V 342-8111 TINO’S 1 • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pizzas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzas to go -cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon -Thura 1 1 00 Midnight Frl. II 00 1 00 a m Sat 5 00 1 00 d m Sun 5 00-1 1 00 p m y Something Wild Is Coming to Springfield! ____University Veteran mixes politics, literature B\ P.it M.il.u h I mer.ild ( ontributor Veteran (lorn bamp returned Irnm Vietnam tm ( hnslmas I v e 1 u " I \meieen vears lain In teai hr-. ,t I nn crstlv i nurse ihi tin’ 111<-■ itlnit- i'I tin' \ tolnam \\ ,ii, .mil In- is Il»i* iivvnei .uni (Ipl'filllll III .1 distinctive Used Iiiink .mil ifi mil store thr Buiiksi.itnm In .i period ulii'i; ni.inv veter .ms .nr steieoiv(hm! .is nnb.ii .tut i-il m unable In .nljiisi K.imp is In mk proot ili.il lin> S| Ill's 111 the \ iHttitrn ''V|irfli‘lii I' i ,in In1 In'.ili'il bump's interest in hooks .mil bis [m■ i sun.11 knowledge of Mu' war ( ombirted Vvlth bis obser vation |lull there W l'l>' lew it ,m\ I im 1‘isitv i l.issi s bi'tiii: taught mi \ letuanv, led bun to pursin' tin- pussiblllH til tear b ing Ibr i mu si k.imp s involvement m Viet mini began in I ehruarv I'1 “ 1 I b- lull Im \ ii'ln.im Imni .i n.i v al bust' ni'.it I ib u agii I bail been ibi'ti' Im twit vi‘iiis ll was a ri-.tl ai live pl.n e pobtiialK. ami I lii'i.anii ver\ pulilii i/ed m fIII it ago I w as a( tnalK .inli w ai 11\ tin- IllHi- 1 want lu \ ii'lnalli biimp said 1 was going lu go 11mi smut' anti w.ii people to gal involved w ith I thought I could reallv bo a volt o Win'll ho relumed lullin' be il iscuv ered I lull a lot o! wind bail gone mil ot the sails oi the anil wai imwt'liionl 'People were Mini lug on and doing ulbei things k.imp said People bad also been killed al benl Stale and ]at k snnville ll seemed to be< nine a qiiesliun ol whether or not peo pie weie willing lo lav down then lives lo protest the wai \\ ilh little lo allai ll himself lo bump bn .line w ithdraw n and v ei v ipuel Im a luunher ol Years I sal hat k and read a lot and listened lo i lilt ot inu.sn I didn’t i ommunii ale w it It main people bamp said I le I it‘i ame so w itlulraw n ilia! when Saigon loll in Pl7'> bamp said that he liei ame aw are ut the news In ov ei hem mg two students m the I Ml talking al lot 11 il I was just shocked It was about a mouth alter H hap pelted I w as I lull withdraw n ALL STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO AN OPEN FORUM WITH: President Myles Brand Noon Tuesday February 6 EMU Fir Room Moderator: Marlene Drescher. Director Office of Student Advocacy Another in a series of opportunities for students to meet with the president and discuss issues of mutual concern. “ 4 '■at. lEoi Photo In Xrirltf K.m \ irtn.un \rlri.in firm K.inip o/icr.i/cs i/riii/i/r i nlli'i lion ol honk* .inti mnsii . in .1 I ni\rt*it\ i imr*r nn \ irln.im lilri.iturr thr Hiink*latinn. .1 tilth hull In Ir.n him: Isdlllp Srtlll l! was during 1111•- tinir lti.it kamp .«( 111u11!.iti il inuri’ ill.in dUHH) books Illf'St’ luniks ■.souli! Inter In thi' beginnings lit his store 1 lungs began to look up loi k.imp win'll hr began ( ounsri mg .it tin' I nn i'mH I If also began talking .lliollt Ills t April fin (>s with thr woman w ho lat ri In•! aim his w itr kainp slnuh pulled himsi'lt out ol tos shall llr graduated trmn tin I 111 \ ersitv in I o'" w ith a degree in I atgiish kainp mamril thr da\ altri graduation and hr and Ins w dr I trill,! W rlit to KllIiipi' || II thru hour\ HH ii ill That Is w hri r kainp dlsi 11\ rred thr lust ol mam hooks that hr would irad about thr