Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 06, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    I niversit)
Hosticka helps plan PSU future
Univer*it\ course* to serve Portland
K\ Slept),ime Men) imer
I mer.ild ( ontritnitor
( .1)11 lust H k.l Is ,1 tills) 111,111
lii addition (o sen ini’ in the
si.lie Legislature tlustiiku is .1
I ni vei sit \ iiislrti) tin in Pin li
ning Piiblii Pulii \ ,111(1 Man
,u;einenl and last l (i tiitiei tie
ai i epted I tie position of assoi i
ale vil e pi esidetil ill i tiai ge lit
(uordinating t'liilersitv eitlli a
liimal set\ n es in Portland
I Instil ka saiil his neu pnsi
I ion u as I lealeil ml tile as
sumption that the stale i annul
aHiiril three inajui researt h uni
versities t Instil ka said Ills job
,|s vii e piesullMII is to soil out
available rexuines and deline
tile role lit tile I imeisit) 111
Pi ii t land
V,minis solutions lime been
offered lot the problems hi
higher eduealiun. nn hiding a
Pi a I land high lei It industry
plan to dismantle Portland
stale I 'niversih, in favor of de
veloping a tei linn a I insiifule
I losth ka said dismantling
PSt' probably won I happen
and dial merging the l ameisi
tl with PSt is not tile altsuet
either PSt ‘ and the t nnetsitv
an both underfunded and put
ling I wo underfunded institu
Hons together will onl\ i rente
one big underfunded universe
l\ ho said
IV I ni\ ersitv w ill bo devel
oping graduate programs in
Portland in .irons that am strong
on the l.ugene i anipus. sue h as
an biter lure urban design and
I |us| ii k.l said the hl( nil V and
students at I'Sl ' are w illiug to
work w ill] the t niversih to de
relop programs to serve the
Portland area However, he
said some administrators are
not as eager
I lost a ka s.i ii I his goal is to
do wh.lt makes the most sense
for the people in Portland rath
er than promoting one institii
turn at the expense ot am it her,
However llostieka said I'm
emploved b\ the I' III Ii so oh
\ iouslv I don't want to do am
thing that is had foi the I '() ei
Xlthough lie work in the
slate Legislature is education
related I Iiisl ii ka said Ins new
I'niveisitv position is not al
wavs c ompbmeiitarv to Ins
w01 k in Salem.
I lie leglslatllO is Hot the
best plat e to make ar adeinii
—. Alpine Import Service
I ht* VOl VO Spot ialisls
12th & Mam
Winter Fitness Analysis
• Oil { hange, genuine V ()t VO tiller and 4 quarts
(It oil
• (omplete maintename < her k ot major
i nmponents
• Insper tion oi brake*, e\hau*», suspension, u
joints, battery charging and starting s\s
toms,root start wsleim, heating am) moling
systems, tiros, wipers and all fluid levels
For Appointment call
Women in
Fitness Festival
Icb. 7ih. 3 Spin In Room
I cb. Sill. 3:30pm, I'M! Ci)urt\uni
i '(> .S/)i >/)>( >icil b\ CAR l
WOnien's 3\3 Basketball
I cb. 10th. 2:30pm. Muc Court
tree drawings at ail events.
5tK will In- donated In \\ niiunsp.Hv lor t\it\
M^mtl \l\i .tpplit atinn rard.
HIT (.t-rliniivr
\4I IT or \4I2I
The right choice
(airl Ilosticka
piil i< \ I Insti( ka saiil
l ot tin' next session ol die
legislature. I Instil k,i is (level
oping advisory (inflations lor
the Max li.illol to slult liiniline
lot pi iinarv and seconding edit
i at ion aw a\ from propert\ tax
"When most people think
that through. thev i onie to tin
i oni fusion lli.it prolialiK one ol
the leading wavs to (Imid edti
i alien) is through the sales
lu\ Hostii ka said
I lost a ka said Ills tun |i d is I"
gin to overlap on the issue ol
taxes Iiei atlse it the state put
more money into primary and
si‘i initial v filui alum u lihoul
raising taxes, money would
lia\ e to he diverted ,iu av troll
liigltei edui at ion
i lien I Instil ka said his
main goal as < hair ol die llousi
Kevetiue and Sehool I main ■
I ommittee is to insure that all
levels ol ediiiatiun are ade
ipiateh funded without helping
one at the expense ol auothoi
lliislh ka said Winking leu tile
I 1 mvct'sih as an admiliistiatoi
has its advantages lor his work
in the legislature
I he ei otiomii health and
1 ultural life of lugene are
i losek tied to the I 'nhersitx
Knsuring that the t nlx crsiI\ is
ill good shape helps IIIV ( ollsllt
uents I lostn ka said
l i'.ti lung also w in ks into the
bigget pied tire I get sunn
good ideas from students uhout
w hat w e might w ant to he do
mg in the puhlii poll! \ arena
lie said
Mtllougll he IMS 111) ||I<1I1S 1(1
run for a congressional srat
llostiika said hr might some
ila\ i tiiisitlri 1 tinning lot a < its
ollit r
"I think Del a/io is going to
hr congressman tor lift*
iloslirka suit I 'Petr's doing a
good |oli I wouldn't want to
run against him
111 |)n!itit s \ou t an I rralh
(dan vuui future N on (list hat r
to do well at what Von re doing
and hojir tliat i| another nppor
tunitv i unit's along votin' m a
position to take advailtagr ol
it I lost it ka said
I lost it ka has a long histnrv ol
pnlllIt srrv ice | |r sprtlt live
Veal'S in I hr I'racr ( ni ps two
veai's as a voluntrri in \rp.d
and three vents in India .is a
stall prison I lis r\prrirtu:rs in
till. I'rat r ( n| (is intinelit rtl his
drt ision to pursue a ( areet in
pnblu set\ It r either as an
t’lrt It'tl olticial or working fot
an elm trd ollit nil
I Itistit ka spe< iali/.es ill ap
plirtl research m planning and
ptllilit polu v for t i\ it and
loininunitv organ i/at ions Hr
received Ins doctoral degree ill
polilital st inner from the Mas
sat husetts Institute of l et lllltil
ogy in 1 • 17t>
Monday Feb. 5th
Friday Feb. 9th
* Place in person at
Room 300 EMU before
1pm each day!
* 15 word limit
(Standard point size
Othe^ FREE weeks include:
Greeks • Feb. 12-16
GDI's - Feb. 19-23
Foreign Students Feb. 26 28