Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 05, 1990, Page 18, Image 30

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Continued from page 17
Study is another source designed to help
graduates with the relocation decision
Thomas P Thompson, director of
research for the study, rated .T29 loca
tions on nine quality-of-life factors,
including the arts, climate, crime, eco
nomic outlook, education, health care,
housing and transportation. Cities wore
grouped and judged by population size
Thompson also assigned each city a
composite rank According to his study,
the best places to live include: New York
City (greater than 1 million population).
Albaii v Schenectady Troy, N Y. (250,000
1 million), Lafayette, La. (100,000
250,000) and Midland, Texas (under
Studies like Thompson's may become
more important as greater numbers of'
students decide to move to take jobs.
Colette Dollarhide, l' of Nevada. Reno,
career planning and placement coordi
nator, estimated that between 40 and 60
percent of I'NK's 1989 graduates relo
cated out of state.
James Henry, assistant director at the
C of Kansas placement center, cited
even larger numbers “It appears that
the vast majority of students who report
positions have relocated for the first job
Approximately 70 to 80 percent of last
vear's graduates who reported accepting
positions took them outside the local
metropolitan area," he said
Lentz said, “Students limit themselves
by not relocating. That's why self-assess
ment is so very important. I tell st udents
'Know thyself, because you may limit
your possibilities, but if the possibility is
in Minneapolis and that's not an area
where you’re going to be happy, it doesn’t
"A student needs to ask himself what
he values most in life. If he can honestly
say it’s his family, then he probably
shouldn’t move. But if he says, This is an
opportunity 1 never expected and a great
opportunity for growth. I’ve never lived
anywhere else, here’s a chance to experi
ence a new culture, a new city, a new cli
mate,’ then he should consider it."
Ragland recalled one student Citicorp
relocated who made the decision based
on religious preference. A Mormon, he
attended an Eastern school, but found
the Denver office attractive because of
its proximity to Utah.
Arizona State U. Career Services
Director Jean Eisel encourages students
to find out about the city by taking all
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the visits their potential employer offers.
In addition, she advises students to get
in touch with the city’s chamber of com
merce and subscribe to the Sunday
“I also encourage students to contact
the alumni association ifthey don't know
anyone in the area. It helps them to have
a base and know there are some people
who have had similar experiences,” Eisel
Alumni can help with apartment
searching as well, and Eisel recommends
tapping into the available-housing list
ings at a nearby university.
"It's so important that students look
into these things before they move.” Eisel
said “Studies show that in a year and a
half, 50 percentof people leave their first
position. Ifthey don't properly evaluate
themselves and the position, that’s what
wall happen.”
A successful protest . . . Central
Intelligence Agency representa
tives cut short a recruiting visit at
Temple IJ. after about 35 student
protesters disrupted their meeting.
Students from various organiza
tions entered the room where rep
resentatives were interviewing
prospective employees, and began
chanting anti-CIA slogans into a
bullhorn. The representatives left
quickly, walking down eight flights
of steps rather than taking the ele
vator. University officials, who
thanked the protesters for keeping
the demonstration peaceful, said
they would meet to decide if the CIA
would be allowed to return to cam
pus. ■ Ellen Cohen, The Temple
News. Temple U.
■ ■■
A private meeting ... Representatives
from the CIA in November met
behind closed doors with about 45
U. of Washington students to dis
cuss employment opportunities
The visit was the CIA’s first after a
self-imposed one-year absence from
the campus spurred by large
protests in 1987. The protests were
led by Students Against U.S.
Involvement in El Salvador. “The
CIA is a legitimate potential
employer," said Peter Eddy, person
nel representative for the ('LA. "The
student applicants appear to be
excellent candidates for the posi
tions we are looking for.” Students
emerging from the meeting refused
comment. ■ Karl Braun, The Daily,
U. of Washington
Sit-in . . . Members of the U. of
Pennsylvania’s Progressive
Student Alliance in November
staged a sit-in protest against CIA
recruiting on campus. Group mem
bers performed a skit ridiculing the
CIA near the campus building
where recruiters were interviewing
students. Alliance member Walt
Tunnessen said, “Our university
condones terrorist activities by
allowing the Central Intelligence
Agency on this campus.” University
officials would not let Alliance
members in to see the recruiters
despite requests. «Amy Silverman,
The Daily Pennsylvanian, U. of