Wai I i amr ai mss I nn () Hi ian's book II I Ihr In a ( omb.it /iinr k.imp said I hat was Ihr lust tiling that I had srrn in pi mt on Vietnam t on |iisl didn't 11lid things in \inri ii a So iristrad ot bring a tourist in 1 nglaud I was hold up in a mom OVrl llirir reading this book Xlli'i tl»e\ lelurnetl Imm I u i■ 11*i■ k.miji and his wilt1 spent the next two \ears working «ith the Pent i‘ ( nips in the Sultanate i >1 (Jinan a i mini i t, lui alnl at mss {min (ran .it the button) ill the Sliail of {li n mu/. kamp said that his tune m tlie Feat e (nips was a turning point m Ins lile It alloweil him to spent! time auat from Amei ii ans ami the . ounlrv that he felt flail useil him lie saul Non timill luiik at it as kai ma 1 gliess kamp said I spent one veal in Vietnam. and two years in the IVai e t taps Alter their Peare (airps ser ve e they returned to I ugenc and began running the Itonks!at ion \t that point the store was a g.is station that had been ill 1 Jehra s talllllv sini e 1919 kamp said that one day lie I a me up w ith .III idea that w oilhl t u Itil I a t h lid hood dleam ol owning a book anil re i old store ami at the same time till empty spate in the station lie put Ins toilet turn ol hooks on the shelves In July of 1980 or K 1 I took mv hooks down there and put them up. kamp said "We pul up a sign that said Itooksture .ind we were rolling The let old selling aspei t ol the business t nine about almost In at t nil-ill Some gin t ame into the S i I I | 1 \ \ Ill'll I I 1 I ' I 1 lilt | I M >1 l r\ - . I i I ■ i asked it I dealt in HK olds K.iill11 said I said Min1 .ili nl a Midden So lie sold me about -<* re< onls I put iheni on I be shelves and llle\ sold belorr the week was out tfthei people brought in records ami it (list took oft It was truly a business that grew out of nothing rile lec olds featured at bump's store include mam six ties nu k and loll i lassii s with jazz and ( lassa a I selei t inns as v>. ell kamp said the books at the stole ale lilt isl I v works I bat one would have wanted to lead in ( nllege hut never got the i hunt e I'be station no longei sells gasoline Due to new federal regnla lions kamp said be would hate had to repl.ii e lus underground tanks I le added that it w mild no! Iia\e been prui tit al to do that kamp said that he also i mild not afford the tedeialh mandated St million liabilitv msiiratiie premium that is now required \\ hilt- k.imp's gasoline bust ness max haw laded. his liter.t lure ot the Vietnam Wai i lass has heen i iinsistent l\ grow ing I he i lass is rum uttered sum trier term through the Interna tiunal Studies Department Jl meets ime night per Week tin three hi nil s I tie tin lls lit the i mil se IS oil the i illllh.it expenem e, he said "We tiv to understand what it is in the combat experience that i hunges people hump s.iid ''\\ e Itmik at lum it i hailges them and how they e\ press that in w nting kamp plans to expand the inurse to imlude the coming home experience as well The hooks that make up the i lass ate mostly tai tual ai i mints ot t he w at I attempt to pn k books that don't romantii i/e or deprei i.ile it kamp said ** file w hole idea ot the ionise is not loi me In tell people that war is hell or that w.u is neat I tiv to leaxe m\ feelings out id it as mm h as possible kamp encourages students to lake m the Ini Is and make up then ow n minds about war kamp I l ies to avoid the i lit rent efforts in the media to de pit I romantii aspei Is ot wai because he lielieves they are missing .in opportunity to lie gin looking at what ai lions as a nation could do In other pen I'le