Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 06, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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    “David Speaks"
National Kducator,
Author. Platform Artist
and I lairdresser
David K . Fletcher
Perms-Are they
in or out this season?
You bet they’re in!!
Volume texture fullness lots of
style .md softness . an lx* created bv
changing the shape of the hair
(c hernu ally) If you're worried
about bad results what * the solu
lion7 Mas lx* your hair is not in tin*
best condition for a perm There
has to be something in the hair for
the perm to 1<« k into or you mas lx
using a produc I line that leaves a
build up on sour hair that the perm
Ills! i an t get through (this plastu
i Dating is one of the most «imimon
problems) or maybe you need a
fresh ness te« him .il approac h
Find u frwnd »»ith a fnntustu
fH'rm and ask »s ho did it *
( all for help
Conn* on in
for Hot & Spicy
Southern Style Food
All ft rod made
from scratch
with I rt,'-h Ingredients
At luge tie's Only
Cajun Restaurant
8941 13th • 344 1222
Op<>n Mon-Sat • 1 Id m -9p m
We Buy Quality
• Stereo equipment
• Video recorders
• PA amps & mixers
• Portable color tv’s
iii't 2 blocks horn i .mipi/s
1621 1 19th
344 3212
M l 9 6. S.,t 10-2
< miiit's\ urapni
the I niversity Croup s plans hi construct a 2.r>-unit apartment building geared tow ard students
has hern set hai k due to inadequate parking spat e.
C nntinued from Page I
unitin'1 to tin- sitr. V\ rliri s.iiti
l lit* 1 m\ rrsit\ (.roup 's r**.t
sons tot !••<jut'stin.1 variant i*
mii h ns tin* 1 «iru«* studont popu
l.ihon uppl\ throughout tin*
W’fst 1 mvorsiH nri^hhoihooii
not just to lilt* sit»- on High
Spring Break is just around the corner, and it's time
to start making your travel plans
California beaches or Colorado slopes Hawaiian surfs or
Florida reefs New York theatres or Mexican siestas
Take your pick and then pick Eugene Airport
Eugene Airport is convenient just a short drive and you're
ready for takeoff Plenty of close in parking, a new
mechanized baggage claim system and fares that will please you
In fact most fares are the same as Portland's
Call your travel agent today
and get ready
Decause spring is in me air
Street Wrbrt salt)
I hr I nivcrsitx (Iroup bus in
d.ivs In .1111>■ '.iI the .uinunistni
ti\-f de< isitui issued In build
mg .mil (irimil sen H t’S 1 rb J
I In I im cisit\ (Iroup ( mild
,ilsu petition the i il\ planning
department In i lunge the hind
use i ude i ilvnv nic mi tli.it leu
ei parking spurt's .ire iripnretl
Im e.u ii duriling unit V\ ehei
|\iz said hr would mrr! with
I onl 41 nc! Srgal to (l**c idr wh.it
■ it turn to takr
Mimiiw hilr \!ohlr\ is w .ill
11114 to hrar from lord ,uid Sr
\tohlr\ dr( Imrd to v; 1 \ r thr
details ot his Ir.isr agreement
w ith Thr Unix<*1sitv (iroup
\rithri l ord mu Sr*4.11 roiild
hr ir.u hrd tor i ommrnt Mon
( ontinued from Page
i losetl 11i.iI i liriiiii .il dumping ot i um-d m seteinl areas during the
I, ili l'lntls .mil rath “in
I In- purpose ut tlir I'm'inmmrntiil assessment is to determine
what i In-mil .its and other waste materials m.i\ remain on or below
tile sin tat e t on ei sit', olt u iaIs are t out erned that hazardous mate
II. its were dumped on the property before state anti leileral laws
regulating waste disposal weie en.it led
I oi about (out tints workers will hole holes and install right
monitoring wells in the area between the railroad tint ks that i mss
the piopertt and the south hank of the \\ illametle Kiw i
Workers ale also t-xpt-i tetl to spend t w 11 tints drilling numei
oils holes to lake samples ot soil from the storage taitl at the west
end ot the site tin samples ttdl he tasted toi I’(Its and tor the
wood preserv'at it es t reosote and pen Ini hlorophenol
the t Diversity experts the receive prelimmnrt tinclmgs lit
mid Mart ti anti w ill release the results sometime this summei
brazier /
Otter good lor a limned lime only
A! participating Bra/ier stores
■ i >• A « t) U C 0*p ' •**» *
k Mi ' M»% *- -«l A