__ Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald Tuesday. 1 rbruan i>, t'l'iu luigenr Oregon Volume 'll. \innbcr ‘I i _I nside_ ■ Carl llosticka feature. Page 4 ■ Vietnam lit. professor. Page ti ■ Student art on display. Page 7 ■ Ducks make the grade, Page 10 Toxic search Hmpluvrrs of ii drilling i.diii/w/m hirrd hy I. I\ Squirr \ssiic/.i/cs Ini hr^in drill inii and hiking soil sdinfdrs oil thr sitr ol thr Ixivrrtrnnt Krsr.in h I’,irk I. I\ Squiri u.is hirrd In thr l'nivtTsit\ to condui t .in rnvironinrnt.il imiunt stud\ .liter it w.is dis (urn to Toxits, Page 8 Plmlo l>\ Mark ^ li*n Plans for additional units suffer setback B\ ( .itht-riiu* H.iwlvv I mcr.ild Reporter I’I.iiis Ini .1 .'"i unit ,i|iiii'tmi'iit limlilmn proposed tin I he i onif i mI lli^h Slrri’l .mil t till \vinue h.ivf lifi'ii st'l li.n k bv 11.irking problems I hr i it\ tins ill'llM*(.i i leipiest timii llir propcrH s ow hits In il.mm- I In- minibri nl p.tikiny; vp.ii f ■ retiuued tm t » h unit \lso the I,Ilf III .1 If ,I.mi.ml niivv Ini .ili-il nil lln proposed ,llf nl tin- .ip.irlmi-nl liuiMim; is mn erlain Kvnn Moblev iiwiifi nl Kv.m s llmsiri llul .:*•*» I. I llh \vi -.ml hr has .1 di'fil In thf laud lli.il extend ■ Ini i muiilii'i "I veers .mil Ilia! lln properlx iihiuts liavf mil i onl.ii ted him n U,inline lln- plans lm lln- .iparlmi-nt building I’rope rlv iiw ini s Ihuiii.is I mil mil Ikiul Sega I. i it I Ilf t m ver its I aimp 11n Mihimltfil a pnipijs.il Ini i ’ . unit aparlmi'iil I hi i Id Hi'.: in thf i 11 \ Inn Id i m; iln i.xion in llei fiiihf i I In- prnposal uas part nl a variant f ifipifsl applti atimi asking l lm i 11 v h i pi-1 mil I’lif l uivf i si|\ I ,iinip In pniv 11If .111 In HI If ilaid parking sp.ii i". mslf.nl n| tin- Pi spiii fs nm inallv r»*i|ntri*iI tin a df \ fliipnif nl ut that size \11 I’az an .in hilfil .it lln- firm nl 111in kilievfi Mi Donnell who IS VV l' I kills' VS 11 il I Ilf I'lllVflsPV ( . I I III p S.Ull I Ilf ilp.llllllfllls ‘/’/if? city subsidises inefficient land use by minimising the number of housing units tbid cun be built on u site.' — Art Pa/, .in- ij.i'iiini toward students. who art* not 11kt*I\ to need IM p.liking spaces I II.1 umversit \ audienc e tli.it we are building lor would not m 1111rt* .is mui h pat king as I hi* i it \ ordinam »* * alls tot I 'a/ said In the van.iiu e leijnest I ord and Segal wrote lh.it a high per < entage ot students prefer to hike to and from tin* t niversiU and that I he l imersitv (iioup would provide sec tire hit va le parking tor tenants p,i/ said the proposed apaitmeiil building confoims to the West I’mversitN Neighborhood Ketmement Plan whuh distour ages automohih* use and promotes the use ot hu \i les and mass t ransit t he c itv subsidizes mettle lent land use b\ immmi/mg the number ot housing units that ( an be built on a site Paz said I'he I uiversitv (iroup’s retju»‘st was dented I ridel} said |ohn Webei zoning administrator at the t il\ s building and permit t en tei Idle iecjuest Was haul to justitv tlie\ were reads asking tor a i ode amendment \\ eber said Kecjuests to waive* parking requirements are common, but are granted onI\ undei spei.itic c tit umstanc es. usualK toi hardships lorn to Units, Page* 8 Priest warns of mind control techniques used by cults Subtlety, deception common By lot* Kidd Emerald Reporter News kinds of cults groups tll.il use subtle deieji live te< 1111u|lies to ( olitrol nidi v iduals have replaced oldei larger groups in their efforts to let ruit memlieis saitl I atliei Kent Burtller. t o author of ( nils. Sri fs ant/ thr Veil ,\ge There are groups out there that want to run peoples' lives lor them. Burtller said Mon day in a speech "(lulls in the MIHOs" at the New man ( enter Defining cults as groups that use deceptive means to gain control of peoples lives, Iturtner said groups that range in size from JO to hundreds of people .nr using unrestrained mm i.iI .mil |isvt I10I014it <11 i oer 1 ion to ^.im .mil rfl.iin mnn tiers \\ lull- target linin' well know 11 1 nils sin li .is tile l'mil i .itn 111 ( him li .mil llie I l.ire krislilid Movement have re ill reeled their energies into poll 111 s 01 have 111 si i.i in lei 1 new groups that use ditlerenl lei h nii|iies have emerged he said 1 lei eptivek using melhods that range from subtle personal 11\ tests to extreme attempts at "mind reform. these new 1 tilts "attempt to take awa\ other peoples freedom to make their im n 1 lion es tin them he said t !nIt rei ruilt'is use mildlv de i i'|)l iv i' and interesting tec h 11111ut*s lii hegin \\ illi lif said explaining tli.il thcsf groups must expose tlifir true him Is .mil hflifls m vt-rv sm.ill mi iv ilifiils in urilfi tn lie sm i fsshil '' I h**V (ton t vv.llk up tn Mill .mil s,i\ I vi usf me S|| vvmilil VOU like tn join I1IV cull ? Ilf s.lltl U lifllifi it u .is through .1 siifdti Inlilf stmlv 11 it■<11t.1t 11 > 11 lessons nr .1 weekend eltii It'll t v sfinm.ir must I v pftiplf u md up 111 1 nils liv detaiill. not 11 v t In in f lif s.ud lit- it in 1 1.11 ge group 01 null \ uiii.ilIv .1 i omnitm means nl 1 nt I tic tit mg people is In plat mg a poison in an altered state nl consciousness Hurt tier said Hurtnii tlesta died a 1 onimnn ter Unique used In the (limit li Ill Si ientulugy as .ill example It |it'<>{>11■ In-I omi' interesteil m thf tree personality lasts they iitlri. Ilir\ m.iv .ilsu go mi In take ,i S I ' < ummunii .ilmns ( iniisi' In* s.iHI Hniliicr believes ih.it during this i nurse the inslrtu tors use .1 series i>t exert Ises designed lu rel nliiri e I lieu i 1 inirul over I lie test takers Mill it the I bun h ul St i«-n tology were In tell you riy>lit oil that 7‘i million years ago sp.n e ships tmin miter spate lamleil in \ uli aunt's in Mexit u anil II.1 wail anti that's him hie nut started. 1 limit es are you ivnukln t |nin the group he saul Mill t lie 1 believes many ul these 1 ults want lu gain tutal i nntrnl ut then meiiihers Spiritual ami moi.il guid blither Kent Burtner am r is mu' tiling, hut .iimlliri thing u hrn .1 t.ilh i.untrnls \uu In It IS l|llltl' ig11 hi 11 In • S.llll