Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 05, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Beisser says New Zoo needs more interest, volunteers
B\ K>m (lilhoolv
E merald Reporter
\lthough NVh /no events
have enjoved six years of sin
iess m Kugene and Springfield
by altrai ting more than .'ll OOP
people. Hob lieissei said the m
ganizatinn needs to generate
i ontinuing interest to keep it
sell alive
"’[‘he onl\ wav we re going
to tin n the w ihllite problem
around is to have a grass-roots
reawakening ot values and a
shifting ot priorities. Meissei
said lollluler of the non profit
edor at ional org.ini/.ation
"()ur si a iet \ is bet oming in
i reasinglv urhanized and re
mined from nature and that's
part ot the reason ur don't
think of animals. Iteisser add
ed "We've gotten so fai re
moved that thin 're pist not a
part of our realitv
I he \e« /.oil otters the pul)
lie a chant e to interai I hands
on w till animals and learn more
about them through exhibits
designed to heighten pubiii
awareness about the destrut
111111 of wildlife habitat. Ueissei
Event marks sixth year and 20,000 visitors
lieisser (minded I In- \™ /(in
in l out In i (inm• he n .iiiifil tu
turn people on to n.ilure
lieisset wants the New /.mi In
liec nine ,m .11 liv ist organization
thill will keep the ule.i ot
wildlife I ousel ration ill the
puhln eve and work to re
\ erse the trend ol dei lining
wild animal populations lie
said the \ew /.oo is a pilot pro
gram that could lie replnated
in t oirnnunities ,n mss the na
lion. and is in the pnu ess ot
drafting letters to national oi
gani/.ations to puhln i/.e the
t he Pino \ew /oo was held
at Island Park in Spiingfield
and tealured a ( nilgai pro\ ided
hv letri Raines ol Ktigene a
vvuli front Unit llaven in
I maim \\ ash an elephant
from the U ildlile Salati in
southern Oregon a bl.n k heal
i uh from Wildlife linages in
( Iranis Pass, amphibians Iroiti
the Oregon I lei pelolngn id So
i let\ and \ ai mils buds Irom tin
U lllametle U ildlile Kesi lie ami
M,m\ "I (hr animals have
been iiijiircil .uni .nr being re
habilitated lor i • 'i nl n ■< I lit linn to
tin- wild m urc simply too
(lillltagcd to SIIIAIVI- oil till'll
own and i an iir I’lti'i live edn
i .itiuii.il tools Heisscr said
Heisscr said I lit* (unit is
unique her ause main . 'I tin- an
iinals are mn’ant’d which ''ii
i mirages .1 ' hands on nxpi’ti
t*rn t* vv dll tin1 [iiililn
l llere s ri al v .line ill ,n tmil
k set'tug tin' ainiiial t.n •' to
I,n e Hcissit said It ,i pci son
can’t see the animal alive then
its (list .1 (ill t III II .1 III II ik ill
on I \ and it s mmchiiu iss
real ”
Heisscr said the New /.(Hi tin
I 'I' III is lenlat IV el V si lied li lei t
loi May > and n and is m need
ot v(ilnnteeis to piovnle in
miiiiitv outre,ii li equipment
set n 11 alii I sei i i :!' !m I lie
event Ueisser encouraged loi al
servile oi aaill/.atiliils to get ill
v ol v ed ad. ling I hat tile k ivv an
is ( lull sponsors the New /on
( (mlinucd from I’.ik*' I
urging nt triends who had been
hearing him 11• 11 jokes tor wars
Sim a tlion. ! lug has hauled
Ins worn wllou nowspaper dr
liven beg lull of jokes and
hum|trr s|u kers (reading Ini
peat h Hush and "Impeai h
(Jua\ le I' i 1st'' | along I till A vr
line where he otters passers In
the rare and dlstmit pleasure
ol huvillg the world's tunnies!
