Letters Magic I or those u ho iet’l 1 li.it lo\ e is irr.iliotl.tl, here is a new an gle love is neither ration,il not in at lonal While looking at ' rat tonal and irrational as opposite sides ol a i oin toss that i oin It that I oil) lining tossed is to de i ule w he tiler love is rat ional in irr.itional then the coin would laud straight up on its edge and roll around endlesslv It s mag ii N iill see ' 1 ove i an not he re dm ed to being rational ot inn tional hei ause it is something magii al I surf hupf everyone is Irving to be greater magn tans than lo gii Ians (.Iaerne ( Sanilell Sludent Effort I \ ervone seems to be upset about pa\ raises tor ( ham elloi Ilium.is Hart left ami I'residenl \ I vies Hr.imi riii- I'i gu re trom I bins \lu hael \ ermei'rsi b s li t ter {01)1 |an ."I! gave a S > »•(>(! raise tin liraml Ibis \ e,u I don't know the details, but it seems to me tll.lt tin' dllti'i t*iu i» hrtvvrrn a ( . I I and .1 um \‘Tsif\ prrsuirnt is rxtrruirh vast \Vln*ii .1 prison lias sprnt JO nr ,10 \rars of thru hfr unjkmg up in hivjh positions mh h as a imi\rrsil\ prrsidrnt tlu* salary sin mh! rrl 1»*t I this Mavhr prnplr arm I auarr nj (hr work ami thr stress in volvrd with Brands jnh \ta\hr I hr \ should look min thr amount of rtlort it lakrs t*» hr hr,id of a lal^r stair umvrrsits and thru 1 nnsuhi u hat S * 000 rralls miMiis ( ath\ Knnsrlla I Utfriir _Letters Policy The Emerald will attempt to print all letters contain ing comments on topics of interest to the University community. Comments must be factually accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the character ot others. Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is submit ted. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON vVeli 1 must ve* .(hey' i>r\( e 7, . . i Y stomped a matador / fftct >v**h matador . > ) twenty feet [ a»r i. ";t T7/' . I .iriii *Her >}Or«-ii t*o ^ \\ 9‘C Zdor S 1 8oy. you )■ rfvrr IV'rtr.V Wyonr " Vv^\t oi wrr Bullknitters i iiiiiiiitii nun ODE • L «' iiiiiiiiiHiiiiiimiimiiMHiiiii Recycle I This Paper SELF-SERVICE FIRST | COPIES wo. i 8/2x11 While j Tlic Copy Shop K.JI 539 /:. 13th 485 6253 j V. The 1989 5th Nationally University of Oregon Men’s Volleyball Team vs. The 1989 AA Regional Champions Downtown Athletic Club Men’s Club Volleyball Team Wfd t rb 7th 7pm. .it M.n ( mut I ickets $2.00 i.i . ! > \II I m Uu : .. 1 .< Club sr.,.f . / un.h'hj Oi'vfinn Hails _ _ Emerald I’ I * »i- • • I - > » ... . .. > ‘I ' J" 1 ■ml . .r ! M ■■ ■ 1, hi Da t« Uu- f t Cular.it l.J . . . f I I : !■,) . I n,.i9r {.'..{..-My The i.nUwfu t (lltor ' . M.in.iyuK) f dilof f ditofi.il f diloi Giaphu •. Fditor t MCOf© k dilor News { dtlor Sports l ditor Supplements Ntgh! f diloi „hfijjjhftf Rr.iif iU' l * Thomas A-.soci.Hf f ditor*. Community 1 Student Go»pininen| Activilies Higher f duration Admimstr ahon features Reporters Photograph© r s ' Advertising V Produc lion r •' . ■ ■ ' General sum Advertising Direi tor Assistant !o the Publisher Production Manager V Advertising i oordm.iloi Classified M.im.kjim Accounts Him eiViible Circulation Newsroom Cl.is si lied Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Services 686 liSM 68h 4 14 ! b«h \!U 686 1J81 r®tring 34.99 ROTRING 4 PEN STAINLESS SET ■ ' AVt SU 00" 879.JM) ROTRING 4 Pf N TUNGSTEN Sf T ** 1 GAVE $40 00" •SI 12.00 ROTRING 8 PFN TUNGSH N 5L I SAVE S68 OC" swi: o\ iHYLAIC .111(11 t U»r!E Utl AM UAL 3G"x5yd.. $20.80 «s i.m 30“x20yd...$55.95 .r8t> n. MNGI [ UAt II Url All AMI 36"x5yd.. $23.35 i. • 10 DOUHlf UAHl MVIAH 3UL 36"x5yd...$22.05 ^». • 9 SCT ElJTLtR $71.99 STAFDTLtn 7 PEN JEWEL SI T **g ’'•00 SAVE $106 00" •.All i lU'tl n To •.To* * >♦< IXHD OI*l \ EVENINGS ami WEEKENDS ■ in' i s i iicsr! G03-2787 77C East 13th, Eugeno UpltOa'S *\ I'HI SftUh F Arruhf OwUl nQ n 30 7 00 Monday F i,Jay 10 00 ' M> CaitMdjy 1? 00 S M Sunday * IMJNDCRLANP * .HI Af f OH PAHTIf S AND BlHTMOAVS 5CVI0E0 T GAMES admission 5TH STRUT PUllir MARKt l * fucmt . 68 J 8»b4 •1 50 Fas! Convenient Relating Affordable SunShower on campus «•» mi - ini •» » ►» •«*« •