^ 1 U. Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships • See application page 15 MEMOREX MARKETING AWARD In recognition of outstanding students in marketing, Memorex presents a $1,000 Marketing Scholarship To be eligible, the applicant must have: • Minimum 3.2 GPA • Potential to excel in all aspects of marketing • Financial need Memtek employees and their families are ineligible for this award. ® TOYOTA Scholarship Award Will be presented to a student who demonstrates outstand ing academic excellence in any recognized field of study. The $1,000 Award will be used to further the excellence achieved in the student's undergraduate career. REQUIREMENTS 1) A minimum 3.2 GPA 2) A combination of excellence in the classroom, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. 3) Financial need Toyota employees and their family members are not eligible. r \ In search of excellence Oldsmobile offers a $1,000 LIBERAL ARTS S C H 0 L A R S H I P to an outstanding student who meets the follow ing criteria: • Minimum 3.2 GPA • Outstanding academ ic record and potential for excellence outside the classroom • Financial need (iM, Oldsmobile employees and their family members are not eligible for this scholarship. V J A $1,000 Scholarship will be presented to a student enrolled in the Army ROTC program who excels in the classroom and as a member of the ARMY team. Requirements: • Minimum GPA: 3.2 cumulative • Enrolled in Army ROTC program • Participation in student activities • Demonstrated record of community service • Not open to students currently holding an Army ROTC scholarship Deadline: March 31. ltftH). Use application form on opposite page. ANHEUSER-BUSCH COMPANIES present a Humanities Scholarship in the amount of Si.000 to an outstanding stu dent in the Humanities, lit be eligible, the stu dent must hare a minimum f 2 grade point average, demonstrate outstanding achievement in the classroom and field studies, and show financial need. Anheuser Buseh employees and their families are ineligible for this award. SOCIAL SCIENCES SCHOLARSHIP presented by Genuine Draft A $1,000 scholarship is available to an outstanding student who demonstrates exceptional ability in any of the social sciences. 7 he award is available to students meet ing the following criteria: • Minimum 3.2 Grade Point Average • Exceptional academic record • Financial Need • Potential for leadership in your field Employees of Miller Brewing Company and their fami lies are not eligible for this award THE T.S. MARINE CORPS PROUDLY OFFERS A $1,000 SCHOLARSHIP REQI J1REMF.NTS: • Ml ST BE A MEMBER OF II11 PIAIOON liADFRS (IASS, NK( (It MARINI OPTION, OK MFiEP • MINIMI M (.PA: 3.0 < l MlTIATIVE • 1 >EM( INSTRATED RECORD OF COMMUNITY SERVICE • OPEN TO AFRK AN AMERK -AN OR HLSPANIC APPI KANT'S Marines The Few The Proud. The Marines. Platoon Leaders Award