Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 06, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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,<• .v. * r >: J w,|, .«?•• !>v the Oh'ij. > €m«r.-iUl Publishing < it the
University of Oregon Eugene Oregon
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The t <thv r 1 in private property The un»a*fui removal or ir.e of pattern is pros
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\ ski'l l\ i arlonn wliii li 11•
pea ml ill 11 h ■ Kmrnild bob (
depnts (.fiir^i’ Hush >is .1 pi.is
Iii surgeon vi itil .1 large wimutn
sta11.11iia bi'tnri' him. Nkeih la
bels hi‘i Pentagon Spending'
ami has her sa\ 1 11 like to iin
prove iii\ image . hou about a
nose job '
behind Hush hangs a sign
u bn h reads " I dptisnt t ion Npe
i ialist " I'lie iniplii ill ion is
ilial j 11 s t as the president
should gut delense spending,
this large woman should gut
herself through bposui lion to
conform to male delined Stan
da i ds ot I leant \
In spite III mi leasing e\ I
dent e that hum.in beings are
supposed to i nine lit a varietv
i it six.es. iii>ui \ orA small to \ ei \
large persei uliun and stereo
tvpillg ot large people contiu
Ill's 1‘his prejudice Is not mi
like die prejudIi e directed at
prop!r nt t oloi l In rneie exis
tent r 11s a large unman make-,
I'm sn i nherent i \ * * \ 11 that slit
c an !)•* t ompared It* Pentagon
I I.til tn sn1 the t mint a turn
between President Hush ami a
woman w ho is unu ill mg (n en
dangei hri health through
liposut lion in orclei to he what
sot 11*t\ < onsiders '.iltrat 11\«*
Although the media fratiitional
1\ \ allies attrat I w e ness' in .i
unman above anv othet tpiali
l\ I was tlisappointetl It* see
these values perpetuated in the
Hie epidemic *»t eating disoi
tiers (>u this c ampus indit ates
that more and more women val
ue thinness above life itself
I he u oinan w ho rejet Is these
values should he held up as a
role model lather than an ohjet I
oi t idit nie
kathrv ii \\ eiss
The untold ending to the fable. The Grasshopper
and the Ant.
)nut jut tin m s< /urn/
luuk n In
i rr if / \ In if^nl
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Now's tilt' tiim* to l>u\ a PS/2.
I In- I ISM I’rounal 2" In Ip-, sou mill I hr lullin' u
Mm run iiir.iiii/i' sour iiolr>, ss ntr anil n s im- sum pupn
r | upl III *>. \ I III I ll.ll > III I Is puli III I In- Mill's.
Nnss sou run art >prriul Mllilrnl pru r- on m'IitI iiumIi U
ssilli ru>s In iim' Miltssarc. \\ liulV moiv. sslirn sou Inis u I*
u .5.0- nu ll ili>krttr liolilrr. .mil u possrr >lrip all In i'. Vm
loss pnrr on I hr I ’KOI )|( A ‘ M I S II I- Kirill Hiiss I Ill'll' arc -
moM popular II5M IVopnnlri>r lih».
Bui liiiirk rminina out—rlu rk il mil Indus* ( Mlrr rnil>
it 11 aililril I 111 11II ir i II r Willi 11.
ami nr.ilr miurl looking
ol I ’> d ' ’ al n ai Is li Mill'd
S 2. soli SS ill r,-| ,! niOIlM' p.lll.
rr al-o nil il li'iI lo a -pri i.il
pn i a I -as i I oil I lurr i il I hr
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dn\r (I t IMh). iOMh ti\«d dnk «lri\**. Mm r»»
< hamu‘1 ’ an hit*«tun*. I KM M«>u-«\ 8 d H »
I M J O. Mil r«>■*•<»fl W iimIous J80. Word > <
III N W mdow- I \|»n " hi M W mdow* Mar
and hi N W indow* < olor. S2,
i|nr I h'|»lav,
I** I vr.-l.**
IN J Mi M) J8(»—I Mb iihi.hu s. ao28(i (In Mil/) |hih
Mir.oiic V > mi h di>kt*(li* «lri\«* (I I IMlt). JOMli «11"k.
linvi IBM Mi him-. Mm ro^nlt V\ mi low ** .’8n. \\< *nl » n* *
.mil hi M V\m,lim> I \}iI H \\ umIum- M.hi.i^,i
.iihI III M W iih1ov\> (.olor.” . . ..
1 low'll* von “oiii" to do it?
PS/2 it!
Microcomputer Support Lab
Room 202 Computing C enter
Moii(lav-Frida\ 9am-5pm
■ i-.. i '■ ' »■ .»•. . .!•/.!«»• H". •• l . ' ' ‘ 'f* •
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fyvj.lf 1; - i \t*‘. h.tl < V” I' ,.-t 1 lr» .tv .i--.lt viity f*»* i* ■>.!<■ ' ’ »•<*.»«* J <t*M • if a ' :A ! * , 1 • i 1 < ’• * a" ’a-I’* •
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