_Sports_ Women's streak snapped at ASU I hr ( Jrrrou U tllllrn's basket lull leant h.nl its Imir filin' winning streak snapped Satin na State u ith IH |»lints as tile Sun I Jrvils imprm nl to t ti in the I’,it It). I 1 H nveiall (Iregnn .Pac-10 W omen Stanford Washingtv •' Oregon UCLA California Washington St Arizona St Southern Cal An/on a Oregon st 9 0 8 1 6 3 6 3 5 4 4 5 3-6 2 7 2 7 0 9 A i 19 0 16 2 14 6 1 1 8 13 6 12 7 1 1 8 4 13 9 10 •1 1 H Behind (hopped III II I III l linllMHIll e pl,l\ I I (i l.»V i• 1.111 ()iii«un 11)1(1 .i mi.srr.ihle si•< on l halt slimil i nu .1 sub pathet u Hi pen rut (nun tin* held as I hr Sun 1 tel ils tin ik ‘ ill tl'nlli .i line point h.illtimr lr.nl Id thr I I poinl 1111 In rtn r .it I lir rmi \i i/on.i SI,ilc led nl Is u ilh III ill Irtt m the r.imr Iml the I )ti( hs drew Id w illiin si \ ,il II li l i\ ilh ! IM letl I hr Sim I lev 11s made S1\ nl ei^hl tree throws down the slreli li to pull a will lor I lie u m Seilim i enlel SI.it,line k.i sprrskl e\r II11 d 11 led tile ( lo-enll rtlort making |lisl three 111 II shots Ircim the held on the wn\ In Ipoints Trill,i Mi I art no had l) points, hill u.r. (list loin lor I I from the held ML. Karen () ( onnor I nr the t'.imr ( Jn^mi hit just lH cit i ) stmts tmm tin* tmid ti»i .1 t J 7 shootnu' pen enl.ttfr t )n*i*on tiosts (Itr^iiii Stair ! i idav in Mi \i llitti < uni i .it til p m Vidlak leads matmen over rbu I'lli• ( )regon u lest ling In,nil I .III US SI M s|j|l mi mil III U 1 ll\ II llm weekend w ith .1 22 1 i u hi over l’lirlliind State lrida\ m \li Arthlii (unit .mil .in ims\ It "i win liver Southern Oregon S|,iic in Ashland I ),in Vuilak stai 11-iI I lungs ult Ini (Iriigim u itli ,iii ovitw helm i ng 2 -V 7 win ovet I’ort I,mil SI,ilr s Anatl I as,in,i 1 ,is,iila giil tiin takedown In upt'ii I In ■ mail li. hul il u as all Viillnh at It'l lh.it as tin' I 1M |»iilln< isiou ovei I’.il ( j,nu m the 1 4|iiiiiihI ill v ision I lit' win drew Portland Si,ilc In w fjhin oiii- .il II In ilif I on pound division Oreeons (ii'in'.;r luhnston look ,i loujjh .'luii, n it |oev 11 it I'lT.I to gi\I! I Ilf! I )lll ks ,111 1 I Iv.iii lohnston yol a point in tin' tost period tor ,i stallion i .ill on I lerrer.i .Hid .inolhei in the seeond ten all I'M ,ipe to in.ike it Ml I lei rer.i i>i 'I i*n ns cape in tile third period to at i mini lot the filed score Oregon extended its lead lit I 1 as I all polliniei Dam n (aistalson dei isioned I’at I ttei ol I’nrlland State |(i I ( ,u lal son led 2 altel one peilotl and held on tor the u in Dal) Kussell ol Portland State dei isioned Krii Messner I -I in the Hi pound match In pull the Vikings within 14 In with 111sl three mail lies remaining ( nil -Moduli look a dotalnat mg dei ision civet 1 lanticm 1 rip led i >t Portland Stale In a 10 o si ole !o put l kl'egon ahead III III i nil Strahin led I ii alter one period. 8 1 atti’i two and si . ired I i points lo cruise jo the win lanv ( llauipion ol Portland Slate took the \ dm •• Iasi win ol the meet a • I dei ision mci |oe Kissone at tire PH) pound dii ision I dirtjnpioii w as award Purchase A Giant 16" Pizza any Monday and receive a Free Pitcher of the Beverage of Your Choice!! I)omt st i< Live Music Tuesday and Wednesday!! Party Balls & Kegs Available!! 1 4th 8i Alder 344 447 1 (7*»« I . I iIh) Oprii i II pin ilaily I 11 pm w< • Kvti> cil .1 |iuinl in the third period till I 111' Will ( .1111 Sti.thni look ,i I ' l win ovt‘1 lulni Paul hint's of Pnil I.Illd St.Itn III tile lie,IV \ U (• I‘4111 iii.iti li tu round mil llir mi nt (Iregnit won .ill lint out' of its ill,ill lies against Smillii'ril Ore gnu mi (lie wav to tin- titititin.it mg win Southern Oregon's tilth w in t arttn at 1 .It pounds where fett Marshall dei isioneil I 1.11 I I'll ( .tlHl.lt - til 1 t I I Engine Service 1000 S HcTti'Ki-n Hrt *8 t uqcnc OR 9 /40? One HUu It North of W lllh Nolan Incl Pl,i/a ' S- . • • - 342-3952 =T^ 10% Student Discount The Town Quacker Announces University Housing at tin1 Univer sity of Oregon is now incepting iipplir iition (or the position of ACADf MIC Yi AR 1990-9 I Q(JAl IFICATIONS: Must hr ,1 rr.jul.ir ly rnrollrd stu.lrnt with mprnrni r ,is .1 Rr si Jr nt Assistant or . ornpar dhlr r x (triiriK c .is Jrtrr mineJ hy thr srlrt tion t ommitlrr Must hr avadahlr to •vtuijrnts and .taff duimrj most wr»rkm.jhts MPf ^SA f 1C >!N; SI IK 1 U )N PROCf SS M AM)A !t)in M( | | |M, H „',«! , ( )IIm • ill .n li, •!-)V ? ••hrtMl . ; t ,j! ! f ■ f.. ,M( |. ,K . >! Ih,‘ M [ )l M'l'l It A l It )!NS ' ' - A ! : ! • M, 11! Dut •• ’■ >' ' !!ir. >(>’•: Only 2 positions available \ ; I t ij • » >/ 7*1 >' f .1 f V Aft: ■ •-.tilt r A ' . . • / OCT Bookstore _ _ ■ ■ ' ■ AT 1 ■ 686 4331