Sports Cota intends to sign with Ducks B\ Ashley ( onklin Emerald Sports Reporter \shland's ('h,id C>tai. one of the premie! prep players m the state tins season will report edl\ sign a letter of intent with ( )regon ! «*!) 1 l the national signing d.ite a< i online to the /\Vg/s In (,u.mi I he n foot l lif t pound (iota was .i ke\play* et on the (‘.rizzlies ('lass AAA stiite < hampionship team this se.ison (iota find fom rnten options for Ashland om 1 named the ( lass \A \ defensive pla\er ot the ve.u h\ //ze Orr^nninn I ot.i was also a w ide i• *i river on offense foi Ashland Ihe .iiiimtini eirii'iil ot (iota's intent to sign with the !)uiks gi\es t In-gon a se< ond enniniit ment from a ke\ in state prospi » t Last week Rusehmgs Heath How ington .imiouumi he would a 1 o i attend t logon In addition to (iota i oming to ( begun three more o 11 e n s i \ e linemen will reporledl\ mine to Orevaii giving tie Hu< k'■ \erhal i omiiiilmeiils from 1 \ high si liool seniors an1 Men's Kacquetball (beta < In 2, Sigma Nu B 0 Phi kappa Psi II 2, Fret* Agents I CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 ODE POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN RF PLACED AT OOlOff'CfS 300 i MU UO BOOKSTORI STAMP COUNT! R I MU MAIN 01 Sh PAYMINT HATfS Three line minimum charge i* S4 SO lo» I he 11 r •• I iM-.eilion and S3 00 for additional insertion* TYPE SIZES AVAILABLE 9 POINT 12 POINT 18 POINT 24 POINT BOX ADDED SI.50/DAY GREEK LETTERS SI. 50/DAY DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE i ■ •> IN< M f IRS! DA* S‘ M IM H ADDITIONAL DAYS ODE POLICY DEADLINES UNf ADS 1 PM the day tu-lof f publication DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS 1 PM Imu days beloie publication HI f UNOS Wll L BI l IMIUD TO CHI DITS ONLY NO CASH HI FUNDS f HHOHS •• suiting tram unclear insertion order oi handwriting will not be com pen Please note clearly all instructions on ad form 4J4 1 before 1 pm ? * CLASSIFICATIONS AVAILABLE (us Buyo t V> . . input*'" i ’• , 1?0 R »*•»*>«• C iiit? 1 75 Book;, I 160 A-.,to Rt*p.* • 1 ’ «*• SM EQu*j;'T>o'-» 1 • OuUV1 Hen ; ir. tuw-i .’00 * ><• •• ■ , ■' ‘ K' ' i A .1, : ?uj Oppoftumt«=*> .'t* H«-11> .r'lf j 220 Wi'-i Slu Ri .’2' Apts j 230 Quails ; .’40 F»oo<’o, ■ 245 fc suie . • M . . ' .>55 D> *m extracts ODE POLICY loo CONNECTIONS Hi i f f VF1 > H.i{ . - ■! Bu<* »•, l m- tea* Biur '■* f 100 CONNECTIONS FREE CONNECTIONS YES. IT'S TRUE FREE CONNECTIONS f rom now until the end Ol February you can place a FREE Connections ad as long as it is words or less Send a note to that special someone you would like to get to know better or meet lace to face tor the first time, or #»en it you want to find someone with the same interests as you« own GO AHEAD WHY NOT9 REMEMBER. IT S FREE A»' advert semenf, vet»<1 under <• at the Oregon Daily I'meraid •- - e • tr v f Mu .s t t ■ ... «‘pte ! j! !f'.- t'MU Main Dr*> me U of O Bt ■ > s! r, 105 PERSONALS BURGESS »s are AWE SO MAh* ME 105 PERSONALS DORM RESIDENTS DO IT FREE ODE CLASSIFIED PERSONALS MONDAY 2/5 THRU FRIDAY 2/9 MFREEM ’ Place ad in Room 300 EMU * 15 word limit JUST MENTION YOUR DORM NAME TO RE CEIVE FREE AD *»,{ i« i Hi ; AMf A..- \ , GREEKS FEB 12 16 GDI •> FEB 19 23 FOREIGN STUDENTS FEB »b »>8 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU r i i i ■ H */• THt FACT ij Lift-IS BUSY ANP QFTTINu dVStPP 5V5KY DW WHAT'S THAT'S 0C1 TO DO WITH rr* ITS GOT EVERY!WN6 TO DOU0H IT, MIKE ' I HEARDrrOHMARKG RADIO GHOU tub only married people our Aue mno Gnu have TIME TOR 5ER ARE TWEE TRy/HO, Joneieiy to mars m or**j. 0A&E&1 1 urr Mt eei tnig straight metre MOT HAVING 5U BEOAUGt 50M& IPIOT Oh The RADIO tAlP THAT PfOPLl OUR A6E NO LONGER HAVE TIME FOR H* mm. /i pkmx mw ACCEPT IV IMG0IN6 FORABOWL OFQfflBmi / dimsi-u \ii i < • 99* Movies Mon. 6t Tues. • 3,000 Titles WOLFF TANNING / $24.95 2 I / $59.95 2 Beds i !i^2±i)uames/Machmes i Expires 2/12/90 5 344-2691 \ 1888 Franklin Blvd. »