Encore!_ / na crs//1 line .il ls stiuknils it ill rxluhit thru u in ks //us 11 /•/■A /// / ,/n //•//< c Il.ill s (..///»•/1 III Unique works ignite imagination Ii\ |ulir I )ei kfr I merald ( ontriluitor (laden I i! in l.awieiu i’i tali is tilted with works dial ignite ilit1 imagination t he exhibit includes prints si ulpture and photography I>\ I nil ersili fine .iris students k.imon Mimllo Mike K.indlc-.. Kii k Simpsun. I ,dIm.ldge I)ui le and liiiaheem \Vahah Mill llio .1 mastel iil line ails .student ui printmaking from Pocatello. Idaho displays eti h ing.N. lithography and wood liloi k engravings Mill 11 lo s work has a nn si ii a 1 sense combining the elements of nature I art Ii sun water wind and die i osinos blend to getlier insilmg visions that seem inspired In dreams Murillo said ins work began w itli a \ ision iroiu a spiritual i eremony i ailed the Sundaui e and he said he is interested in what happens to nature alter death Ills punts explore this idea using tin- i hosen media to i reate ullages that How together and i|tlestion perceptions ot na ture and reality handles a mastei ot tine arts student hum Kugene. shows s< u I pi urn thill lie desr rubes as ,m attempt tii iihji'i tits thf snbjtK five I )ei uved limin '- rest iv ilhm thf galh-iv some burdened With tile wri^ht nl ohjei Is tun In-,iv \ Ini tlit-ii distorted itii.ilu inv Busts nt hum,ins .in- sliced in h.ilt anil sil alim u i uses ul -.1 nlpted Bonus displaced in \elvet lined Boxes It Becomes impossible not In stare Bui k at these sculptures olnih inhabit the gallery Simpson a But helm nl line aits student limn luigene adds prints that i omlnne inlaidm li(hograph> and siiksi n-en lei hlllipies to I leule Ullages that reflet t on Ins life Ahslr.ii lion ot hums and tig iin-s dominate Simpson s work l ilies silt h as I -a ape' sug g {- s I the llivstilill dieamdthe tpialiH ol the ptei i-s Skeletal figures treated from intricate lines till tin- tiaiin- inviting the eve ol the \ jewel to travel it ith in its entangled network I )o\ le a fine ai ls major from Hull ,tli> \eu \mk exhibits winks that i ombine intaglio anil water) ulor to < reate images that she feels exoke humor ami a i oni el n for the natural u mid Renderings ut posed i .its SHI il .tS lillltiy 1’iii‘sl .Hill I imk.iin-.i- ' .in- u Iuiiisk .1! portraits th.it |>l.i\ v\ illi inn imagination \dded iiiliii in iensities tin- finished images .mil Hiiliiiiii es the |>i.i\ tul ind i realty e • |n. s I HKt )| ( ,11 ) KI!> s Luncheon Specials One of the Most Popular Indonesian Dishes, Sotoayam (Chicken Noodle Soup) 3.95 l fi'.l.ltr* S<‘\t to l ol () liookstnri CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT ;r«) [ i nil i t t jh i.’ .; . • 1 • i i * • * -w 1 Wr havr a nrw futon and nrw lowrr j)rut*s |<)f lhr Nrw \rai1 Madr with thr samr old < .trr .uul » raftsmanship that von vr mint* to rxjxt t from Northvvrst f uton Company ( omr i Hrbratr witli os' H* M< • KM HIS ' k Mi H if ►'« , WV f nyH-nr lU.'itl Will.imrttr "si I d>.! C elebrate! uu D Approve**! Auto