joke hooks
"rm not getting rule hut 1
pa\ im rent and ev en thing
lie savs, adding th.lt lie does
not have any need loi large
sums ot monel
1 get what I need to pal nil
rent and eat and ot i asionulll
go to a movie or a liar. he
sal s frog's innsit al tastes
range from hlues. jazz, i lassi
t ill, reggae bltiegrass and even
I tir S t eat h. I rog otters set
ol different toilet t unis ot new
and toilet tetl Hikes Ills most
retent book / lias a /er/r \gr
/'rog. was published m Novem
her ot last year
I rog plans to print his next
book l'hr /irgu/gifa/rd / rog
tins spring in time tor the re
opening of the outdooi Sat11r
dal Market in April
I fog boasts that Ills juke
hooks contain "politii.al jokes
11nmi) jokes, sit k anti tasteless
jokes (indeed I'lir Hrgurgltu/rt/
/ rog ii ill feature a Irog on the
rover throwing up), religious
I __ |
i „ 1
, Hours: |
f Mon.-Sat. *
1 10am-6pm *
I —— |
« 726-9176 -
I 1124 Main St. "
* Springfield #
jokrs. drunk )okrs, lawvrr jokrs
I in* onl\ kmtis ot jnkrs you
won’t find in Ins hooks, hr
says ,ir»* rut ist and srxist jnkrs.
Iirt ausr * neither kind art* inn
i rog has .i gre.it mrmor\ ini
jokrs Sitting on a hrnt h in
Tavlor s hr tors uti on t lie
"Him many F.ugrnr residents
dors it takr to t hange .1 light
hulh ’ ()nr hundrrd one to
sc.rrw in thr hulh and ‘in to up
ply lor thr joh
"What’s thr mutter v\ ith poll
tic td jokrsv Too main get r|e< t
ll.ivr you hoard of /.sa /sa
(iahor’s new perfume'* It s
t ailed I rlon\ N on slap it on
Krt rnt urrks have found
I rug himsrlf in hot watrr w ith
Iot a! poller Frog was arrrstrd
fan l a ehurgod with tonsum
mg ah ohol on an unlit.onset!
proinisu.s (ho I (III .mil Km
i .ml strool i nr no i lli.il serves as
Ins jil.u i* ol Imsmrss must .111»■ i
I to \\ .is .llsu ( 11 oil I ol Ollt K lilt
solh ding on puhln 111u|iortv .1
1 hurgo th.it ho is 1 miuntlv i on
lusting 111 court
"Ttioro s more prussuru tlioso
(i;i v s.' ho said I hough I mg
.iilinils to having li.iiI .1 horn on
thu stroot ho insists ho w.is not
1 .iiisiug .ms ono .ms proh
loins' .uni is hoing harassed
I l.ul I boon .ins ono s\ ith
short h.ur or .1 s uppio 11ho .11
rusting otliior) nosoi ssouhl
ll.is o 001110 os 01 ho s.ml
Hut I log in.is Ini so li.nl tho
l.isl I,nigh 1 ho pulilu its lh.it
lollossoil his .most ss .is good
lor business
A lot ol pooplo 10.id about
tb.it and < .11110 up to 1110 I sold
a lot ot books that das I hure s
humor 111 that
Oregon West
6am 11pm 485*
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1475 Franklin Blvd
Across from Campus
in liortnit »•
\ Iiru r \ ': i I 11. .n 11)« |! I 1
1 M'M) will h U . I • .'HI «lrt« II rsf.1
tion ns .1 global problem .mil
will slrrss ilit* in.i)or roll* Inrrsts
pln\ in i hm.itf • oiulitions
llmssfi s.nd llr s hnpt’tlll thr
h'llls 111 C.IUM' prnplr to t.ikr
an »h t i\ »• rolr in ilrsigning tin*
tithin' Hi’ismt is hosting
wrrklv mtTtiru;s In mu ouniv;r
voluntrrf support Ini I hr \ru
/.cm s .mmi.il i f'lehratmn .inti
hnprs In 11 lit I .1 vpoup of prnplr
will I MV’ In makr prison, il s.u
i iIh rs in makr things happrn
lirlssri r|l( aMVOUr
i iltr | cnIi'i I in t||«* \ r \\ /on .t tit I
wiliihtr ptrsm vation to i all
i t-’ K lh*i f*n more information
f fer only ioort -
'.' V. i me! m
1511 l incoln
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' I|». I iiw f |(. XI I will 1 : OHitiir t'« ijmi'f.i • Kj*
We have ,i new futon ami new lower
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some old care ami craftsmanship that
you've come to exjxs t from Northwest
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