Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 05, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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    _Monday In-Depth
Insurance * onlinui'd from Pa«f (>
erv tl.i\ . .111(1 Uir\ re opposed In
t h.it (mandatory msmaiHot
he said 1 i .in I.iki• vim In
tin i lassmom and they 'll only
S.IV Nil we don I u ,mt tllill
\|),ltlictl( stllcIlMlts
Hut (Hark null'd th.it students
have ln't'ii given mam i hunt es
In attend suit: Miirlmgs and
\uii r their opinions "There's
an assumption that students ha
v tin'I hiii'n mvulvi'd in the pro
i css.’ lie said adding that an
other open SI IK meeting is
scheduled tor 2 ill p m tnd.n
in l:\lt I a'litun Kimui A
"I low main mure Inrums i an
we have' \nbodv shows up
( lark said,
Although Noheigall agreed
student apathv is rampant on
i ainpus. he complained that
"die importance nt vv hat's he
ing decided al these meetings
hasn't linen advertised
Ni'bergall also voiced skepli
I ism regarding the v alidity nl
.SI IK : . membership
II (insurance) is m.indatni v
even student will he required
In illi this hv a i outunltee that
was appointed hv Andv he
said, adding that Wvikutf and
A.St'() i omptiotlei Richard
t )llg also sit nil the i ullimittee
What ill it's t Ills 11 ink like ’ lie s
using Ills pul it il al I it III e In at
lei I tills
t dark ivv up. eat n in on SI IK
is simply rat tonal C dark
said. "Whether or not the
health insurant e program is
abolished in il vve keep it oi
whatever happens to it I am le
sponsible tel 11
Nehergall also i lainied lie
had personal misgiv mgs about
( lark s past win k ill the insiii
.mi e industrv
knowledge isn't ntistai le
Hut (dark doesn't believe his
W in k al State lain; should he
considered an ohstai le in se
lls ting a good insurant e plan
'll tin having knowledge til
die insurant e indiistiv and he
ing on the health insurance
i omnuttee is a negative, then
that's i ompletelv up to the pci
son who v iews it that wav. he
said, denying that his intern
ship made him pro industry in
insurant e matters
I'm pro not getting-screwed
hv the industrv I ret uiise the in
dustrv will si revv von with
out hesitation ' ( l.u k added
Creating a 10(1 percent man
Open Mike
Musicians Invited
to Showcase
Their Talent!
V:00|ini In Midnight
\nd\ ('.lark
ilatorv plan would hrsl prntrt I
stmli'iits Irnm insuiint <• uim
p,mirs .mil thi'ii utli'ii disi rim
imitorv polii it". t ll.irk i"i
Miindatiii\ u ith i 1114111 ii
vvaivi’i is nisi pi,iv mg .it tin
filgc nl tin- v\ ili'i vv hi'ii uI- fill
malts jump into this |vv itli .
mandators pi.ml .uni gi't mi tin
I mill i'MiI ul tin- i iisiir.im !■ m
ill 1str\ Inn,iiisf tliu 1 iiivi'isitv
iii Oregon students would H
I'lti'i t In1 tliu insuiiiiii i' l ump.i
uv ' In' s.ml (dark s.ml sin
limits would bn in control o
tin' nioni'v tin- plan would gi'ti
i Miiti*
flit* must impttrlmil hit ini
think is th.it stmifiits rrtmt
t onhnl nl tins program mid lht
moruH th.it i iimi's in thrmitti
tills piu.ipmn. W\t knit s.ml
I In- i ii*lit t«» s nl<*
As ini \rhiMl4*lil mill Mil
r.ih’s, th< \ .mift-d thr must nn
pnrt.int point is th.it stmlrnt
j^t.'t thr ( limit i* In vnlt* nn vv h.il
insurmit r plan thr l mvrrsitv
will liav e tot llir students
\ehci u,.i11 '■•iii I (hi- re. .ill w .is
withdrawn initiallv un tin- slip
ui.itii>11 tli.it til,irk would (mid .1
spei i.d elei turn during I ebru
ar\ In lot Ihi- students vote on
the 11 isi 11.1 in 1' issue Hut lilt*
l.ii k 11I un idi'iil.il Iff (mills to
pul on dii' election .mil llii' id'
sin' In tiiui mil him much
Mill s pi,m is i*oinI* to 1 osl
sludi'ilts i 11Hvilit i*d Xt'berg.lll
to u itlldr.ivv the 11 'i .ill ,in\ w .11
Kighl iniu die ■ 1 .ill is in
Ihe pun ess 1 it being u dhilravv 11
011 two (oiiditinns Nebergall
\\ 1 u .ml Atwh s 1 iminiil
men! lo lull it on die li.illnt m
M,i\ and In put d to .1 si 111 leid
uile and ue umil \ndv .1 urn
indmenl die '.Indent iiealtli m
smam e 1 nimnittee will lie
bound In die vote
II ue 1 all I gel llltise IWii
tilings, dll' IIS all pim ess u ill
go bai h 111 edei I \eliei gall
Although I lark has not in
sweied those 1 t mil it It ills, \e
liergall said lie is em mimgeii
that l .1,11 k is willing lo 1 online
on ale through mediation md
lie hopes thev (all tilid a solo
lion Ini die msmam ptohlein
I talk .aid all he is lookin'.;
I01 Is a wav to relieve the insm
,llti e headat he
It mv lei all is a solution
then I support dial II mv being
out ol oil 11 e is om iinsvvci to
out lie,dill instil am e woes
llieii 1 ern outage that he
said I ’ idol tun.delv I don't
think d is
K Ka Who can you depend on for Iheir in
vJo* depth training, computerized equip
.v, . , ment and work hue ked hy long term
warranties ’ The Masters ol Master
Care, of course
V ' I' i . f * ' t • "
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.f'.J impmvpil fci.'! Sim-.;
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The Making of a
Airborne Training and Combat
in World War II
Edited and with an introduction and epilogue
by William C. Mitchell
Foreword by Theodore A Wilson
By Kurt Gabel
I In th<- i!t- icily c.ombal if
World War II U-:. Ameru an
soldiers equaled the fear
it ss ijallantry .>f the men A
the Army s airbc>rne divi
sions One such paratroop
or as Kurt Gabel, and the,
Vi is his story a tale of cour
L* a1111 i ■ imradeship and re
lentiess determination in
the face of battle A German Jew who emigrated
to the U S in 1938. he joined the r>Uth Regiment
of the 1 7th Airborne Divim :>n in 1943 and fought
against his former countrymen at the battle of
the Bulge His memoirs recall grueling days of
basic training and jump school • where only the
toughest survived and convey with rare immcdi
acy the terrible reality of combat
This is the best and clearest a ount of airborne
training and combat in World War II Kurt Gabel
was a remarkable soldier His absorbing memoirs
show why American paratroopers fought so well
against a tough enemy I recommend this book
not only to the veterans who shared his ordeals
but also to World War II buffs
John Toland
Pulitzer Prize winning ,mthor of Rising Sun and
Hattie The Story of the Bulge
NOW 20% OFF!
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