I - ih«ul ;; ? hat r l non »© suiting Irom unclrai insertion oide* o» handwriting Mill not be com pen Please note deafly all msliuclion* on ad form 68b 4,14 J heloie 1 pm ’ ■ , .1 i!,iI ■ • • ■- the M) s he, k .i loo CONNECTIONS A FAif A AM' In *,iVM[ A’ VAAm * too CONNECTIONS FREE CONNECTIONS YES. IT S TRUE FREE CONNECTIONS From now until the end of February you can place a FREE Connection* ad as long as it is 2*> words or less Send a not* to that special someone you would like to get to know better 01 meet face to face foi the fust time o« even it you want to find someone with the same interests as your own GO AHEAD WHY NOT? REMEMBER. ITS FREE a. adve'i.&ements , overt*) un.t««< 100 CONNECTIONS KELLY . . « • • ,i im<* B 2* v MAG’ PASl HA , l jADi Hdx i g«e-*t ’J» tr. .<• » -t. -•? in Hk Jti-f- > '.AMAH M • .*<•'. nwjr\,»*g *!tr*out >ouf :■ ut'■ N ” • \; Atir-.-uJ , * •• ns'. P A { '.NOW . -t , - J K . .« V. < ! ■ ■ ,*, t RON * i- n M AN >. ' ” • ’ «• to *.<•«? •! rtij.tifl Chlf’fit f -..•fV To The MOT IR Student WILL YOU MARRY ME? If so. meet me in front of Chiles at 2:00 TODAY You« WCM M i .i* •.. 'fi* ' „ »< gff>* , .»«:■; * a ttvaf ' v .*m? . ttif Girt P S pOttl! Ml ATMCR - * ..‘v Be' *4 • , i’f AiUtn'er- m Af'Jhft, lob PERSONALS GRC I KS' WAl L Y \VJ , B AT iM Both Ganv.d Phis FIJI’S WE WERE THERE JUST SCATTERED THANK YOU FOR THE MULTIPLES! LOVE, KAPPAS ' You* Fellow Aquarian Gwen HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUB Love. Ann V A I i1T t f < i If You f«# the 9*ea)est ix !' the M A PLANNED PARENTHOOD 1 144 J4 1 1 PRIVATE HUP FROM » RIE NDS Free Pfegn*ncy Tailing BIRTHRIGHT b&? 8bS1 R£D‘ To ihf ij hh) !K*J Sorfy ' «*v«*?y , ' iME let* Belly BJ (»r 1 Gi/Thf r LAK The* P J party a.i* a t-'a*.! '' a ' • a Qfeal liffu- anil congrats a> I l i«e Pi Ph. s AMAH M x.i t ! In* the A .»!**• -i, ,i .if tulfl P A fc You guys ate- a 20$ much tXJltff '_'*K C ■■g'alu a! *> $hj It ' • tr * .*! Wresting Chamj: • lOb PERSONALS DORM RESIDENTS DO IT FREE ODE CLASSIFIED PERSONALS MONDAY 2/5 THRU FRIDAY 2/9 HFREE!! ' Place ad in Room 300 EMU * 15 word limit JUST MENTION YOUR DORM NAME TO RE CEIVE FREE AD F»f f Wf! US AH£»: S . ID: GREEKS FEB 12 16 GDI s FEB 19 23 FOREIGN STUDENTS FEB 26 28 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU M0HNIN6. GLOOMY oue>' out PLISA* i Thtfuoe l£M * 6ves5 MAT JJ AND I HAVEJfl POUt ONCB IN 7Ht lAST HOURAJUKS 1 y/Ki s... THAT'S 7EJ&J0U 50M&0W BfTTE-R 1AU THE INITIATIVE: TM WORKJN' on rr you ter rr oo. AMP £4Vf - ONt Offi YOUR. PLANT5 ARE ALU PZAP' I \I'KI ss ^ Ol Ks| I I \ I LAA DEE DAH Krsalr Dcsiqnn C lolhcs • ■>«•* cllinit t lollies • >cu silver j c w e 11 > Irom Kali • Turkisli Kilims Ni » (/ />« s/(^n / ( /i >( /»« ** /■ */ ( <>/»>mnun iif I or information please tall 68 3-2 3 29 468 Willamette (Mh He Willamette) Open Mon-Sat 114 C losed Sunday