Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 05, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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JUST *2.95
6:00pm 'til closing
Dancing and Music
Kun Wed., Fri.,
and Sat. night!
A Grand *
Finale jf
For Any
After o hard doy s work or
for o quiet end to o speciol
evening—come to Omen
Relax your mind os you
gaze up ot the stors Pamper
your weary muscles in a tub
of worm rushing woter
Unwind and enjoy—any night
of the week
To*<ng 'eservotion* until 11 30
pm weekdovn until 12 Ab
w«*e^encH Coi' 34$ 9046
1663 Garden Ave Eugene
At TRACK TOWN PIZZA, you buy the pizza and we
buy the Pepsis. Every Monday we’re giving away two
medium Pepsis with every small, medium, large, or
giant pizza purchase. (Valid in-house and on delivery.
Valid with TRACK TOWN coupons. Valid Monday
only.) So call TRACK TOWN and enjoy the quality
pizza and free Pepsi. After all,
Why settle for less . .
than the BEST!?!
1809 Franklin Blvd. 484“2799
• I \ pt'M’ttmg
• I’jsti'-l p I ayout
• [ )esign consultation
• PM I VI ranspareni ies
... . 686 4381
I niversit>
Lecture focuses on
contemporary cults
mi i 11\(;s
Im iilrnt.il I it (ommiltre
will IIii t ! ftiesdav ,it 4 !0 |i III
ill | \H l i nt ill \ Ruiun \
Stuilrnt Health Insunim r
( (miniliter w ill Hin t ti n i,i\ .11
til p in in I Ml I • • lit111 \
Room A
KKM\ ( ainpux Kudin will
nut lllrrl this w rrk
_Kt a Is_
|cw nli Stuilrnt t' n ion will
h<1111 its vverklv meeting tonight
.it i III 111 I \ll Sllltr i Ihl!
group will discuss < ontinuing
and luluir |inijri Is and all arc
writ nmr
SIM \KKKN \\l) 1,1 I I I Kl s
I atlirr Knit Hurtnrr will
speak about culls in tin' 1't‘lOs
tonight at 7 at I hr Neuman
< u'lltri . 1 H it! 1 Iiii't aid St Re
lirshilirnts will lir sen rd
l\TI,K\ II \\S
I lie following organizations
will In- ItnIdinVs interviews on
i ampus (s 111 in 111 bids lm intri
virus tn Room Ml Hendricks
tod.i\ through rlniisdav ):
• I rli 1 (I ( antas ( a ii p >• roil 11
Itiri'lmg, 1 rli 1H at I. p in in
IMT t rdai nmills A and B
fohnsihi lohnsiiii (smtiinei
sales Intel iisliipl
(lira! West I lie Insula lice ( o
lai i mint representative)
Premier I astrnei ttort ilnl'V
superv isor)
• 1 r!) 21) Bavin II i i i I |. altll
i air ( ni p I’hai masral div ision
(stall ai i militant I
I S Buildup (management
training program < tnnmrrc ial
loan 11Mining progi am MBAi
group meeting. 1 eh *i at
N III p in in I All ’ ( mini Kinmi
KUSS Heme ( .11 | s.l it’s |
(linliis l Imp see I eh l‘i
• I rli J I In' Hi nHI l . | >
Is.,ilrs representative)
Standard Insurant e (!u (sales
represeutativ e)
1' S \rim and An Inn e IA
t liange Servil e (retail store
manager food ai tivitv nianag
el I
Naster Hill I iealtht are ( orp
see ! eb JO
• I elp i
dm turn management trainee)
group meeting. I cl) at H
P in in Ki mill _*:r I lentil a ks
Koadw a\ i \pjess. Im iassis
taut dm k siipervi
sui management trainee)
1 lilted relepliuue ( In ot the
Northwest ! slat! ai i . HI nt
ant assistant stall spei nil
ist assistant network plan engi
neei assistant ( )SH engineer)
\\ all.ii a ( ompiitei Servii es
Ini (ai ( minl repiesentath e)
group meeting I i'l) i at h p m
in the I Ml \\ .limit Room
• I I’ll. 22 I Sl) \ Idlest Servile
(eompiitei specialist peisiimitsl
management uthers).
• I-i'll. 211 I i iln I .av I in (11111
iluctinn superv i
snr ni.iuiit.il tilling manage
Its \ | | in (system ana
lysl sv sti'in mini
ni'iT programmi'r)
Mari pi is.i ,x Savannah Stores
(assistant manag
i’l 11i.in.ivii• 1111■ 111 11amct’l
()i I ii i ’ til tin’ I nspei tiu ( Muei
al I s |)«*p«ii t mmil ol ( Mm
mi'ii c (amlitiir).
U nils I .111411 Hank llinnni lal
I SI )A lot e sl Snrv ni‘ si r
I i’ll 22
Vt )l l \ I I I KS
I ln' Inllnuing volunteer up
portimitirs and others are av ail
able through tin' \ ulnnti'i'i
I Mnnet tinn li!t t ‘10(111
• Hi;.; 11 n 11111 ■ 1 Ini; sistei 111 It 1 • In
five limns a vvri'k tin Hi'tlli'l
( aimmuuilv I’als
• Int.ik 1 spri ialist. two hum's a
i\ I'ck Im ( al In il ii ( Mmmunitv
Survit us ut I.anr ( Muutv 111
vulvas assisting appliranis in
((mil box pun ess i 1 v tilling mil
Imms vv itli < hunts
• l llllil 1 .lli vv in kn t 111 it
limns pur vveuk Im Hrullirun
Housing involves leading 1 rail
pinjei ts and 1 it 111-t at liv itius Im
i hildiun ut homeless families
• ( • » till i'U Ill'll 1 s pul VVu.'k,
Im ( 111 1 ill (inn', Im . a tlav 1 arc
1 ulltul with suivhus dirut tud
Itivv aril low 1111 nine lamilius
MISt I l.l \\I ( H s
I*.ml .mil K.i\ Hut knrr \\
hold .in arl upr’inn^ lomt-’hl .it
m the* 1 \lt Art t..111*• i \
K.i|> \\ ith th«- Kablii
hr hr hi tod. is .it t: JO p ill in
i Ml? C rut m s K<huh 1
I)rm<n talii I mum
held tod.is it ! p m at | H A
Restaurant. uono.ikst Rami\
\h ! )t Ml.lid S\ 11 j hi1 thr spr.ikri
1 urn h is opttonal
llemllim lor submitting ft
• //s ti i lin- K moral d h 'it dt'sk
I \ If Suill' uhi is noon the </.#\
before fHlhllt ,ition I t uls Hill
thr ilu\ ol thr e\ent unless thr
event m i m s lu'ton• noon
I’lruse submit I t uls the du\ be
Ion• they are to run only \
h(t*s ot 1‘vrnts with u dun,ition
or iidnussiun i hut Ltr \\ ill not be
ui i epted
1 Dance, Dance, Dance |
Campus Headquarters for
quality active wear
■ Ballet Shoes
■ Jazz Shoes
■ Aerobic Shoes
■ Leotards & Tights
City Sweats
Dance Studio & Retail Activewear
877 E. 13th Ave.
Euqene. Oregon