Sports Ducks play with winning attitude B\ Ir.u \ Sumner 1 mer.dd Sports 1 ditor The Oregon men's basketball season is well post midse.tson .mil the men me getting a well deserved lest this week Sun iliiv s game at Oregon State is next nil the si hedule. giv me the team a seven da\ break It doesn't lake a |ohn \\ nod gradil. iliil Hrandon also has (lie will |not to mention the ahilitv) to win (dining troni the winning tradition ol Portland s ( High St IuhiI he is not used to and will not at t ept Ins mg Keith Ke\ Holds Sim e i an ill!.; hat k Iroltl knee singers III I let einliei. Kevnolds has linen [daving tin hesl " From the i Sidelines nasM'U'Mii m ms « arm .il ( Me has put nn sniiu' ubsolutuk auiMimc src one! halt s< onng st I rahs ami lias n*bouiu!t*i»s11ion on thi1 f It a u anti oil thi* I in ui h I lifif is also t Ilf alt it mif Oregon is a tram that knows it is capable til i umpeting w 11ii just about an\ team it lint's up against rsprt lallv ill tin- i oil hiifs ol Mi Artluu t tun t i’hf I tin ks also hav c alian tinned tin1 triuiriirv to tine up W Ill'll tilings grt toUgll I Ills sruson s train lias won gamrs last sr.tson's tram would have givrn upon In i )i*t rmbr is I at West ( ilassit lor instant r. the Duiks showed tlii i! i 11• i by i tuning iiai k (tom a 1 > point set olid halt del It It to st-air tin hell out ol a lienv ih tat on-d t )i rgoii Stal' team Oregon lost the game hut gained the rrspet I ol all observ els who saw lilt' Beavers st rati h and t law to preserve the 1 tiH w in I .ast season s team would ten piobabiv have rolled over ami died in that game I Ills season, the I tin ks kept then heads up and earned a legiti male tlialtte at tile upset met the (iar\ I’avton led Hrav ers I oi effort, the Dui ks deseive an A giatle tot lilt- season Indiv uluallv most ol the Dm ks earn some prrtlv good marks too let ltd I Brandon tin > loot 1 I point guard has been the driving force in Oregon s mi prmemenl this season Bran don shows t reulivih passing skills and shooting and stilling ability dial no Dm k gttaiil has shown since Anthom laylot ! 1 pound 1 fit 11 it* should .11 low Reynolds has shown (ho abil itv to pl,i\ under control jfor lhr* most pari) while maintain inhis miiiu's mental its is n tonsil h.dani r to f last week) anti t an si ore adnju.ttrls it In stays ss ithin his shooting range (live trrt and in} 1 an as biggest asset is his work rthu I Ir is tin* kind <'I player svho svorks bard to get the most out of Ins limited of tensive skills and hustles on the detensis e end I If has also treated the Mat ( out! funs to some hellat mils dunking this Hob I ift* i ile O ' i ' is his defensive timing lie leads Oregon in shot bloc king ami using his e\treinei\ long arms, alters main shot* with out blot king them I ite has trouble against big gel. more physic a! players he earise of his lat k of Weight II he adds Ml J ) pounds to his i> 1 I frame he « ould lie a tel r* a I It also needs m»ire « outi dent e on tin* offensive end til the i unit the skills are there fin Dunn I him: h r. ; ■ I well otl the hem h lalelv II** is a player of limited uttrieuvr skills ami has to work hard tor in ervthing he gets He has the i & Yogurt &LV 5ho3p EYE-OPEhinG SPECIALS halley's Comet ^ has Great Muffins and Coffee!! OPEM EARLY OPEM LATE • Across from UO Bookstore • «66 «li/t BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! Fas! Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on compos Uplll »T u— » ★ tMJNDERlAND * GRC A1 ^OH PAH TIC S AND BIRTHDAYS 5#»i/inpn aucamiswora £VIUtU WiTHNlCKHS GAMES admission i 5TH STREET PUBLIC MARKET —;-k_ EUGENE • G83 1464 • ...r « O H h I! k es in a reserve He also can surprise with .1 welltimed rebound or basket to help his tiMUl Mike Helms I !• Ia< k the < reaiivitv ami passing alulits "t Brandon m the shooting <»i Mixon Hut in* has expern*m e (he was a part film* starlet Iasi si'.isiin) ami doesn't make I"., mam mistakes Mon* » onsistnnt playing lime wouldn't hurt hut that’s a lot to ask when vou pla\ the same position as Hrandon \4in1i! lohnsmi i In- ! >! > k ( oar fling staff exprt ts a lot out of Johnson m the future tutor tunatek tor him the future is not now Join iso it hamilrs the hall well has a good shooting stroke and is .1 solid lelmumlei I le II get a ( ham e to show it in the next \eai <>r two Mr\ r K,imm;ri i f« k t a h»rgofh*n iimii with ihr mu*! grnt r ot Hi,union and Mixon Kamiign is ,i drrrnt outsnlr sinh>(«-?! it hr thr f tin** to srt up fo i I hr shot but hr lat ks in di\ mo\ »• on oH'ens** Ranuigur is nonrfhrluss our of Mnnsnii' favor itr pl.n n s br< .itjsr ot ins turlrs- tvork in pi at t ii r and in gamrs i).iv ui spots is thro- in .i pint h ,tmi hiistir-. on thr boaids rs prt i.ills on thr oHrnsivr rmi Hrrtt loluismi • r h toni um i I walk on guard who iMiiiir thr atfrr loin il.ugain out tins srason (fni lowing toothtill tram's Imlrprn ilrui r How I tiip) and t tvssrs i oston Itr 11 thr tiMin rarh in llir \ rn I Hr umlrjstands his roll*, t hf•1 Ml In k cl s t ni l (July Spoils Funding UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 EAST 13TH 683-5577 lull i ri mill mm (-*>‘1 I louts H IMI to v III m t ‘Mill to I llll s.o Lowest Fares Anywhere! 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